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The Dynamic of 'Slaves'

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by BIGtheRED, Mar 27, 2014.

  1. Switchback

    Switchback Iss likess fissh eyess~!

    Jan 3, 2014
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    * cries with aiko cause is afraid of twitch *
  2. Trite

    Trite New Member

    Feb 16, 2014
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    Look I get it, ERP shouldn't be on the server, its against the CoC and people (should) know it. But I think this comment is a bit excessive. :/ Also, the thread is getting derailed.
  3. Aiko Ikari

    Aiko Ikari Guest

    Oh pah. He's just being twitch.

    Playing a slave would obviously be boring as shit. Just waiting around your "owner" until they say "Yo sweep the floor, heathen" and you're all like "yessir".

    When we're not in peek hours (50+ players), it'd probably be best to just... dual log a slave. Or act as if they exist when they don't. AKA imaginary npc's. So long as it doesn't get to the point of "I have 300000 slaves, all equipped with super guns and armor." I know I've been playing with a small imaginary "bar staff" at my little place.

    Speaking of which.... Whoever killed the beautiful pompadour'ed Jeremy.... I'm going to find you, and I'm going to cut you.

    *heart break*
  4. Twitch

    Twitch Wayward Star

    Dec 17, 2013
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    It was, which was apparently required for the point to get itself across.

    The idea behind slaving, in roleplay, opens a great wealth of good roleplay to be had. It requires everyone involved however, to be mature and to treat the issue with respect. It is not a joke. Depending on how this turns, I may throw and alt into the mix to get involved. We'll see where this falls when the dust settles from the initial wave.
  5. Twitch

    Twitch Wayward Star

    Dec 17, 2013
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    I don't' agree with this at all. A slave character is still a character. they have hopes, dreams, and lives to live. They are just more limited in there options. An enslaved character can be just as compelling as any other character. Using them as nothing more then a glorified sidekick is a bit silly to me.
  6. Aiko Ikari

    Aiko Ikari Guest

    Hmmm, true. Based on the Astral Empire thing, giving them the opportunity to try and succeed and better themselves. It's hard to take my mind away from "Slaves = mindless and obedient vessels that simply live to obey, with no dreams, aspirations or free will of their own"
    So wait. If these slaves are "free" in a sense, and are given the chance to do something with their life besides serve their master, but are still forced to labour without payment... aren't they kinda like kids? Without the spoiled brat-attitude and the tantrums in the middle of the supermarket part.

    So this form of slavery is superior to raising a child in every single way.
  7. Xenos

    Xenos New Member

    Jan 3, 2014
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    Heh. I think that, if given the chance, Tide or Anima would attempt to enslave others. Tide's a bit DEAD for that... (give him a week or so...) and Anima would need a body....

    Were I not on my tablet, I would add more... but as it were, I've already taken five minutes... I'll add more when I get on my laptop.
  8. SirFruitcakes

    SirFruitcakes New Member

    Feb 15, 2014
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    I like the idea of slavery if done right, gives good guys the ability to help people and bad guys something to do, it'd be great to see a bunch of freedom fighterss (Kind of like with the miniknog) fighting a slaver group or trying to coerce them to release his Slaves via deals and the like, would make for great RP.

    And it'd also be awesome to see Slaves try to work together to form a escape plan and execute it, and if escaping it'd be fun to see them try to avoid recapture from their master, who is constantly seeking them out to keep his reputation.
    #48 SirFruitcakes, Mar 28, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 28, 2014
  9. Twitch

    Twitch Wayward Star

    Dec 17, 2013
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    Try to think of the sort of slavery they have on a wide scale to something akin to indentured servants.
  10. BIGtheRED

    BIGtheRED Honey-glazed Bacon

    Jan 1, 2014
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    I, for one, have faith that this kind of roleplay can be conducted positively.
    This idea is extremely ripe with opportunities and adds a completely different paaradigm for those who are ambitious enough to RP within obvious limitations.

