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The Floran Problem

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Doctor Frohman, Sep 30, 2014.

  1. DeltaV

    DeltaV New Member

    Apr 16, 2014
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    I agree with this wholeheartedly. The only way that this frontier is ever going to approach something close to sustainability is to remove the violence from our colonies and planets, and that starts with ensuring that the species that we are allowing on them are not viewing us as a food source.

    How do you expect a primitive, tribal people to ever develop naturally towards proper civilization if you put them in a population center and offer to sell them a gun for a hundred pixels? Give them a planet of their own and some farming tools and let evolution take its course. Otherwise, I fear that they must eventually become either a terror or an extinct species.

    And on another note, might I remind the Florans posting here that any sapient species which has committed without apology the genocide of another sapient species for arbitrary reasons has no right to call anyone criticizing them racist.

    - Disphot Waveguard
  2. Coldmaj

    Coldmaj Member

    Jan 22, 2014
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    Why am I forced to see chopped off limbs being held around by those savage creatures? Someone even flashed a severed head at my face! Florans are nothing more than savages. Even the "nice" ones break if they're hungry. Why should I have to live in fear whenever walking into a bar, and seeing the person that FLASHED A SEVERED HEAD AT MY FACE running loose, and being treated like a Human being. I will thank the lord the day this rule is inevitably gets set. I mean, do you HAVE to wait until a friend or a family members gets killed by one of them before deciding to go with this rule?

    -Aiva Rowe
  3. Biscuit

    Biscuit New Member

    Feb 10, 2014
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    Let them all burn. Their crimes surpass their innocence and allowance for life.

  4. Doctor Frohman

    Doctor Frohman New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
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    You've changed, Barbados...
    Good luck, wherever you are, still.
    - Crowliss
  5. Dekerrex

    Dekerrex New Member

    Jul 29, 2014
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    It doesssn't take an idiot to realisse, that plan will backfire terribly. Did you forget that floransss have taken over worldss? did you forget we have crusshed the Hylotl? of coarsse not, that iss why thiss converssation exissts. Even a "mindless ssavage" ass we are called, can pick our battless wissely, it sseamss you lack the sskill even a young race like uss have.

    On a less harssh note, I hass an idea. I think we ssshould make Sschool Tribess, lead by wisseman floranss. Imprisssoned "savage" floranss will be sseent there for rehabilitatiion and educatiion. Other floranss can go to ssschool tribess willingly, or rather tribess make florans WANT to go there. Insside the schooltribe the wisseman floranss can teach the othersss. Other racess can monitor tribess if they think they musst. I nominate my mentor PoissonEnvy be the firsst wisseman teacher at sschool tribe. I wass once a cutthroat ssavage mysself, then with hiss help and help from otherss, I can talk better, i know when to ssstab and when not to sstab. WE can learn. we only need the time and the effort.

    At leasst take thiss idea into conssideratiion before ssssome idiot triess to kill uss or send uss away.
  6. Optimism

    Optimism Guest

    -Loose Beak

    Seeing as you appear to be using the natural abhorrent dogma of pathos invocation and your words also stink of contradictory implications, allow me to reply to you. Posts before you defending the same stance have declared that in order to live in a satisfactory equilibrium with Florans you need to play a game of hush and duck, which is true, seeing as I myself have been attacked for voicing less than positive opinions on their general species. This is generally, however, not the same between most other interspecies relations. Critique and disagreements, under the majority of circumstances, are resolved with duels of wit and logic or the voluntary removal of one party from the situation.

    Simply put, even the civilized Florans(who are the special minority too, mind you), are known to have the highest rate of attacks upon other races, often for simply expressing dislike or anger at the fact that they have had less than agreeable relations with Florans in the past. What is the usual response? A primal and violent attack that only confirms the misgivings the victim already had. And what is the response of those who defend these Florans? "Oh, he/she had it coming. Don't piss off a Floran."

    No other race demands this kind of opinion silence and neutral crawling around them to avoid offending their members. You may be disliked, but they won't try to take your limbs, and then your life. So, in other words, we have to give Florans special treatment, in addition to equality.

