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Starting a random colony from scratch with no i like cheating mod

Discussion in 'Roleplay Planning' started by Chimpowitz, Dec 10, 2014.

  1. Chimpowitz

    Chimpowitz New Member

    Oct 13, 2014
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    I feel very bad for creating such a controversy on this server, i deeply apologies for anyone who is affected by this ((Sounds like NFL player caught in a domestic violence scandal))
  2. Avis

    Avis Halloweenie of the Serengeti

    Apr 20, 2014
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    Players are expected to come by their items by realistic means, and frankly, the game mechanics are not realistic and are easily abused.
    If you find a player doing such things, then report them. This is considered powergaming, and should not happen. Moderators do not have eyes everywhere, so when these characters appear and no one says anything, it becomes very difficult for staff to do something about it.
    This is in fact a roleplay server, so saying that a roleplay server on Starbound doesn't make any sense, and then claiming that the standards set by the community are harsh and boring, and should be able to be ignored is a little confusing to me.
    I never said this group should leave. I'd like to ask you to avoid reading into things too much, since is causes miscommunication and upset where there should be none. However, I definitely admit that I was overly harsh in my last post and I apologize for that. It was late, I was tired, and I really should have waited to post until the morning, but that's no excuse.

    Anyways, regarding the colony, it is a new idea, and while it's an interesting suggestion for a colony, I don't think it'd fit into this server very well, and would not be compatible with how the rest of the server functions.

    Please don't feel bad about this; you offered an idea, and I more or less shot it down. If anything, I feel bad for being as aggressive as I was in my initial post.
    #42 Avis, Dec 12, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 12, 2014
  3. Atom

    Atom New Member

    Sep 8, 2014
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    Please tell me where it says this in the rules?

    I did not say its at that point yet with this community, I'd like to ask you to avoid reading into things to much, since this causes miscommunication and upset where there should be none.

    What I meant is we should be able to use the game the way it was made to role play the best we can without forcing in realistic expectations if we want to, or just cheat stuff in, either way should be fine because there is no clear rule against it. When the update comes around and we still don't have a section of server lore on the forums that can explain how we obtain items through cheating or in game, most of the new people will just go by the game mechanics which will be improved. Please try to look at this from a new player's perspective.
  4. CaptainBritton02

    CaptainBritton02 Man of War

    Jan 7, 2014
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    Ok, what the mods are trying to say, is, that no one is Dr. Mary Sue and can do anything. When choosing a profession you must keep in mind how long realistically that job would take and stick with that profession. Cyberneticists can't build starships and vice-versa. All in all, this is an okay idea. I suggest a trial run with observation by moderators to see just where this could go. Good luck. 2 cents machine shutting down...
  5. Avis

    Avis Halloweenie of the Serengeti

    Apr 20, 2014
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    Rule Three of the CoC, as well as the resources subsection of the faction regulations (And this part of the faction regulations does say that it applies to colonies), and Rule 4 of the CoC under "Characters". It is also worth noting that this server's standard is mostly set by the players, and though it is not written down, there is a clear expectation as to what is acceptable in roleplay, and as of late, the server has been moving towards more realistic goals. Starbound's progression by game mechanics alone takes a matter of hours, while players who have attempted similar goals through the server's general process take days and weeks. Also keep in mind that the skills required to make a colony both realistically while using the game mechanics would require either a very, very large number of players, or for a handful of "Mary Sue" type characters, especially in regards to the high-tech equipment that would be used and required for further development.
    I apologize for this.
    As I've said before, the community has set a standard of what's fair. Change to the standard comes through slight deviations, and support from the community as a whole and by the mods in a joint effort; that is clear from the server's history. When there is ample, clear evidence that something does not go along with the server's standard, but there are no specific rules about it, I would suggest looking more into it, or running it by mods, and asking the community's opinion on it (Obviously, this last part has been done).
    "Obtaining items in game" is done through realistic and roleplay means. If you find someone who is not doing so, please report them. Check the market page; Trition shipyards are a fantastic example of goods being obtained through realistic means, as Vivian has a large staff of players, trade deals, and experts that create an environment capable of supporting a shipwright.

    Of course, this is my thoughts on the matter; if this colony can be realistically accomplished without breaking the rules, then congratulations, and good job, but I am pointing out the problems that I am seeing from the posts so far.