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The Floran Problem

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Doctor Frohman, Sep 30, 2014.

  1. DeltaV

    DeltaV New Member

    Apr 16, 2014
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    Do you expect them to evolve naturally in modern civilization, a place where they are in no way evolutionarily prepared for? A place where the Floran species has proven on a large scale that they are, in general, unable to adjust? If they remain, I would expect that as a species the Florans shall either lose their culture entirely within a few generations, or else they will die off. It would be far more "natural" to place as many as possible into conditions resembling their original home planet, cut off any contact with them - perhaps station some ships in orbit to ensure that nobody interferes - and allow them to develop at their own pace.

    - Disphot Waveguard
  2. Switchback

    Switchback Iss likess fissh eyess~!

    Jan 3, 2014
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    Because cutting off all contact with them is the best solution clearly. Putting ships in place to make sure they can't get 'bothered' is a bad excuse for saying " I want to watch over them and if I don't like what is going on down there I can change it to my liking!"
    its not that they're unable to adjust, well, most of them. Florans are primitive by nature, just like we were in our infancy as a species. Did anyone come and force us to change however? No. No they did not. What gives us the right to do it to them?

    ~Dr.Rakael Kong
  3. Toadkid1234

    Toadkid1234 New Member

    Jan 28, 2014
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    While I agree that most Floran are not ready to function as decent galactic citizen, I believe there are a significant number of Floran who have become civilized to a degree where they are nearly indistinguishable from another sentient being in terms of intellectual capacity and etiquette. I believe the Floran have already begin to undergo a sort of Artificial Selection, caused by their sudden immersion in our civilized and technologically advanced community.

    I do not know what ought to be done regarding the Floran, if anything. I am not trained in mass psychology, biology, neurology, or anything of relation. I do see that the civilized Floran are increasing in number greater than expected (likely due to different upbringing, genetic diversity, etc.) and the number of Floran-founded incidents is decreasing. I remember back when Floran would frequently post videos of torture and mutilation online. Now, I see many intelligent Floran reacting very civilly in this thread. Certainly that shows significant progress, even within a few years.

    - RayBeluga
  4. DeltaV

    DeltaV New Member

    Apr 16, 2014
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    Did I ever once mention that " I want to watch over them and if I don't like what is going on down there I can change it to my liking" ? You cannot put words into my mouth and then argue against them.

    We have already forced the Florans to change. They only emerged into the galaxy because we gave them the ability to. Large populations of the Floran species HAVE proven themselves unable to adjust (See: Genocide) -- those that have are by a vast majority the exception, not the rule.

    - Disphot Waveguard
  5. Ricardo

    Ricardo ERP Champ 2016

    Aug 25, 2014
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    Floran or no. Any savagery or crime committed should be handled accordingly and indiscriminately. Any deviation from this is a crime in and of itself.

    Panzer v2
  6. Thewaltham

    Thewaltham New Member

    Aug 8, 2014
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    Creator of thisss possst. Fuck you. That isss all.

  7. Doctor Frohman

    Doctor Frohman New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
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    If you have nothing of contribution to post, I recommend not posting at all.
    - Abelschrimen Amphenheimer
  8. ASinisterIon

    ASinisterIon New Member

    Aug 9, 2014
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    This new tribe of Florans that has sprung up and begun raiding all the cities and colonies out here are really not helping the case for treating their race as civilized beings. I myself took part in defending Taranis a couple of days ago from one such raid, and I have heard of several others on Taranis, Port Last, and a few other smaller colonies. I was all for treating the Florans with respect and giving them a chance, albeit with maybe a few humane precautions in place, but after the events I witnessed in that raid, and the state of the captives that we rescued, I'm definitely leaning towards a much harsher punishment for these sentient plants. Something needs to be done so that tribes like this stop springing up in such numbers. I'm aware groups like this will always arise in some sort of strength, as all races have their history of it, but they've come out of nowhere, quickly, and with an overwhelming affinity for harm.

    -- OneClickHeadshot
  9. John_McFakename

    John_McFakename New Member

    Dec 22, 2013
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    *recording starts*

    *giggle hissing*
    Isss funny.
    Warchief ssshowsss meatsss their place, andsss meatsss takessss precautionsss againssst fake-floranssss who don'tssss raid and eat meatbagssss....

    *recording ends*
  10. Doctor Frohman

    Doctor Frohman New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
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    Wow Loose Beak... never expected to hear that from you.
    - SC@V3NG3R
    (( Dirt-Feet ))
  11. Storm

    Storm New Member

    Feb 10, 2014
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    *Recording starts*

    HSHSHSHS, hasss alwaysss wanted tosss add flightlessss bird beak to necklace, thinksss will take yoursss asss trophy. Monkeymansss, hairlesss Monkeymansss and fake weakling floransss teeth made good trophiesss. HSHSHSHS.

    *Recording ends*

    (( Toothpuller ))
    #91 Storm, Oct 25, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 25, 2014
  12. Optimism

    Optimism Guest

    -Loose Beak

    Our actions are defined by who we are, and I have my prejudices and angers like many others. If I know you and you are Floran, I apologize you had to see that. I will not apologize for speaking my self, however. I do not hate Florans as a whole, but I do despise Florans who remind me of savage butchers and executioners. That is something I cannot and will not recant.
    #92 Optimism, Oct 25, 2014
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2014
  13. Toadkid1234

    Toadkid1234 New Member

    Jan 28, 2014
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    The Floran seem to be a race more diverse than usual, as there is a great divide between them in terms of behavior. I have encountered Floran who behave like non-sentient animals, solely intent on acquisition of food and self-preservation. I have also encountered Floran who are as civilized and intellectually capable as modern scientists, and have proven themselves to be excellent contributions to society. I choose to not disclose any names to protect their safety.

