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Warning about Opportunity...

Discussion in 'Archives' started by TAP123, May 4, 2014.

  1. They

    They New Member

    Jan 20, 2014
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    The charges you say should be given were the exact ones until the Sai decided to attack me. At that point Onyx helped me, and all three leaders of Opportunity decided to pardon him.

  2. They

    They New Member

    Jan 20, 2014
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    Sai... He is not allowed to enforce the law, and knock people out when the idea suits him. We pardoned him because he helped me stop you. If you had not over reacted, he would be in jail. As is, and as I stated earlier, talks on banning chemical and biological weapons are under way.

  3. techno_spider

    techno_spider New Member

    Feb 7, 2014
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    Uh... Can we still keep nano viruses? Does that count as a biological weapon?
    - Irontide
  4. TAP123

    TAP123 New Member

    Jan 5, 2014
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    Well good, too bad it wasn't thought of in the first place, maybe I'd still be a citizen then!
  5. They

    They New Member

    Jan 20, 2014
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    We didn't know he had them. And maybe if you had cooperated instead of attacking me, you would still be a citizen too.
  6. Keycross

    Keycross -Insert title here-

    Mar 31, 2014
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    Amazing how much fuss about one single attack, not going to decide who's the one plucking feathers since I don't know what happened, except finding Sai unconscious that day and bringing him over hospital with some help. Everyone who believes this requires so much attention, come visit Liberty Mills anytime! You will have plenty of them to fly at! (Just saying, local bar has been already closed two times due to extreme damage, and there's plenty of skyes around like that).
  7. Izzida

    Izzida New Member

    Feb 3, 2014
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    I would like to state that we do have a due process to handle complaing with the security system as well as our local laws. If you had filed a complaint like a normal person it would have been open ont he forums for all residents to discuss and if there is a general consensus you could have already made a different. But you chose to put yourself above our laws and agreed upon systems, which no one else has complained about yet, and brought your own little gang to initiate a battle instead. That's not how things get done around here, and you ended up verbally attacking someone who not only no longer help a position to make those changes but never could have on their own. Ria isn't throwing rules left and right without getting them passed through several other people and discussed by the residents for approval. Your vigilante attempts to 'liberate' us from her 'dictatorship' only ended up making your ban permanent. If you'd gone through the appeal process you could still be a resident. Sorry we crushed your delusion that you'd come in, stand against her like an army and we'd magically let you be our security chief despite your blatant disrespect for our laws and processes. All you did was show exactly why you could never hold that position and why we don't want people like you here in Opportunity.

    We provide a safe, peaceful place for our residents to live under rules put in place to keep them safe. Our security force is small but efficient and we do fairly well for ourselves despite our size. We're not as big and influential as other colonies but we have honest intentions and are welcoming to all who can stay within a few rather lenient laws, compared to most places. But if that's not the kind of place you want to live in then by all means go live somewhere else. For those who seek a peaceful life we're always here, and your little campaign to slander us won't stop that. Opportunity has stood through much worse then you Sai.

    -Izzida Von
  8. Izzida

    Izzida New Member

    Feb 3, 2014
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    I don't know much about biological weapons but I'm going to say definitely get rid of those.
  9. Weavle105

    Weavle105 Back in Black.

    Jan 17, 2014
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    Adding this to the reasons to kill Sai... In all seriousness though, call me bias (I will completely admit I am in his case) but I've noticed that if it's an issue that's someone/something against Sai, he's generally the problem causer, or the one who just fuels the issue and pisses everyone off even more than they already are. Beyond that, he has no respect for rules and is almost as volatile as I admittedly can be.

    In other news, Terra.
    You're in no position to be talking about ethics.
  10. TAP123

    TAP123 New Member

    Jan 5, 2014
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    All I'm going to say here is that the law is something you, Ria, and Shellton hold up, and because my standing in the colony has gone down and none of you consider me a friend or even a civilian anymore, you're using the law as method to kicking me off at will.

    This helps validate my point, the law can be played and twisted time and time again. There's 'due process' as you speak of, but no court session, no proper judge or jury, just you, Ria, and Shellton... oh and Nate, mind you, where is he by the way? Isn't this a valid call to action for him? His attitude when he showed up at our confrontation seemed to communicate enough. I bet he'll comment here saying something about how I'm some scumbag, how this is a waste of time, how Opportunity isn't a bad place since he's in charge. Or he might not care to respond.

    You think I'm bad, you think I bullied you and caused a lot of hell for you. Just wait, something else might happen, something bad, and you might not be able to just kick the next threat off your planet without having something big explode in your face. Hopefully I'm the last line of trouble for everyone at Opportunity. If my friends wish to stay there, I hope they can live in peace and not have to run into issues like this.

    I'm moving on from this, my warning still stands until Opportunity changes for the better.

