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/!URGENT!/ A new threat is among us!

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Aero, Nov 10, 2014.

  1. DavidHeinrich

    DavidHeinrich Space Corps Judge

    Jul 19, 2014
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    This is...odd. I'm not inclined to believe it's possible, and I'm mostly going to write this off as a silly and relatively nonsensical fiction thought up for the purposes of someone's amusement.

  2. Phoenix

    Phoenix the one and only

    Feb 19, 2014
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    I think I got some old Star-Trek tapes in my ship, Maybe you've watched Too much Startrek, friend.
    -Joe Joferson
  3. The Grand Mugwump

    Dec 29, 2013
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  4. King Tickle

    King Tickle I hope it rains in this tunnel.

    Feb 2, 2014
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    ((For the sake of objective clarity, that's not a straw man argument nor is it an argument at all. He was using what the English language refers to as an "Analogy." This, in simple terms, means you're using an example to explain a situation. Analogies are usually similes or metaphors as well, and hold meaning to them. A common analogy is: I feel like a fish out of water. This implies that you are not comfortable in your surroundings. Skipi's statement was again a comparison that implies the idea of the microchip may be possible according to lore but is stupid, similar to turning a ship into a super nuke would be possible by the lore yet would also be what he defines as "stupid." A straw mam fallacy is when you, again in simpler terms, put an argument into the opposition's mouth and then argue against it. An example of this would be: "Senator Jones says that we should not fund the attack submarine program. I disagree entirely. I can't understand why he wants to leave us defenseless like that." It's not that Senator Jones doesn't want military defenses, but he simply doesn't wan to fund the attack submarine program for his reasons.

    The reason I'm so into explaining this is because it's a high school concept, it's simple education and vocabulary... how the hell does the author of the comment and all the people who liked the comment not know that? You're literally supporting a false statement... I get it you don't like Skipi's criticism if he comes off a bit brash but you are, and I have to say it again, LITERALLY SUPPORTING A FALSE STATEMENT.))
  5. WrongEndoftheRainbow

    WrongEndoftheRainbow Leprechaun Not Found

    Jun 11, 2014
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    ((I don't want to duel flamethrowers in a thread that isn't my own, so I concede. The point still stands that it's a horrible analogy and not representative to the problem at hand, however. It's not so much criticism as it is simply hating the idea without stating the reasons why.))
  6. King Tickle

    King Tickle I hope it rains in this tunnel.

    Feb 2, 2014
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    ((Alright dude I'm sorry but...
    "The point still stands that it's a horrible analogy and not representative to the problem at hand, however."
    No it's not a horribly analogy in my opinion, and I don't think you're the God of all Analogies to declare that. An opinion is an opinion, just like yours AND Skipi's.
    "It's not so much criticism as it is simply hating the idea without stating the reasons why."
    Agreed, that's exactly what giving an an opinion is like. The same way Skipi spoke up in his opinion about disliking this idea, you spoke up with your opinion about Skipi's opinion. Skipi just implied he didn't like it without giving reason, and you literally used the wrong words in an attempt to combat Skipi's post. Does that mean Skipi is wrong? I don't know, sure he was blunt but maybe if you ask him for the reasons why he thinks the way he does he'll gladly explain them to you. Does that mean you're wrong? I couldn't say so either, you simply misinterpreted words and then in the reply to me you said something very logical: "It's not so much criticism as it is simply hating the idea without stating the reasons why."
    This is a true statement, a fact. Again that doesn't mean Skipi is a "bad guy." It's just a fact. If you wanted to know the reasons for why he thinks that way again you could probably ask him.

    What irks me about this isn't the fact that of whether it's a good idea or not, isn't Skipi's thoughts or even yours...
    It's the fact that you literally used the wrong words (I mean mean we all make mistakes but...) and got acceptance by mindless illiterate people who saw you were going against Skipi's harsh opinion and literally only liked it for that fact. Are you kidding me!? English is my third language and when I make mistakes like that I expect people to call me out on it instead of mindlessly agree based on premise. The fact a good handful of people liked it and probably agreed with it before I proved it false makes me disappointed. You're gonna carry that weight.
  7. Toadkid1234

    Toadkid1234 New Member

    Jan 28, 2014
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    ((why the hell are we arguing/debating/whatever this? gtfoplzthxbai))
  8. Malachar

    Malachar Heir to Madness

    Feb 1, 2014
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    ((Stop bickering and keep it IC, please.))
  9. King Tickle

    King Tickle I hope it rains in this tunnel.

    Feb 2, 2014
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    ((This isn't debate, this is called getting schooled.))
  10. DavidHeinrich

    DavidHeinrich Space Corps Judge

    Jul 19, 2014
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    ((Stop. This is an in character thread; respond to it in character. Further OOC posts, here, will be deleted. If you have a complaint to make about how you feel this is silly, against the rules, or shouldn't be on the server, please make a report or message a Moderator.))
  11. Keycross

    Keycross -Insert title here-

    Mar 31, 2014
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    Though it was important.... are ye all fuckin kiddin' me? A single chip in a brain, working for years, in a brain... I haven't laughed like this for months. It's electric? Chemical? Hell, I wonder how much time before some random 'doctor' finds the' ultimate cure fer it, saving lots of lifes., out of good ol' heart.

    If ye actually know whom they are, put a bullet in -their- brains, then gather the idiots with chips while looking fer solution.

    Ye all know what's urgent? Patching dozens of patients without enough proper supplies before they bleed out. Love me job.

    -Doc Moses
  12. Weavle105

    Weavle105 Back in Black.

    Jan 17, 2014
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    I have confirmed that Yukari does not currently have a chip in her brain, and is not currently under the influence of any sort of AI.
  13. Hour

    Hour Dogu

    Dec 29, 2013
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    And here I thought you'd given me an excuse to power a bullet into that chick's brain.