Since the whole thing won't fit and I'm lazy feel free to enjoy the sexy ass curves of my cock pit. View attachment 1754
Astaroths/Asaroths Chariot carried by a giant engine with a Cannon on the front. NINJA EDIT: Thanks to OmegaMatt for helping build!
Welp, I FINALLY got FSC to work on my Mac, (had to delete all my toons and remake them) but it works now. This is what I have so far for Scy-Tech. Its still a work in progress but it is coming along. Still need to finish off the following areas: Main Crew Sleep area Crew Galley Crew Teleportation Room (With escape pods) Crew Equipment Room (Armory) Workshop (Carpentry themed) Captains Quarters Storage Engine Room Possible Torpedo area (Pending with story) There will probably more to come, but I am digging this mod. I have chosen a mixture of wood/metal feel to it but still a strong Sci-Fi feel as well. I also still have to name it. I guess that will come once its finished. I will see if I can get a few more areas done tonight and post it on here to show my progress. -Psy
So I have updated the list. The rest of the items seem to not be so important at the moment, but with time and modification, I will add them. Here is the Mk. VII Frigate. Broken down: Front - Spoiler Center - Spoiler Rear - Spoiler Let me know what you guys think. I also love all the ships that you guys have posted, as they are all VERY cool and so creative!!
I present to you, The Order's new Paladin-class Cruiser, the Sword of Gryphon. Now with 100% more zoom!
Just the base ship from a mod, filled with some stuff and an extra room. I dont use it on here, but still nice.
Here's Magnus' ship, the Annihilator-class Battlecruiser 'Ragnarok': I only took a pic of the front cause I'm lazy. The ship extends just as far to the back as the front. I found out that if you walk too far to the right/left, you loop around just like on a planet...I made it as long as possible without being able to see both ends. But seriously, that's the max zoom setting and there's still more. It might be loosely based off the Malevolence from Star Wars. ( hehe ) I'm honestly too lazy to finish furnishing it, but it currently includes these rooms: Cargo hold Bridge Captain's cabin Mess hall Hospital/cloning room Teleporter room Uber-secret smuggler's cargo hold Uber-secret Armoured Wolves meeting location Uber-Uber secret passage to said meeting location from captain's cabin Escape pods Ion Cannon and engineering room for it Observation deck Hangar Drone bay Engine room Crew's quarters And still loads and loads of space. Took me approximately 4 days to finish the oulines of the ship and the rooms.
How... do you even have the IC money to make something like that? THe largest factions on the server don't even have the money to build stuff like that. The flagships for the RA and The Order are barely HALF the size of that thing. >.>