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The Toxicity Issue

Discussion in 'Announcements and Information' started by Rezima, Aug 28, 2014.

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  1. Azeliblehblehbleh

    Azeliblehblehbleh New Member

    Jul 18, 2014
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    I've never seen better. Want some content with that order of off-topics and cheese?
  2. invictus69

    invictus69 New Member

    Jul 2, 2014
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    Kazyyk is right. Does anyone else have anything to add to this conversation? Heres some notes to consider.
    New thread for reporting people! Yay!
    Mods are trying to be unbiased about things, Yay!
    Some people think this will make people less forward and more passive agressive, which is also not okay. Yay!
    jim sucks. Yay.
    The mods are not trying to throw their weight around or anything (I would have) They're just trying to make SB Ant a happier place for everyone. Biggest Yay!
  3. Kaiser Franz

    Kaiser Franz New Member

    Feb 13, 2014
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    This thread accomplished a lot. I'm really glad this thread exists, I completely endorse this thread and it's well received message and completely on topic posts.
  4. The Grand Mugwump

    Dec 29, 2013
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    Every organization should be critically examined by those it holds power over. It's part of accountability and establishing trust through being able to verify one's actions in an acceptable manner.
  5. Kazyyk

    Kazyyk Administrator

    Dec 16, 2013
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    I would, but I actually need to get some sleep. Goodnight, everybody!
  6. Rezima

    Rezima New Member

    Feb 1, 2014
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    And all I knew was growl and sand attack when you caught me, GOOD LUCK TRAINING ME
  7. Spinach Pirate

    Spinach Pirate The Adorable Spinach

    Feb 1, 2014
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  8. Keycross

    Keycross -Insert title here-

    Mar 31, 2014
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    I'm going to fill a report about all the users who are keeping out of topic talking of nonsense.

    Ban them. BAN THEM ALL!
  9. Rezima

    Rezima New Member

    Feb 1, 2014
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    View attachment 2307

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  10. Kazyyk

    Kazyyk Administrator

    Dec 16, 2013
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    Unprofessional, you're fired.
    just kidding, I'm really going to sleep now
  11. Rezima

    Rezima New Member

    Feb 1, 2014
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    View attachment 2308

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  12. Malachar

    Malachar Heir to Madness

    Feb 1, 2014
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  13. TAP123

    TAP123 New Member

    Jan 5, 2014
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    Well. I guess you could say it's a defensive mechanism. Everyone has them. With me I've never felt a part of this community except for the friends I've made. I've never felt respected by the moderators in the past or have my opinions considered to be important. So it gets really hard to play and act nice with that. It gets really hard to forget things, and it's important to consider what's happened before.

    Here, it's like a restaurant. The owner puts a lot of time into it, his own money, and money from customers to keep it up and running.
    It's great. He has good food, good environment, good service, and the customers were good too. Everyone likes this mom'n'pop restaurant, it's great, right? Well, that's how you initially see it. That's how they want things to feel like. However later down the line, things begin to change.

    The food's still good. The environment is really nice. Service doesn't change much, but you start to see something. Certain customers get better treatment, better seats, reservations, and more often then not they're friends with one of the employees there. You've been eating out there for some time, hell you've brought a couple of friends along and made a few from conversation with regular diners. You decide not to do much about the special service, because you're just fine with the quality. One day, you get a fly in your soup.

    Gradually the quality goes down for you, you sit by other customers that become troublesome, who make a ruckus and sometimes bump into you when they stand up to leave. So you decide to alert the waiter. Waiter comes by, you tell them about the problems you're seeing, and the waiter acknowledges it and says he'll report it to the rest of staff. Things seem to get better. No more flies in your food. Certain tables get special treatment. Eventually things continue getting worse.

    Soon, the menus are limited, you only get the special full menu if you're at certain tables, because the owner mentions that they're changing up stock. After getting bumped by a patron and having your drink knocked over, spilling all over yourself, you decide to call the waiter over and mention this, with the other table in earshot. Some people from the group pipe up about how you spilled the drink yourself and are exaggerating things, and the waiter gives a short apology and says he'll get a napkin but doesn't return after this.

    After multiple occasions of this happening, and you voicing your concerns, the quality takes a nose dive. Eventually, the waiters take forever to get around to you, the patrons backtalk about you and other customers within ear shot, drinks are spilled, food cold and raw. One day, it hits what seems to be a high point. You get a plate with rat feces in the food, and a nearby patron remarks on how funny the joke is, something about the waiters having some fun with customers.

    You decide now, more than ever, to stop this. You talk to your friends, who have been eating there on their own since. They might have seen some of the bad service but they mostly have good things to say about the new dish the cook is dishing out. You grumble aloud about how bad the service is to other patrons, but the ones getting the special treatment interrupt you and say that if you don't like the place you can just leave, regardless of the fact that it's the only Italian joint in town. Not even the story of the rat feces and the warning of bad, dangerously unhealthy service gets to anyone. You don't even really eat there anymore, and only visit when friends go out of your own manners. Everyone remarks on how good it is, and they apologize about how you got bad service, "Maybe if you didn't act that way you wouldn't have been pranked" one friend remarks. After a period of time, something changes in the restaurant.

    The old waiters leave because the owner doesn't pay them (respect their decisions) enough. Eventually new waiters are hired, including a friend of yours who's acting as a hostess for the restaurant. You think to yourself "Oh, well now that there is new management, the quality will go back, and I can definitely talk to my hostess friend without having the restaurant exile me". You don't see your friend much since they're taking multiple jobs, but when you do see them in the restaurant they are preoccupied with serving and talking with other patrons. Management has changed things, and the menu has changed. However one thing persists. The patrons who get special treatment are still there, and continue to talk bad about other patrons, joking around and even including the staff in their jokes.

