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Things Have Been Rather Slow Lately

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by GuardianPotato, Sep 24, 2014.

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  1. Redwilt

    Redwilt Washed up has been

    Jan 21, 2014
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  2. Corvus

    Corvus New Member

    Jan 5, 2014
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    -leans back w/ orange juice-
  3. LaserLlamas

    LaserLlamas Mother of the Pack

    Mar 28, 2014
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    Eugh my eyes hurt from reading... -Rub rub-

    Let's seeeeeee... What've we gone over... Someone get some eye drops.

    Alright! So we've established females and males seem to have a problem with over-sexualized characters, IE lesbos and homosexuals. To be straightforward, if they're not outright over sexualizing as in flirting, groping, touching, or anything like that there's not really an reason to give a shit because they're not flaunting it out. (I will admit there is a lot of lesbian characters for this server though, it scares me)

    With regards to characters dressing/acting like sluts, I uh... -Stares at my college dorm of people wearing tube tops and showing off their fat fucking bellies like it's the sexiest thing ever- ... I uh ... College sluts everywhere. They're real so go complain about that too. If that's not enough proof I can say a few things not meant for the ages of under 18 so let's keep this PG-13.

    Over-sensitivity is personal stuff, people can't handle certain things, yada yada, no need to fix that when that's not really something you can't fix it. Adjust things to not be as sensitive or find a balance that makes both parties happy? Elaborate, discuss more.

    And to be really, really, REALLY blunt. Uhm. This whole lesbian and mesbian discussion is completely off topic. Go take it to PMs so you can actually try to discuss this civilly, seeing as we're straying off topic. Less threatening one another, more actually making a solution. All I see is pointless bickering from both sides and not really much being done. Sure mesbos and lesbos are gonna be offensive but that can be changed pretty easily to not make them as offensive.

    Regarding Gramps, I haven't really seen his characters that sexualized as of late, unless I'm not paying much attention due to college, so let's throw that one out the window. He's had a few in the past but they're gone. Not really seeing much lately.

    -Rub- Agh my eyes...

    What else... Uh... Right. Stop bitching and whining so publicly, this goes to everyone. Awareness is nice and all, but go make a private conversation, invite yourself, the ones you have a problem with, and a mod to observe so things can be worked out. Honestly a simple solution that's looked over and it's really starting to bug me.

    For a more on topic post! The server isn't as slow lately, it's picking up pace and becoming populated again, so not sure what that's about!
  4. Weavle105

    Weavle105 Back in Black.

    Jan 17, 2014
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    Regardless of context, that sounded EXTREMELY arrogant.
    Okay, I've gotta bring this up. Why are you guys freaking out over Gramps, when there are characters on the server with their breast sizes in their description, and others who have been described, by their player, as a slut? Gramps isn't anywhere close to that bad.
    I'd just like to say that I'm both bisexual, and to an extent transgender, and I do not and have not had issues with this place being "not safe".
    Sam, there's a point where people should take arguments to Steam, and god-damn if you didn't just drive right on by while smashing it's mailbox with a baseball bat.
    #124 Weavle105, Nov 15, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 15, 2014
  5. Redwilt

    Redwilt Washed up has been

    Jan 21, 2014
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    I love this quote.
  6. Kai

    Kai hey im kai and this is jackass

    Jan 28, 2014
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    :') I apologise if Shaun's character had ever made ya uncomfy, Gramps, but I think you fail to see what objectification actually is.

    Spoiler for somewhat off topic!
    I just want to point out that this is the 2nd time someone was oocly homophobic towards Shaun, and I did my best to try and reason. I've actually let a lot of my friends who were actually gay men to evaluate his character to see if he was a butchered stereotype of what a gay dude was. He wasn't camp. He wasn't promiscuous. His character didn't revolve around "Guess what, I suck dick!"
    I guess you were uncomfy he ocassionally wore "feminine" wear? It's something out of societal norm, and as a character Shaun knows that, and gladly defied it.

    An objectified character is a character that has been bended in such a perverse way to only be used as an object, hence the word.
    When I said I was uncomfy with objectified lesbian characters, I mean the ones that are obviously played out to be promiscuous and revealing without much motive other than "I'm a lesbian and I want to bang every woman I see."
    As a lesbian myself, I was very very unsettled by that.

    Again, I apologize if my potrayal of Shaun as a gay dude who just happens to like skirts bothered you.
  7. Felix

    Felix New Member

    Mar 15, 2014
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    First of all, to those who say we shouldn't be talking about these things here: You can close the thread. You do not have to participate in it. We, however, as explained fairly clearly earlier in the thread -- cannot avoid the issue being addressed by nature of a smaller community.

