I started it a little bit ago... Time to see what this fixes/breaks completely anew! That sucks. :/ I'm sorry. I know custom techs were sortakinda narrowed down as being a big contributor to characters becoming unusable, but... Maybe try rolling a brand new character, and seeing what happens? ETA: I know that if you do need to start over completely, there are a couple people (me included) that have said they're willing to try to help people get back to where they were before fuel/gear/etc.-wise.
I've been replacing all and any chairs and beds I could find in and around Tallest Tree, and some at Avalon, in case we don't get a fix from the devs. (And because I had nothing better to do...) (( Jolly = Raul when IC ))
Just an update: As of 10:00 AM, US Central, the mods have not been updated by the creator, but it seems like others are being updated so hopefully they will be up to date within 24 hours! Edit: Around 10:30, Kill the mole mod was updated. Ill try to keep up to date but I'm leaving for college in about 10 minutes.
Chucklefish said that if your shiplocker and stuff have vanished the only way to fix it is to delete the shipfile or cheat a new one back in, for anyone with that issue.
So, I learned something. It's not so much my character files, as it is Starbound, because I got rid of everything in there, and tried to make a new character, and it flipped it's shit and crashed like it did with all of my other characters. Does this mean I should straight up uninstall Starbound and reinstall it, or what?
You might have to, I know at least one other person did. I don't think they were able to find a workaround... :/
Right click starbound in steam, click properties and I think its at the bottom of the third tab. On a side note this is also a short cut to reach your local files instead of going through C: Local files and verify game integrity should be on the same tab. Dont try to back up local files. Im not sure what it does.
Possible fixes so far: 1) if you recently used the SBSE it may have corrupted your files 2)if you can get in the game, travel away to a random world and save&exit once you beam down 3) remove all custom items in your inventory, including custom techs 4) delete your shipworld file
That's not it, I literally can't even get in the game, I've even emptied my entire "player" folder and tried to make a new character, and that didn't even work.
*facepalm* I'm sorry, but did you guys even read my previous posts? I've LITERALLY deleted the ENTIRE mods folder, and validating the files is the last thing I tried.