    Quality takes a nose dive again. Things get worse. You started coming here again because your friends work here, but you see that the same problems are there. You talk to your hostess friend about the joking and bias service and they respond that they're only human, they can't be robots. You see other people have disgusting crap in their food and getting knocked over by patrons who get the special treatment. You decide that maybe talking to the owner would help change things. However he's hardly around and only comes in when the chef offers an exciting menu change. One day you find him at one of the popular tables. You walk up and mention that things are going wrong with his restaurant, that people are losing interest, sanitation is not being considered, and the staff aren't necessarily on par. He gives you a good look over and says aloud for everyone to hear "Well aren't you the life of the party?"

    Upon leaving the restaurant that evening, you run into a friend who you haven't seen there in a long while. He speaks up "What do you do when a restaurant gives you bad service? When people stop taking your word for it, when you lose friends because of the public."

    Soon you come to your own realization, your own solution. And that would be solely your opinion. What would you do?

    You already know my take on the matter. I hope you don't lose more respect for me because of it.
  14. Rezima

    Rezima New Member

    Feb 1, 2014
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    Tap..please, let it go, this is exactly what we are trying to avoid here
  15. Blaine871

    Blaine871 New Member

    Jul 22, 2014
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    Aright. ive been watching this thread and i have a video. (honestly ive been waiting to find a place to post this lol) But all unseriousness aside. Its time for me to say something somewhat serious in the means of whatever seriousness is required if any. Try to think of things from this video's perspective, What if the server was in a similar situation as what is going on in this video?

    ( of course it isn't im just saying what if it was like this video? (again it is not (again again it is not)))

    Just be thankful people that though times things may look bleak there is always hope, hope that can only be brought to a happy end if we all are willing to try and solve this issue together as a community ( COMMUNITYYYYYY), (that and i felt there is a means for a joke to lighten spirits in the grace of random funnyness.... or non funnyness, whether you think this is funny or not its here.) And i must say, the admins are handling this situation quite well, kudos to you guys, And people, they made this server for everyone, To enjoy and have fun, They never had to, infact this whole server could have never existed, im not saying you should Hail them as gods, just remember they made this place for the public out of their spare time.

    Anywho all that long boring message aside here is the video that im hoping will at some point highten spirits.
    edit: i actually found a better one but eh.

    WARNING: VIDEO CONTAINS SPOILERS For those who have not played Battleblock theater. *this is only one of the scenes and most likely though doesnt have anything that will truly give much away, its just a cutcene from the game.*

    EDIT: READ MESSAGE BEFORE WATCHING THIS PLEASE<-----------------------------------------

    Anything that is sead in this video is not meant towards anyone. I put it here for funnyness and laughs.

    Edit again: i keep watching this and i have bad feeling this will go off wrong. you guys have my permission to remove it if you feel it is counter effective in this thread.
    #155 Blaine871, Aug 29, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 29, 2014
  16. invictus69

    invictus69 New Member

    Jul 2, 2014
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    That was a really long, rather exaggerated analogy. Not to mention unrealistic. A business needs its customers happy to thrive. If you're unhappy and its a staffs fault, they get either chewed out, docked pay, or outright fired. A better analogy would be 'You got a fly in your soup and thought the staff put it there on purpose'.
    Do some people get special treatment for being friends with the mods? Maybe, possibly, I've seen no evidence and you've done nothing to provide any so Ill just assume it doesn't happen. Maybe people don't take you seriously because of how much of a mountain you're trying to make this particular molehill into?
    If someone is causing you trouble and the mods you report it to aren't doing anything to remedy the situation, you bring it to the communities attention. I will personally back you up if I see unequal treatments, either positive or negative, being given to players due to a bias the mod(s) have.
  17. Weavle105

    Weavle105 Back in Black.

    Jan 17, 2014
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    Yes, I realize I'm, like, two hours late to the party, but what the hell do you guys expect?! My mom wouldn't let me borrow the car and you have NO idea how embarrassing it would've been to be seen with my mom driving me here!
    In all serious now, I generally see the "Zero tolerance" policy as one big[​IMG] . Why? Because, as I'm sure you all have noticed by now, I, am generally rude. Is this a flaw? Yes. Is this a flaw I will willingly attempt to fix? No. It's part of my personality, and I'm not dressing that shit up like a Drag Queen. If there's a "Zero tolerance" policy on trolling, will this also be carried out on the mods? I remember a bit ago, a certain mod changed my signature to some happy-fluffy-I-love-everyone-and-won't-ever-commit-a-sin bullshit. That legitimately pissed me off, and I consider it trolling. It felt like someone was making a conscious attempt to insult me by portraying me as someone I would not and putting words in my mouth (or keyboard) that I would never in a million years say (or type). They could have just erased my signature, maybe just censored the "bad words" in it, but no. They felt it necessary to humiliate me. If you are enforcing this with us players, you better damn well enforce it with the mods... In other news, I kinda lost my train of thought, however, I will say this.

    Tap, drop it.
  18. TAP123

    TAP123 New Member

    Jan 5, 2014
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    I can't let it go unless something is to be done. Avoiding people is not going to resolve things. You once asked me this question, but now I'm asking you. Do you trust me?
  19. Keycross

    Keycross -Insert title here-

    Mar 31, 2014
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    That's when you stop posting something in public and bring it to PM's.
  20. Doctor Frohman

    Doctor Frohman New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
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    Doesn't look like Flaming to me.
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