Quick-Claw can supposedly be the floran that just hates the Muck Spawn, being one of the forgotten. So that muck spawnies don't have to bare fangs at you every time they see you.
Flemgil Upon birth, immediately hit his head on a pipe and stumbled unconscious into a pool of watery sewage. Still in the early stages of development, his comatose body decided "Hey, we'll drown if we just sit under water.... Sooo.... let's evolve some gils cause thats how adaptation works". His neck puffed up and mutated gils, allowing him to survive underwater. He avoids the more powerful and intelligent brethern, living a simple life of nom nom'ing algae and sewage. Pretty much the most useless thing since magikarp. His prime means of defence is to flop around and skreech at the top of his plant-fish-lungs
You can sign up my new character muck face. If he does join I can say he survived by scavenging and gnawing at things like pipes.
I don't have more than one unique character, and I'd like to see Tetanus in all its mucky glory! So sign me and my character up, Sporefoot, if it's not too late.
Due to a generous donation by Petaldancer... The gene pool has expanded to a second generation XD Raised somewhat differently, because Petaldancer is regarded by muck as a weak floran, but smart. So... Petal-lurk/Muckdancer is possible >_> Muck is hatching 'em in an enclosed area, and actually feeding these ones. <_< And yea... As long as you don't do anything OP I don't mind new Mucklings/Traplings/Petalings
I want to rp as Syntia... as a child. I know my character syntia is alredy there blah blah blah, but I actually feel like RPing Syntia's childhood. Let's say the adult one fell on a space-time anomaly and returned to this year or sumthing, crazy stuff blah blah...
Gud. Let's say Sporefoot is a... You know what? I'm not going there. Offspring of Mucklurk and Petaldancer. ...I just need the coords to Tetanus. :U Am...am I allowed? What... whaddoido
Petal is an extremely nervous wreck of a future Mom, considering she was unaware she was going to be one until it is too late :3 Additionally: I'm good with most any kind of child unless unique specified against it. Post Petal's future children so I may prepare OOC for the nervous wreck she shall be