    May I remind you that general law applicable to all species is basically exactly what you just argued against, a restriction of freedom. But expression naturally goes hand-in-hand with suppression, and we need to all sacrifice some cruder forms of expression that would inhibit or detract from others' expressions and livelihood. Florans on the other hand, again, are allowed to restrict your freedoms further by preventing you from freely vocalizing a disagreement or dissent with their culture or way of life through threat of violence. So, are you advocating for equal treatment or special treatment for Florans by other races? You haven't made a distinction between the two, and if you don't know what your thesis for your argument is, your points are worthless.

    Why would it be a racial grab? I will not argue for overall superiority, but I will make a simple pair of points. In terms of technological development, Florans are inferior in raw terms. Every other species has made more contributions than them. In terms of cultural contributions, well, I'm sure the novel Floran Peace is an excellent example as to why contributions in this field were less than exemplary. So, at least in two fields that are highly valued in universal relations, they are inferior. Quite frankly, this is valid, and these points aren't hiding, they're glaring in the faces of those who defend this race, who easily forget to refute evidence that sits right in front of them. I'm also especially fond of your moral tangent pushing.

    According to you, keeping track of the potentially most chaotic and boisterous species on this frontier is stupid. We should lie down and continue to let the norms of society bend to them. We should let them call us meatbags as the norm and if we even mention the word weed in their proximity we get called a racist and possibly stabbed. If we attack them for calling us names we are being irrationally violent. If they attack us for saying weed they are just being Florans. I hope the direction this is going is clear.

    Lastly, no, we are probably not better than them if you're talking about absolute right. Perhaps the absolute right would be to lie down, let them eat us alive, and strip away our technology as they ascend higher on the universe's food chain as the species with greater long-term sustainability. It is no coincidence that they have already spread so quickly and eliminated so many settlements and scrounged so much technology in so little time. Perhaps in a hundred years they will emerge as the organism with no predators that will only wane and die out due to a lack of food. Maybe we are in the absolute wrong by being selfish and taking this step to protect ourselves. Maybe we are only delaying the process of natural selection. Maybe. But really, at the end of the day, what do you value more? Your life and those of the people whom you love, or absolute freedom with benefits and understanding for the Florans?

    The mountain you are trying to argue against is only growing higher every day, and one day, you will see it and the storm clouds above its peak on the horizon. Think objectively and about long-term sustainability. Don't be a fool.
    #26 Optimism, Oct 1, 2014
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2014
  7. Optimism

    Optimism Guest

    -Loose Beak

    I am not opposed to this idea.


    Mar 16, 2014
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    Raiding pacific race's planet is not a big deal, but you've earned a cookie for trying.
  9. Doctor Frohman

    Doctor Frohman New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
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    Mmmm cookie
    - Tonn
  10. CaptainBritton02

    CaptainBritton02 Man of War

    Jan 7, 2014
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    I recognize florans can fight back, but so can I, and though I wouldn't like to, I'll name the reason I was called the honor of 3000 if a floran such as threatens to "Sssstab and eatssss." We aren't completely going to restrict you, I just say we set up a test for a passport, and if they pass, they get it. It would have questions only the specific leading race of the colony would know. They would set up classes to teach the florans these thins and show them how to do them civilized, such as eating, self defense, business management, etc.

    -Warof3000 (Seaguard)
  11. Baron

    Baron New Member

    Sep 27, 2014
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    Evolution already took it's course and yes, Floran took an offensive strategy and committed genocide on another race, I agree this isn't something we should ignore.

    However, can anyone from any of the races truly sit there and say that they're more civilized. Look at the history of humankind, Apex and Glitch. All of you have more than enough history of violence within your own species to warrant this same response from any other race that might meet us in the future, the only thing that separates us from Floran currently is that we're not in the spotlight. I've seen Glitch in a hell bent attempt to eradicate all organic life, Apex bent on hive mind racial domination, Humans... Well I'm one of them and I've seen the atrocities that we can commit.

