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Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Switchback, Aug 19, 2014.


Are tattoos Good or bad?

  1. Good!

  2. Bad!

  3. I dont care for them...

  1. Chronicle

    Chronicle nobody knows why he's still here

    Dec 17, 2013
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    These posts started out pretty constructive, but they're starting to get a little ridiculous. I'd ask you all to keep it constructive and respectful. That goes for everyone in this thread.

    That's not to say honest and even negative opinions aren't welcome, but just use some tact. Remember, we changed our rules in part for this reason, and we were pretty serious when we said we'd enforce 'em. We're all people here, so please treat each other decently.

    Props to Rezima for a pretty cool post. I also agree with her regarding the tattoo advice. Was going to add to it, but there's not really much to add that she didn't say already. I just agree.
  2. King Tickle

    King Tickle I hope it rains in this tunnel.

    Feb 2, 2014
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    From personal experience, a tattoo is something that lowers your chances at getting into a higher job position (Not that I have one, but I've heard things from friends who talk about the concern someone with, oh let's say for the sake of extremes, a full sleeve of tattoos brings to an office environment.) While it may not be the deciding factor, it's definitely something people look at and take into consideration. While most people who are in the position to review job applications and conduct interviews will have the sense to not assume things, it's never something to risk as it is a PERMANENT alteration to your body. Even if your opinion of the tattoo changes later on in your life, it's not going anywhere... unless of course you're willing to then invest in expensive tattoo removal that might not even work 100%. Personally I'd never get a tattoo, but a good portion of my friends have them and I don't look down on them for it.

    Despite all the opinions, including mine, it's YOUR choice. If you really want to get one, there's nothing anyone can say to stop you. But do think about it, and make sure you've reached a logical conclusion before getting any ink stamped into your skin.
  3. Rezima

    Rezima New Member

    Feb 1, 2014
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    Really depends on the jobs too, office and retail are the most likely to send you packing, construction and labour jobs seldom care, some jobs even welcome them, like artistic jobs. I myself am a drafting and design major, a trade that relies heavily on being able to draw and freehand exceptionally well. The fact that I designed and drew my own tattoos has actually garnered me some immediate praise and approval from some potential employers, simply because I had a prime example of my work available for them to see, something that set me apart from my portfolio of schematics and plans.
  4. King Tickle

    King Tickle I hope it rains in this tunnel.

    Feb 2, 2014
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    Actually, funny story. One of my friends who does have tattoos is an art major. The way he talks about how each tattoo represents something and how it's "drawn" in its own style even impresses me, and I bet any art professor would love that kind of thinking. But yea, I'm talking from the perspective of the cliche suits and ties, offices, business work. Although since in some fields sales depend on charisma, you could also assume a guy/girl with tattoos has more charisma or something... then again, that would be another assumption and those aren't good.
  5. Rezima

    Rezima New Member

    Feb 1, 2014
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    Depends on the shop, really, some shops have a vibe that goes really well with tattoos and piercings, others mesh better with polos and slacks.

    And my favorite artist LOVED it when I came in with my little sparrow already drawn out and planned, he loves transplanting peoples art onto themselves, and so far I have drawn all of my tattoos
  6. DirtyGoblin

    DirtyGoblin Guest

    .....If you're Tattoo doesn't show while wearing "Business Casual" clothes, you're typically alright. In murica, military service will be a bit nitpicky 'bout tattoos, as far as size, number and location, not sure bout other countries military's stances but you can always use google.
    TL;DR if you can't see it while wearing decent "work" clothes you're probably safe if that's something that concerns you.
  7. Rezima

    Rezima New Member

    Feb 1, 2014
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    hence mine, inner thigh, back of my right shoulder, on the inside of my left arm, along the side of the bicep.
    All I have to do to cover mine is wear shorts of ANY length and something that covers my arms down almost to the elbows and I am FINE