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The Corrupted Data Log of Julian Kovic

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Birds, May 8, 2014.

  1. Birds

    Birds Not Stanley

    Feb 12, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Apologies for the sudden discontinuation of my routinely uploads, reader. I've had another matter to attend to which has otherwise required my full attention up until now.
    Fear not, though. The story continues.

    I will resume unencrypting the data entries as soon as possible.
    And, if you don't mind me saying, we're close to the good part.
  2. Birds

    Birds Not Stanley

    Feb 12, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Day 65
    Gregory is in this with me now. He's just as concerned as I am with all this and I figured it'd be nice to not have to do this alone anymore.

    He came to me yesterday while I was in the locker room and asked if I knew anything about what's really been going on here. You have to trust someone pretty damn well to ask them that these days. It was rather flattering, actually. Had I not been the great friend that I am, one report would have gotten him placed in a detainment cell for however long we're left on this piece-of-shit ship before we're evacuated. Anyway, I didn't have an answer for him, but I offered to tell him what I did know. After seeing how much he trusted me, I guess I owed him that much.

    I filled him in on everything. Every possible thing I could think of. I brought up what happened to Tanner, Medavoy and Cypher's deal, and other events like that and told him that I believe its all related to what the science team is doing in the shadows. If he wasn't suspicious before, he certainly is now. We cleared up some gaps but we're still trying to determine how exactly everything is connected and why people on board are now getting picked off one by one. Once we learn what the science team is doing, I'm hoping it'll all be clear to us.

    Today, he came up with a good idea regarding how to go about doing this. Instead of attempting to break into the restricted labs or interrogating some poor scientist, he's going to see if he can get a security recording off one of the cameras in the lab space. All the disks are kept in a separate office that lower security team members like Gregory and myself are cut off from. He's going to see if he can convince Jacob, the guy in charge of watching the monitors (the one and only now, since Tom is dead), to get us the disk we need. That way, we don't have to risk getting caught trespassing. I offered to help but he says it's not necessary and might draw too much attention to us. We don't want to push too hard unless we know we absolutely have to. He says he'll have results by tomorrow.

    I still haven't heard anything about what happened to Tanner. I know it's weeks in the past but, every time I think about it, I just get this chill. It's followed by a weird feeling that I know exactly what happened to him but I don't want to acknowledge it. I'm too afraid to ask Medavoy about him. Partly because I don't know how he'll react and partly because I'm afraid I might get an answer.

    Do I really think they killed Tanner? I have no idea. I'm leaning towards no, however. I'm fully aware that I could just be paranoid about the whole thing. I don't think they'd go that far to keep their secret hidden, assuming Tanner figured it out. Keeping him alive and detained would have the same effect, regardless. I really hope that's the case but I don't think I'd be that surprised if I found out they really did kill him. The way they were just beating the shit out of him that one day makes me think they wanted him to die right then and there.

    I'm not going to end up like him. I tell myself that almost every day now. Even if I do figure all this out and I'm caught in the act, I'm not letting anyone beat me senseless and drag me off to the bowels of this ship. I simply wont allow that to happen. If nothing else, now that there's two of us, at least we can effectively go down fighting.
    #22 Birds, Jun 24, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 24, 2014
  3. Birds

    Birds Not Stanley

    Feb 12, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Day 66
    I found something bad.
    I found something really, really bad.

    It wasn't the doctor that killed Doug. Tom killed them both. One right after the other. I don't have time to explain now but I need to make sure that gets recorded in case something happens to me. There's been another incident.
  4. Birds

    Birds Not Stanley

    Feb 12, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Day 68

    Gregory went with Jacob to the restricted security offices. He was able to convince him to get him inside, somehow. Maybe through intimidation, I don't know. Doesn't matter that much. Gregory came to learn that the disks in that room with captured footage of the labs are locked up behind a separate metal door. He could see all the containers they were stored in through a window on the door, though. There's plenty of them back there. We'd just need a key to access them which, apparently, not even Jacob has. Looking back, it was dumb of us not to assume there'd be some kind of added security. On his way out, though, he said he grabbed a folder left on a desk in the center of the room while Jacob had his back turned. I guess he didn't want to leave empty handed and ended up making a last minute grab of the closest thing he could find. It turned out to be an employee evaluation of Tom. He took it back to his room to get a better look at the contents inside. I showed up not long after to find out how his plan went.

    The file evaluated our recently deceased friend on his performance and brought up a lot of background information about the guy. It included some not-so flattering things about his work methods and how frequently he would waste his time and distract the people he worked with. It made several references to the fact that he was on some special payroll which more than likely kept him under Medavoy's influence. It seemed incomplete, though. It didn't reference the fact that he was murdered or anything. Anyone reading it over would just assume he was still working here. After going through all the papers, I found an
    envelope taped to the inside of the folder with a few disks in it. It was visual proof from the security cameras that highlighted Tom's accomplishments and/or failures. Gregory and I decided to go through all of them, hoping something would come out of it.

    It started out being simple stuff like Tom leaving his post to do something unrelated or talking to someone longer than he probably should have. They even caught him putting items into that hollowed out space behind his locker, including my whiskey. It made me even more uneasy finding out they knew about that the entire time. Each individual disk captured about eight hours of footage so we mostly had the player on fast-forward to save time. When we could see something interesting happening on the screen, we'd slow it down and let it play at a regular speed. There were three disks in total to go through. However, after forty minutes or so, we could both see that we were getting nowhere and called it a night. I left Gregory's room and didn't hear from him again until the next day when he ran up to me saying he found "something bad" on one of the disks.