    Tossing them all onto a planet is a bad idea, restricting them is a bad idea, why? This will cause more rebellion then we've had before and only through a higher education to Floran can we ever expect to see such a dramatic change to their behavioral patterns. I happen to work with a Floran who's perfectly pleasant until provoked as all species are might I add. Is this a rare case for this species? I'm willing to admit yes, but it was the time I spent in this particular Floran's company that allowed her to cement a solid ideal of what was right and wrong when it came to interacting with other races, perseverance came through and I've seen the full potential of what Floran can achieve given the chance.

    You may think the rational behind my argument abhorrent and contradictory but we were all once animals in our more primitive days, as this species is the youngest of all our known neighbors of the galaxies. How is this segregation a solution? Why segregate when we can educate. The previous reply to myself mentioned how we're providing them with weaponry, while we ourselves carry an all manner of dangerous arms without so little as a glance from lawful factions, purely because of our race. Should we lie down and be eaten? No, that statement within itself is prudent and clutching for a seemingly better argument when really there's nothing else to say here. If they are to be places on a pedestal as bad, then we should look at ourselves first, for if we were a more exemplary example we would be able to convince them otherwise, I'm sure of it.

    I must repeat I'm not ignoring the fact that Hylotl were the first blood to be drawn by Floran-kind, but this is a race only barely reaching the cusp of what they can potentially achieve, what if this same thing was done to primitive Humans, Apex, Glitch or Hylotl? Extinguishing the potential flame of promise for a solution today? Does this excuse them? No. But that merely exudes the need to control, supremacy of race is an issue here as we've all most likely had fear of the unknown, fear of what comes next in our life time. Compared to us, the Floran are children they're so new in their development that I believe the real crime would be to rid them of the same rights we have, when we've committed just as much as they have in our primitive eras, in addition these children of the universe need to be helped, all children of any race require special treatment and guidance, it is the way of the elder to provide that. Violent or not they still live, talk and think with a form of higher understanding.

    As stated above, I make voyage with a Floran regularly, it is her time spent in my company that has reformed her of truly violent ways, a beacon in a sea of darkness and because that beacon exists, I'm willing to fight for the Floran rights to be treated much as ourselves, equally. I will never allow a Floran to kill me, neither and Apex, Human, Glitch, etc. I don't care if they call me meatbag, it's just a name, a name I've seen Glitch refer to us with as well, however I expect it from Floran because they haven't really been given the time to learn as a race yet, to understand their fellow travelers either.

    I am no fool, I've been gifted with insight that I only wish you could see as I do, these lives are valuable and shackling them before they can fly isn't going to help them, teaching them to fly will.

    -Baron Zerrax
    #31 Baron, Oct 1, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 1, 2014
  12. Baron

    Baron New Member

    Sep 27, 2014
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    I meant intelligent and peaceful terms and you know it, twisting my words to make yourself seem smarter helps no one. It's clear you're smart, let's move past that.

    Good measures of both. I answered that.

    I never had a problem with passports, but where does the line lie when it comes to continuing to restrict them? I may be an idealist but I can see the path that this leads to, until mentioned earlier you never even attempted to reach the resolution of education for this race, instead you seemed quite happy to strip them of what they have and toss them onto some planet, wishing them the best. My problems lie with the thought process behind this thinking, who's voice is commanding these changes, are there any other agendas? Your sarcy response answered none of these questions, or asked them either.

    You may say no, but I have no reason to trust you, or any of these other people that've begun these arguments against the Floran. If votes counted I'd vote for the compromise issues by the Floran prior, education on a planet led by elders, reformation and rehabilitation.

    I sympathize with the Hylotl, the genocide of their species was not warranted in any form and my heart goes out to them as a species, but there's nothing any of us can do to revoke that, Hylotl are the best of us. I just want to give Floran the same chance that we were all given as a race.
  13. M-Bot

    M-Bot #swellest

    Apr 4, 2014
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  14. Wreth

    Wreth New Member

    Dec 18, 2013
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    Floran not ssssee problem.

    Fisshmen and floran diplomatsss met.

    Fissshmen insssulted all of floran culture at friendly diplomatic meeting. Ssso we sstabbed the rude fisshmen, and teach them lesssson by invading and taking over their planet.