    *Edit* Who am I kidding, while I'm not allowed in Opportunity anymore I can still criticize. Look at their rules page. http://community.playstarboundrp.co...rtunity-building-regulations.2634/#post-42645 . I broke the bounty rule before it even existed, and the rules I broke with this issue didn't warrant a ban. I only got banned because they agreed, despite the rules they enforce, that they don't want me there anymore.

    IS this a community you'd want to live in?
    #50 TAP123, May 4, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: May 4, 2014
  11. They

    They New Member

    Jan 20, 2014
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    Nate doesn't have to comment for someone to call you a scumbag because you are. You threatened to kill me, you destroyed your friendship and betrayed a man who saved your life, you manipulated, lied to and blackmailed people to try and get your way. You threatened people who were minding their own business with a gun, and when you didn't get your way you decided to slander a community, filled with your so called friends. You claim your cause is noble, but your actions show you're a power hungry, paranoid man, who considers himself above the law, because you "Were here first." I also love how much you say you care about Opportunity, yet you abandoned it for months. You say Sat is your friend, yet you say he is corrupt and stupid, You say I'm corrupt, that Sat and Izzy are corrupt, based one encounter when you didn't get your way. Sai, I highly suggest you take a step back and take a look at yourself, and even seek professional help. You're poisoning yourself. Sat, Izzy, and I did not take away your home, you did, and now you're just looking for someone to blame.

    No matter what you do Sai, Opportunity will survive. As Izzy said, we have survived worse, including the destruction of our entire planet. The people here are strong, loving, and passionate, and you will never change that.

    I extend an invitation to all galactic citizens, join us, and you will be treated fairly, with respect, and as a friend. This place has given many people a second chance, a chance at peace and safety. That is what we as a people stand for, and what we will always stand for.

    -Ria fletcher
    Security Advisor
  12. TAP123

    TAP123 New Member

    Jan 5, 2014
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    Well Miss Fletcher, all I can say is it takes two to tango. All posturing aside, maybe you should have gotten to know me better, maybe I should have gotten to know you better. But that doesn't matter. I'm a 'bad guy' like everyone of you wants to believe. Hey, I'm fine with that. Hell, I'll embrace it. Universe, I'm a delusional crazed individual who is far worse than slavers or kidnappers or torturers or even serial murderers. I am far more threatening with my attitude and hostile tone because I don't stand for bullshit. I've done some bad things here, but so have these people, and that's all that's left to be said and done.
  13. They

    They New Member

    Jan 20, 2014
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    I don't hate you Sai, I don't think you're a bad guy, I think you're misguided, a little paranoid, and yes, a jerk. I think you go to extremes and don't think things through. I think you enjoy seeing yourself as the victim, the underdog fighting tyranny even where it doesn't exist, but I don't see you as a bad guy.
  14. TAP123

    TAP123 New Member

    Jan 5, 2014
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    Well... can you do me a favor and take it easy on Shellton? I don't think it's right for things to hinge on relationships from what I've seen. Shellton wasn't in the know how about my plans, and he did his job by escorting me off the planet.
  15. Weavle105

    Weavle105 Back in Black.

    Jan 17, 2014
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  16. Liraxus

    Liraxus New Member

    Jan 21, 2014
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    We've already apologized to Shellton, he's all right.

    -Sativa "Noah" Oran
  17. Lavinda

    Lavinda New Member

    Jan 12, 2014
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    Shit happened, got fucking pissed.
    Had a good time reading this garbage.

    Whenever you kiddies are done, gimme a call, I got a hella-ton more vodka in this joint!

    -Drunk Lavinda-
  18. Izzida

    Izzida New Member

    Feb 3, 2014
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    I'd like to point out that as opportunity's communications representative holding this conversation is more my job then Ria or Nate's, who you pointed out has yet to show. There's no reason for him to be involved in this situation he was security chief after this occurred and it's my field to handle complaints and matters of public relations.

    I assure you Shellton will be alright. You put him in a bad spot not telling him what you were doing, yours his friend, but we're also his friends and we'll forgive him. We'd have forgiven you too but it's obvious now that won't happen.

    I'm sorry Sai, I hope you don't get yourself hurt out there. But I would like to formally put an end to this conversation and we can continue our lives. I'm sorry you made the mistakes you did.

    -Izzida Von
    #58 Izzida, May 4, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: May 5, 2014
  19. Serena's Pikachu

    Serena's Pikachu New Member

    Jan 6, 2014
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    Uhm.. Shots fired?
    Atleast your spinal cord isn't all fucked up? Also the fact what you did..
  20. Lavinda

    Lavinda New Member

    Jan 12, 2014
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    Sure, if the gunpowder was swapped out for endless whining and the casing replaced with being-a-bitch-ium. I guess that works.