    Naturally, there is also a large smattering of Floran between these two relative extremes, and I would assume the distribution is akin to standard deviation. However, it is the relative extremes within the Floran race that make the most impact. The intellectually, morally and socially capable ones are recognized as great individuals and as proof the Floran are not so hopeless as many believe. The primitive, animal-like savages who are bent toward wreaking havoc, eating, self preservation and nothing else are recognized as menaces who ought to be eradicated and as proof the Floran are all savages and are a hopeless cause.

    Clearly, the extremes of this situation; that is to say, the complete annihilation and complete acceptance, are both at fault. A middle ground must be found. It is very likely that this middle ground will not meet the desires of both relative extremes in belief, but it will prove necessary and proper to the stabilization of the Floran race.

    I do not propose a solution. My expertise is in engineering and physical sciences, not social sciences. It would be best if we were able to arrange a meeting between individuals with knowledge and wisdom in psychology the social sciences, and leadership to correctly assess a solution. This would likely include local political leaders as well as professional psychologists and sociologists.

    It has been said that the world will not end because of evil individuals, but because of all of those who stand by and watch, waiting for someone to do something. I believe it is time something is done.

  14. Wreth

    Wreth New Member

    Dec 18, 2013
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    That tribe is ruled by a corrupt chief, and made up of idiot newborn florans who are sent off by the chief, who takes advantage of their newborn naive nature. He doesn't care how many die, as long as they bring the chief meat.

    This not how most floran tribes work

    As a floran chief myself, I can tell you the culture and lifestyle of that tribe is not at all representative of the majority of florans. If every floran in universe behaved as they did, our numbers would be very few.

    Also their combat strategy is embarassingly bad, it is like they never read ''The Art of Stabbing'' by Sunflower Tzu

    #94 Wreth, Oct 25, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 25, 2014
  15. Foreign Flora

    Foreign Flora New Member

    Jan 29, 2015
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    Consider this... Im not much of a psychologist, but some races have different mindsets. Florans are radically different. They don't burry their dead, they eat them. Again, different mindset. Florans praise the hunt as a means to gain a better stance in society (atleast, I think so...), so I would imagine that florans kill to better themselves in their culture. Do any civilizations you know do this? Apex, Avians? Humans? Different mindset. They are a very tribal civilization, very early in its development. Also... they are carnivores, what do carnivores eat? Meat. what are we made of? Meat. See a connection? they see us as a food source, better to educate them to not hunt sentient, spacefaring races such as ourselves and prey on the more dull animals of their worlds.
    ~Zre Wavefin
  16. Tazerok

    Tazerok New Member

    Jul 19, 2014
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    You must be one of the lucky few who resided on a colony world when the Florans razed our homeworld. How can you call yourself a Hylotl with such blasphemy spewing forth from your mouth? Have you no shame? Your words insult the deaths of all those who perished on our homeworld. Do you know how they died? They were mercilessly run down and devoured by the savage things. Women, children, elderly, there is no quarter when it comes to Florans. I have seen this firsthand.

    You would do well to remember that the thrill of the hunt is also a part of Floran culture. "Dull animals" provide no challenge, and thus the Florans pursue more intelligent life. You overestimate how many "civilized" Florans exist. The Floran population split in Antares is incredibly odd and not a representation of how things are in the rest of the galaxy. Florans such as Greenfinger are incredibly rare, and I am unsure as to why there are so many of them in this sector. This has skewed many views around here, giving people the wrong impression about Florans as a whole, that they are peaceful and able to get along easily with others. Have you ever read anything written by a Floran, or any historical documents pertaining to them? The basis of their entire culture revolves around stabbing and hunting others. How can you not see the threat that this race poses? They literally live to kill others. This is NOT just to survive, they do this for sport as well. Have you ever seen a Floran torture chamber? Piles upon piles of Hylotl skeletons, our kinsmen who were tortured and slaughtered simply for entertainment.

    On another note, for a "tribal civilization," they seem to give the "sentient, spacefaring races" a lot of trouble. Are you even aware of the conflict between the Florans and the USCM? They have had engagements in the past involving thousands of troops. The USCM had to deploy battlecruisers to intervene, and even then, they didn't beat the Florans back. They only managed to hold them long enough to evacuate their colonies.

    People like you disgust me. Civilized Florans are decent, tolerable even, but they do NOT represent the Floran race as a whole. It is in a Floran's nature to hunt and kill, attempting to change this is a fool's errand. Have you ever read the book, Floran Peace? It was written by a Floran author, a supposedly "civilized" one. If not, then I encourage you to find a digital copy of it sometime, it should at least give you an inkling of just how dangerous the Floran race is and how they think.

  17. NovaZenk

    NovaZenk New Member

    May 3, 2014
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    Go drink liquid nitrogen, you cow kisser.

  18. Tazerok

    Tazerok New Member

    Jul 19, 2014
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    Excellent response. You provide no counterargument and contribute absolutely nothing to this discussion.

    #98 Tazerok, Feb 6, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 6, 2015
  19. NovaZenk

    NovaZenk New Member

    May 3, 2014
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    Well here's my argument! I've encountered... uhh.. like... 6 Florans... I think? I think like uhh... 4 of them were nice! Yeah! I forgot the rest of my response but still.
    Drink liquid nitrogen, ye cow kisser!
    Man, I get bored of stuff like this /really/ quick.
  20. Tazerok

    Tazerok New Member

    Jul 19, 2014
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