    Floran think we should rename fisshmen planet "New Flora"

  15. Doctor Frohman

    Doctor Frohman New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
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    Honest to god, I'm 100% sure that didn't happen.
    And I'm all for the Florans.
    - Clarice
  16. Optimism

    Optimism Guest

    -Loose Beak
    I only used the grapes of your own debate harvest to back my analysis. I didn't alter your statements. You reaped what you sowed.

    … Thank you for the compliment. It was quite flattering.

    No, you didn't. You left it to the implicative interpretation of your words and didn't clarify. Clarity is important when addressing a general audience. That was the issue I took with the statement.

    Oh not the holier than thou tangents again…

    And the reason I wasn't reaching for a resolution of my own to enact was because I know as well as you that I do have bias towards this race, and any plan I formulated or enacted beyond a theoretical stage would be undesirable for them. My point was to offer my support for the passports, though I didn't hesitate to also offer my opinions, and logical and factual points on the matter.

    Also, I never said nor implied that I would be happy with the theoretical plan of action I mentioned, nor did I have the mercilessness to offer any dustball of a planet. I said their home planet. Don't twist my words, preacher, and do practice your own.

    If you are curious about background intentions or cloak and dagger behind a stage then by all means, take that issue with the creator of this plan, but you never mentioned it in your earlier arguments.

    I would probably vote for that course of action in addition or alternative to the passports. but what's your point with the trust inconsistencies? No one here is obliged to trust you or I more or less, or anyone else's argument, really.

    Kluex's wings…

    You have my sincere apologies I am not so insightful as your holy self.

    Now, I am going to find what in the universe the word sarcy you said means.
    #36 Optimism, Oct 1, 2014
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2014
  17. Baron

    Baron New Member

    Sep 27, 2014
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    Apology accepted.

    -Barron Zerrax
    #37 Baron, Oct 1, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 2, 2014
  18. JimHarrison

    JimHarrison Grouchy Player

    Apr 18, 2014
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    Well heck, after them Greenskins got booted outta' LM, crime dropped down ta' near nothin'.
    Buncha' good fer' nothin' club draggers!

    -Jeremiah P. Heath
  19. Dekerrex

    Dekerrex New Member

    Jul 29, 2014
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    Buncha' good fer' nothin' club draggers!

    -Jeremiah P. Heath[/QUOTE]
    Could club draggerss reversse engineer sspacce craft far beyond their intelectual knowledge? Would a club dragged be sssaying thiss on sstarnet?

    Floransss are capable of achieving higher inteligenccce like everyone elsse. Thiss hasss been proven by every educated and wissseman floran.
    And I would like you all to think hard, maybe, jusssst maybe, you are role modelsss. Back in tribe dayss chieftain wass besst. Every floran wanted to be like chieftain or better. Now that floranss travel galaxxxy, there isss no other chieftain figuressss than ssuperior raccesss. Floranss want to be like chieftainssss too, and im ssure ssomeone will bring up the fact that chieftainsss have their reign, and then fall ass a younger sstronger ruler takesss their place. Mossst of our sssavagery livesss in the hunt, or fight or flight. Our insstinctive need to multiply. I cannot apologizzze for what my ancesstorss did to the Hylotlss world, but I can sssay if it wasssnt for the 'modern' war machinessss you left for uss thingss might not be extreme. We did not know of lassser gunsss and plassma burnerss, we didn't know of bank roberiess or terror attacksss until our life wass interfeared by the otherss! Hell, even sssome organizationss are teaching floranssss advancced warfare ssstrategy! No I am not swaying you sshould ssend us home, I am swaying you need to be better role modelss, teach uss the right way, not the violent way we all have sseen of you.


    (typed it on my phone, I blame autocorrect for any weirdness in my words other than the accent)
    #39 Dekerrex, Oct 2, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 2, 2014
  20. Sammy McHammyDoodle

    Sammy McHammyDoodle New Member

    Jan 13, 2014
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    Summ'a these Florans are making more sense than the non-Florans.