    I would absolutely agree that with the genesis of this kind of RP that stricter rules would need to be made more apparent upfront, so that the little kiddies who are too tempted to delve into an angsty hormone binge can know the score from day one.

    I am one of the people who insists absolutely upon conducting this kind of RP in a way that is an honest, platonic, and compelling, and that would add a very deep issue in the politics of the IC universe!

    We're talking about people who aren't getting paid to work. That's all!
    Best way to think about these people are basically:

    -Workers (you are their boss)
    -Corporate Employees (half the Apex population is already slaves, liberally speaking)
    -Gladiators (c'mon Aiko. wouldn't you want to have people who fight to the death for your amusement)
    -Golf Caddy's
    -The guy clomping coconuts behind their boss as they pretend they are riding a horse.

    NONE of this is meant to resemble ERP, American Slavery, or inappropriate depictions of rape or abuse.
    I am as much against this notion as any, but at the same time, want people not to blow this slave thing out of proportion.

    Essentially: workers who don't get paid, but who are still expected to obey their employer.
    #50 BIGtheRED, Mar 28, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 28, 2014
  11. Aiko Ikari

    Aiko Ikari Guest

    No no no :( Aiko doesn't like to watch people die!
    Aiko just uses her bar staff for:
    Drink serving
    Cleaning up scrap metal after using C4 to clear out some weird turret left in her bar
    Carrying her around on a throne
  12. Aleiksei

    Aleiksei New Member

    Jan 3, 2014
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    It seems you and I for now are the big actors of this, since you made threads about it and we already started having slaves in Luminaria, and I agree 100%. Literally couldn't agree more. This is not meant for sexual abuse/rape fantaisies at all.

    Interesting personal plots, interesting characters, political consequences, and a depiction of a "different" society is what it is.
  13. Aiko Ikari

    Aiko Ikari Guest

    I'm just going to call them "butlers" and "assistants"
  14. BIGtheRED

    BIGtheRED Honey-glazed Bacon

    Jan 1, 2014
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    Well, what can I say?
    I know good ideas when I sees them!

    ... and I have an enthusiastic brain that wont be quiet.

    Its not my intention to draw attention from you or anything
  15. Aleiksei

    Aleiksei New Member

    Jan 3, 2014
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    Oh no worries I never even thought that, I'm glad to see other people interested/bringing it up cause it's honestly hard to set up alone without much opinions, others than those of the other scummy villains of The Astral Empire B)
  16. Weavle105

    Weavle105 Back in Black.

    Jan 17, 2014
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    The staff disapproved 34th rule of the server; if it exists, it WILL be used for ERP. No exceptions.

    I disagree. With Ashlyn, she'd be very violent, and would constantly be trying to kill her owner, to the point where they'd have to put a shock collar and Impervium shackles on her. It'd be quite interesting to see my character with such a strong will be forced into a situation where they are forced to work for someone else with no pay or reward, or be faced with her worst fear; electricity.
  17. Toadkid1234

    Toadkid1234 New Member

    Jan 28, 2014
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    Just thinking out loud here...

    Don't you think slavery would be entirely pointless with the ability to have robots and AIs, which are probably much cheaper and do the job better?
  18. Awe

    Awe Gotta go fast!

    Jan 28, 2014
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    Got a point here, but not everyone can afford robots (which need maintaining and such) when organic life (which just needs food and water) is there for free. Also, not everybody has the knowledge of how to operate robots, and some may have fears of technology or something. There's many reasons for still using organic slave labour, though I definitely agree that there are far better alternatives for most people to use.
  19. Weavle105

    Weavle105 Back in Black.

    Jan 17, 2014
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    I once again bring up Ash's crippling fear of electricity... I feel as though that has been brought up a lot today...
  20. Twitch

    Twitch Wayward Star

    Dec 17, 2013
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    Perhaps on paper. There is however the question of resources. perhaps the Empire has an surplus of food and housing, but lacks the technical staff or materials to manufacture and maintain a robotic work force. Then there is the issue of culture. The society seems based around slavery from top to bottom as a way of selection.