    I went back to his room and he played it for me. It was a recording of what actually happened in the generator room the night Doug and that doctor were killed.

    It started off same as we were told. The doctor was there attempting to start a fire by soaking anything flammable he could get his hands on with lighter fluid from the labs. The only thing missing was Doug. There was no sign of him. Despite what everyone said had happened, the doctor was acting on his own without a hostage.

    Tom found the doctor in the generator room, probably coming right from the watching the security feed after seeing this disturbance on camera. The doctor himself was too preoccupied in what he was doing to notice Tom, though. He continued tossing objects on the pile he had made next to one of the generators while Tom watched from the doorway. He slipped into the room and walked up behind the guy with his gun in his hand. Then, when he felt he was close enough, he just took aim and shot the doctor in the back of the head. No warning. No effort made to take him alive. He fell to the floor and Tom got his radio out and began speaking into it, probably reporting what had just occurred.

    Then Doug walked in. The man I'd assume to be Doug, anyway. He was wearing a jumpsuit and fit the description everyone gave him. He must've been just outside the room and came in to investigate the sound of a gun being fired. He looked at Tom and the body and started to panic. Tom assured him everything was under control and had him face the nearby wall with his hands behind his head. He walked up to him and kept his pistol aimed at him while he continued to speak into the radio in his other hand.
    He had a long conversation with whoever was on the other end of that radio. I couldn't make out any of what he was saying, though. He was being quiet enough so that Doug wouldn't hear the conversation.

    Eventually, Tom put the radio away. He and Doug stood there for a bit in complete silence. Then, out of nowhere, he pressed his gun to the back of Doug's head and pulled the trigger. Just like that. Again, without any warning.

    We didn't know how to react. I still don't. I was his friend. I knew he wasn't perfect but I didn't think he'd just flat-out execute two people like that. I'd like to go against believing that he was carrying out Medavoy's orders but I can't imagine who else on this ship would tell him to do that. A broken generator would mean we would require outside help in order to fix it and evacuate everyone. That would risk exposure. If I've learned anything about Medavoy, it's that he would die before he let's anyone know what the science team is doing here. So, the best way to ensure he gets rid of the threat is to kill everyone involved. That includes anyone who witnesses the cleanup, as Doug learned just before taking a bullet to the head. I think that's why that doctor did what he did. He knew what the science team was doing and how badly they wanted to avoid attention. He decided he didn't want any part of it so he attempted to disable the ship and get help from the outside. It might even be the reason behind why Tom got killed a month or so later. One of Doug's friends figured all of this out and wanted revenge. It's a long shot but at least it all adds up.

    I know all of this sounds crazy and I know I might just still be a bit paranoid about the whole thing. It doesn't change any facts, though. Tom murdered those two because those were the orders he got over the radio. That's just what happened. No amount of paranoid or suspicion is going to change that. Whether or not Tom was Medavoy's acting hitman on this expedition has yet to be determined. Despite this whole theory, it still doesn't quite answer any of the questions we had before uncovering this secret. Also, if Medavoy didn't want me dead before, he will once he realizes we read through that file.

    After realizing that, Gregory and I freaked out a bit. He hadn't really thought about the consequences of taking Tom's file. I got angry at him for stealing it since somebody was more than likely going to notice it was missing. If they found it was us, they'd see we looked at the whole thing and do with us what Tom did to Doug. He said we should return it but it was definitely too late for that. It was gone for a day. Someone had to have noticed by then. Instead, we destroyed it. We burned the entire file, disks and all, in the trash bin in Gregory's room. Now there's nothing for them to find. I felt a bit safer after that. Not as much as I'd have liked, though.

    I haven't seen Shaun in a long while. For his own safety, it's probably best he doesn't get involved in what we're doing. They'd kill him too if we filled him in on everything we've learned. Same goes for David and Saul. I don't know if they're guilty of anything but they seem like nice people and they've arguably been my friends for months now. I really hope they're not as involved in this as everyone else seems to be.

    So, along with that, there was another incident a few days ago. Someone else went missing. Another member of the science team. Not sure as to who exactly it was but I'm not all that quick to find out. I'm exhausted and it's getting harder and harder to keep up with everything that's going on here. Once I've rested a while, I'll get back to giving a shit about this person's disappearance.
    #24 Birds, Jul 3, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 3, 2014
  5. Birds

    Birds Not Stanley

    Feb 12, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Day 70
    Бојим се.
    Уморан сам.
    Морам да пронађе излаз уместо одговора.
    Ја нисам херој.
    Нисам спасити мог брата.
    Нисам ни спасити мој однос.
    Нећу моћи да спасе људе сам са сада.
    Нити ћу пробати.
    Могу само да ме спаси.
    Или умрети покушавајући да.

    Ако можете да прочитате ово, молимо вас да нас све опрости.
    Нисмо знали опасности овог ужасног места.

    I'm afraid.
    I'm tired.
    I need to find a way out instead of answers.
    I'm not a hero.
    I did not save my brother.
    I did not save my relationship.
    I will not be able to save the people I'm with now.
    Nor will I try.
    I can only save me.
    Or die trying to.

    If you can read this, please forgive us all.
    We did not know the dangers of this horrible place.