    You are only accusing us of being "overly sensitive" because our feelings and concerns about representation of females (as if we don't put up with ENOUGH B.S.) are inconvenient to you. You don't get to dismiss it because it inconveniences you from playing gross, eye-roll worthy women who make it obvious you have little experience with them. I challenge you to go up to the women in your life and tell them that feminism is unnecessary stupid; please do -- go ahead and tell them that women don't deserve equality. I think you know what they would say to you.

    Except you do have a responsibility to be proactive. Mesbians and gross representations along these lines are NOT a "grey area." Just because a problem lies outside the purview of your narrow set of rules does not mean the problem should not be addressed and it not unhealthy for the community. There is NO excuse for the continued allowance of overly gross representations of females by dudes who seemingly have no clue how women operate outside the perimeters of their mother; i.e. "girl" characters sitting around petting each other, giggling, being dumbed down to a toddler level of intelligence and third grade sexual education so they are "easy" enough for ERP. (Because an intelligent woman wouldn't put up with this guy's B.S. and he knows it.) These are harmful to your community. These are things driving your players off. It's not the whole of the problem, sure, but it's not good that you're not addressing them directly without prompt. I shouldn't HAVE to sit down every night and detail out interactions, take screenshots and go over the same tiring, boring old routine. That is exhausting. That is not fun for me. It doesn't address the problem at the root and the source. These things should not be allowed in the first place.

    What you just said to me is that it is more important for the moderators to retain these badly written characters than good role-players who are trying their butt off because the mesbians "aren't breaking the rules."

    I realize later on it was stated that these things are being addressed. That's good. I just think it's very telling you sat down and wrote out excuse after excuse for the moderation team not addressing this before now. This needs to stop. Responsibility needs to be taken instead of just moderators making excuses.

    What's wrong with feminists? Let me guess: You're one of those people who has no grasp of the fact that the squeaky wheel gets the grease and feminazi's are a small but very vocal minority that make feminists look bad.

    How terrible, a person with confidence in their role-playing skills. You are now nit-picking and grasping at straws in an attempt to make my discussion look weaker. It does you no favors.

    I don't think you have been reading this thread, have you? Gramps is an example that was laid out in name; previously it was stated that this is a problem server-wide and there are many types of these characters. Gramps is only one very prominent example.
  8. Bunshuu

    Bunshuu New Member

    Feb 18, 2014
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    and if yall are, im glad yall dont have any problem with all this BS, really
    but if yall are bisexual and transgender, yall should be able to see these problems.
    that you, personally, dont have any problem with them, doesnt magically make them go away for the rest of us, feel.
    #128 Bunshuu, Nov 15, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 15, 2014
  9. LaserLlamas

    LaserLlamas Mother of the Pack

    Mar 28, 2014
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    The severe lack of people knowing how to take things to a private conversation is beginning to irritate me.

    Felix, I'm going to be really, really, straightforward here. Probably the most I have in awhile. I uh. Yeah let's figure out how to word this... /No one/ is saying feminism is a bad thing. Not a single person. You're a confident woman, good for you. Here's the problem - I could be doing the same thing right now and play an a character who's gay and make them super flamboyant and flirty and others will get offended. This isn't about feminism so please drop that outside before you decide to open the door again.
  10. Felix

    Felix New Member

    Mar 15, 2014
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    This is an open community discussion that needs to be had. There is no need to take it to private discussion. There is absolutely nothing wrong with having an open discussion about this and you don't get to dictate that. You can, however, close the thread and not participate in it. It's not hurting nor harming you. What the topic is discussing, however, is very much harmful and pushing away players.

    Secondly, the fact that you're trying to make this about me "pushing feminism" is very telling. That is a red herring and once again grasping at straws to shut down a very legitimate discussion topic. Did you take the time to read what Gramps has been posting? I quoted it up there for your convenience.
  11. Bunshuu

    Bunshuu New Member

    Feb 18, 2014
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    nobody would get angry at yall if you played a flamboyant, flirty gay character, as long it is a character, not an object, wich is harmful, wich is shit that happens here, wich is what we are discussing, among other bullcrap felix already said
  12. LaserLlamas

    LaserLlamas Mother of the Pack

    Mar 28, 2014
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    I uh I have been. Second of all no I'm not trying to say this about you pushing feminism. I'm just saying it's not all about it. Nothing more nothing less. I would really like for you to stop trying to make me seem like I'm attacking you because I'm trying to make everyone get along here. If I somehow come off as being aggressive in some way then my apologies.

