it's painfully notcute it is not a qt 3.14 ship design 0/10 it's a rusty ass-grenade, not a rusty ass grenade an ass-grenade a grenade for your ass 0/10 shit ship quite possibly the best design on this thread 10 out of fuckin 10 best design EVER 10/10 100/100 best ship BEST SHIP.
Intergalactic tow truck that moonlights as a mighty plunderer of shipwrecks: "The Grave Robber." View attachment 1285
The Megalodon Observer: created for observing planets of classes D, K, L, and M from both outside and inside the planet's ozone. It was especially built to resist high pressure from both inside as well as outside of the ship, and because of this it is able to explore oceans from the inside. Gilleen Mingester bought it as a third-hand ship, and together with her AI companion, Lisa, she planned out the full redecoration of the ship.