***From: [email protected]*** um yup truth! pretty sure ripping someones arm off on starnet means your not allowed to say others are prejudices for saying youre violent hahaha but yeah, um. crazy debate aside? gonna try to be helpful!! threadmaker, when it comes to florans, first up, dont go anywhere they show up by yourself. keep a gun on you, and dont let em get too close, theyre super good in close combat but a lot of their ranged weapons are subpar or they just dont use them because they prefer to get messy up close. yknow, to eat you. if you can aford a flame thrower or welding torch or some kind of fire weapon, do it, especiall if your going into a major floran area. know that they sometimes wear armor thouhg so its not always a safe bet, keep a regular weapon too. florans tend to be really violent but in my experience all of them ive met were kind of cowards and only act when theyve got number advantage. they like to team up in groups of five or more and pick on people when theyre alone or with just a person or two, especially in places where youd be normally unarmed, like a hospital or a beach. they pick on wounded or disabled people for the same reason. still, so if youre really worried, always go in a group. itll save your life, i say that from experience. when they no longer have an unfair advantage they tend to run away. i think theyre mostly into ambush tactics. Keep your eyes open and weapon ready, and be ready to run if theres trouble. dont be afraid to call for backup immediately if you cant escape. overal: just go in groups, stay armed, be safe, dont talk to em, and try to seem intimidating, and theyll probly leave you alone since you dont look like a good target. yknow, general safety rules. also dont call them violent in person because theyll stab you fro it. yes, they will stab you for calling them violent. its funny but awful ***This message was powered by Intergalactic Electronic Systems - For All Your Communicative Needs!***
Gimme one good reason why my words hold no weight. Other than the fact that I am, at times, dirty, but that's just because of my line of work. - Sc@v3ng3r
Technically you, being one of the violent, self-loathing florans in question, have far less say in this discussion than a third party observer such as myself.. - Skarti
Ye. I'm sure there ain't even normal people or soldiers who jus' doin' their job among 'em. Bet the whole USCM thinks xactly the same too. An' every Glitch. Oh wait. Hivemind. Ya hypocritical fook. -Monroe
Again, you think floran hass no ssay in anything. you think all floranss have no ssay in anything. Iss your elitism iss what markss you for death among uss bird. Floran could have killed you many moonss ago. But guess what. Floran didnt. Floran kept you alive only to have you bassh floran time and time again. Floran once thought kindly about you. even ssaved you from robot that wass going to kill you. Yet you sshow nothing but hatred and disstrusst toward floran. Goess to sshow who can really be trussted... ~Sharp
The very fact that your central argument is that you passed up on many opportunities to murder someone shows how little of a clue you have about how you're seen by those around you. Only someone with a deathwish or a fool would willingly associate with an obviously bloodthirsty thug such as yourself. The reason why people hate you is the same reason you lost leadership of your own tribe. Incompetence, mixed with the brain of a simultaneous enormous child and mental patient with zero self-control. I have actually met florans in the past who I would not hesitate to call upstanding citizens and decent people, but you are the opposite of that. You're a distillation of every single negative floran stereotype into one package. Completely unrelated, but I've been using these new experimental fuel sources that just get me going something crazy. I honestly can't even remember half of what I just typed, which is worrying because after that usually comes the loss of motorAJS:Lssw1112"G :LS:a2AKGFKKAFKKAas -GR33N-MASH33N
And ssince when doess an idiot like yoursself know anything about floran? or whatss happening over here in tribe? What givess you the right to judge anybody? you collect bountiess on peopless headss... half of the time probably for people who dont even desserve it. You ssysstematically ruin peopless livess and couldnt give a care in the world could you?
-Quick423- Sharp, don't antagonize, come on. It's better if there's no conflict, obviously that's what they're trying to get out of both of us.
ok heresss good advicccesss for peoplesss who isss floransss, don't ssstab peoplesss when them did no mean thing to floran, isss make peoplesss want to avoidsss or ssstab all floransss, including flora, who isss do no mean thingsss to peoplesss. and advicccesss for other peoplesss, don't think every sssingle floran in the universsse isss a meanie head jussst because a lot isss meanie headsss, sssome floransss isss not meanie headsss, like flora, flora isss nicccesss -Flora
***From: [email protected]*** lol these plucking florans though (most of thm here) seriusly can we go back to the topic of trying to help threadmaker because honestly argue all you want or whatever but denying that a lot of florans are violent and will tyr to kill you is just kinda stupid, like that guy said um the hylotel planet? guy whos arguing this point ripped someones arm off? random ambushes in hospitals? yeah those are real things :< maybe not all florans are like that but ive not seen an exception yet, my neighbour said he knew a good one though, so i guess its possible, but ill wait until i see it myself to believe it either way since we all know for a fact that its at least SORT OF true we should try to help the threadmaker for that reason ***This message was powered by Intergalactic Electronic Systems - For All Your Communicative Needs!***