***From: [email protected]*** ....i dont even know u but isnt that wgat he wiykds say like exackt ***This message was powered by Intergalactic Electronic Systems - For All Your Communicative Needs!***
I'm gonna say what I said on galaxy radio: Obvious Skyrax is obvious. I mean, who else would build a damn memorial like he's some kind of dead guy in a powdered wig? Particularly, when the person building it APPEARED WHEN SKYRAX "DIED" NO SHIT. I mean, I didn't know ya well, but... seriously. Building a monument to yourself is reserved for dictators and douchey actors. -Vecks
(Aissa) ... He was vaporized, then his memorial was built afterward. Now you're admitting he built it. You are so terrible at this that you aren't even getting the order of things right. - A.
Nononononono, He Built it BEFORE being Vaporized..Just, Read his Stupid Will, Someone on Tetanus probably has it. - T.I.G
***From: [email protected]*** ..........so he did build hi mrmorial ...gor gimself. .............what a herk. ***This message was powered by Intergalactic Electronic Systems - For All Your Communicative Needs!***
(Aissa) The implication here is still that he knew he was going to be vaporized. And built a memorial to himself. Which was apparently mentioned in a will. And then took his mask off. So someone could burn it and pose it next to a lighter. Suspiciously around the same time this other anonymous dogg showed up and was all "MEMORIAL, GO TO IT." This all from a dude whose family members have a hell of ridic track record of not staying dead, from what I remember. wtf - A.
***From: [email protected]*** ....aw yis ***This message was powered by Intergalactic Electronic Systems - For All Your Communicative Needs!***
[JR, Speech-to-Text Protocol] Good to see we're still one for one on StarNet announced deaths being kartaaking hoaxes.
I would care more if I knew which one that was because there are like six or seven of them and it hurts my brain. -Sanguine