It might not be large enough to hold a bunch of people at once, but Town of Salem would be an interesting choice of game to play: The Game
Things can be futuristic while still realistic. It makes sense that the Florans invaded the Hylotl homeworld, and that they don't have a sense of feeling towards meats, other than food. It doesn't make sense that you can do a standing backflip ten times after training yourself to.
Well, Goon is the only one that has *flip, and even than they have an action delay that only lets you flip once every 10 seconds. Plus, their servers aren't exactly RP. So uh, problem solved?
It was an example of how something in RP may be unrealistic. I wasn't saying SS13 is unrealistic cause you can flip in it.
SS13 RP can be really fun, only thing is you're going to have to keep it whitelisted and deal with a relatively low pop, as the SS13 community as a whole is just utter garbage. Trust me, you do ~not want SS13 pubbies on your server. As for Project Zomboid... Someone said it's hard to roleplay on? I honestly can't relate. I've roleplayed on it plenty, it's good fun.
My experiences were difficult, especially with those client-side equivalents of Nodus. And people running before you can even talk to them. And looted servers. Actually, I think they've made it so that there's the option of having loot respawnable over a set amount of time, but that's now and I was talking then. I'm sure PZ would work in this community, given people'd like to try and change from space-age RP to modern day RP, with the twist of Zs roaming the streets. This discussion actually makes me want to look at the update progress of PZ. BRB.