  13. Bunshuu

    Bunshuu New Member

    Feb 18, 2014
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    dude, tough

    we all know that feminism is not main focus here, but its sure as hell one of the most relevant things, and if yall kno what feminism
    is about (that you do, hopefully) yall kno that it also deals with how homosexuality, objetification and all the other shit thats going
    around. what is the point of saying that it aint about feminism? it is about feminism.
  14. Felix

    Felix New Member

    Mar 15, 2014
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    In my post addressing it I quoted this. I will quote it again for you. This is Gramps very painfully, obviously, displaying his ignorance towards feminism by lumping it in the negative.

    Please review my posts thoroughly before trying to call me out.
  15. LaserLlamas

    LaserLlamas Mother of the Pack

    Mar 28, 2014
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    I already spoke to the fella about that. He said he has nothing against feminism.

    The quote isn't really displaying ignorance, just stating who he thinks is attacking him in this case.
  16. Weavle105

    Weavle105 Back in Black.

    Jan 17, 2014
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    TD had a good idea, so I'm gonna put this in a spoiler thing so it's not in peoples faces and they don't have to read it if they don't want to.
    I can confirm that he is not homophobic, and does not have an issue with Shaun, it seems to either be improper wording on his part or you misreading/understanding it (apologies if that came off of accusing, I didn't mean it like so).
    One, I'm sure he meant radical/hyper feminists, because honestly, with how hostile you are, you really seem like the type who believes females are the superior sex... As for number two, there's a difference between having confidence in your skills and just being straight up arrogant. And three, no, really, he's really not.
    I see issues in the server, yes, but quite frankly Gramps' RP isn't nearly as bad as you all make it out to be, and he himself isn't nearly as bad as you all make him out to be. I'm looking at you, Sam.
    I forgot to add my second and third points to my response to Felix. XD
    #136 Weavle105, Nov 15, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 15, 2014
  17. Felix

    Felix New Member

    Mar 15, 2014
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    That doesn't make any sense. Feminism is about being for women having equality. Unless you're a bigot and sexist and don't want women to have equality, you are a feminist as well. That would mean everyone here is a feminist (unless you state otherwise, AND I DOUBT ANYONE WOULD OPENLY DO THAT SERIOUSLY) so -- everyone is attacking him?

    ETA: Weavle105, I honestly hope you're joking. I really do.
  18. Animator

    Animator New Member

    May 9, 2014
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    Those were not excuses, those were explanations. As I said before, we've failed you guys in that regard. What was detailed before was not meant to exonerate ourselves, but to clarify why this happens. This problem is being addressed by the community, and we encourage that these things come to light; it's explicitly why I cleared up the confusion with the moderator in question that deleted those posts and brought them back.

    Please do not mix my words. What I said to you is that we enforce the rules equally, whether it's with people we like or don't like, and that includes roleplaying style. It is clear that some roleplaying styles reach a level of detriment that are just simply awful, but we personally can't let our opinions on how people roleplay dictate what we do with them. Otherwise, we get called out as hypocrites, and quite honestly, we would be under the rules we crafted. It's a nasty Catch 22, but not one without its own form of solutions that we'll be thinking up soon.

    Personally, while you are right, the one thing that annoys me most about your argument is that you wish to propose to nix all communication of problems within the community and have the mods purely operate out of observation, which is a needless extreme. The issue with this is that things are missed even with the most vigilant moderator possible; that, and many of these harassment cases occur in either private places, in server PMs, or both. It takes an entire community to establish change, not just beating down all the people who do not conform with the iron fist of authority (and again, why I also said I'm going to be making plans to modify the application system to weed out those people, since while we can kick out all the people in the world, we still exist in the internet, which is a cesspool for this kind of thing).

    You keep detailing the report process as some agonizing, awful, horrible hyperbole, but even with screenshots and fetching logs, it only takes a few moments of time to deal with, since people have done it before. Now that we have the private report forum, it's even easier for us to not only handle it, but keep track of things and give more prompt responses to people. If you literally cannot find it within you to file any sort of report whatsoever, then I don't know what to say. We're going to do our part, but the moderators, while major, are only one facet of the community.
  19. LaserLlamas

    LaserLlamas Mother of the Pack

    Mar 28, 2014
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    ... Huh.

    Okay one I don't actively support feminists. Feminists, glad for 'em, glad they're trying to get better pay raises, glad they're trying to get better jobs, make themselves equal to guys. Good for 'em. I'm not a feminist though, I'm not actively supporting the cause, spreading awareness, donating(?), all of that.

    I honestly have no words to say because I can't even figure out a way to appropriately respond to this in general.
  20. Sen

    Sen Guest

    Ignoring the points regarding feminism, objectified female lesbians still are incredibly boring characters and are blatantly obvious fetish inserts. Nobody wants to interact with a character designed to give its creator a hard on - that sort of behavior is only acceptable on servers that specifically cater to that, which this server is not one of. Don't like it? Get out, you're on the wrong server.
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