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Sharptooths fumbley made diary

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Switchback, Feb 19, 2014.

  1. Switchback

    Switchback Iss likess fissh eyess~!

    Jan 3, 2014
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    * recording entry whatever starts up*

    hsss SSavass tried to kill himsself.... he tried to take the eassy way out... the weak way..
    all becausse of Cecily.....
    Ugh.. Assh left me ass well... Sstormss sstill in a coma... and John... i need to talk to john...

    * end recording *
  2. Switchback

    Switchback Iss likess fissh eyess~!

    Jan 3, 2014
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    * recording entry whatever starts up *

    many thingss happen.
    Floran gave chiefdom to Nightsshade.
    Eden iss flourisshing sstrong.
    will help her in leading tribe...
    Felith and company wass sstaying at Eden causse wass wanted, but Racisst basstard Jossh kept inssulting floran and wass ungrateful sso made him leave. otherss left with him causse for whatever reasson...
    Had fight with felith about PetalDancer. hsss we made up though...
    Mated with both of themss... iss nice.. closse to them nowss
    Lily iss going to have ssapling ssoon.. maybe... floran wonderss what will be.
    Hss...S-Sspeaking of ssapling...
    PetalSspike... iss dead... ssuch.. ssweet ssapling... filled with bulletss... and not even know how or when died.
    Jusst....found her on Edenss beampad....in a pool of her own ssap...
    * sniff sniff*
    SSapling.. iss with otherss now...
    H-Hss * sniffle *
    Floranss... mother.. iss alive.... ssaw her other day. sshowed her Eden... floran...
    Floran wass have to ssee Vinelick, ssee mother again. after all thesse yearss....
    Hss..Quickclaw returned from where ever sshe went.
    Sshe...iss hurt. not only physsically... but mentally ass well...
    Floran not even know what happened to her... but iss badss.... iss giving her flasshbackss of thingss..
    Floran wisshess could help her, easse her mind...
    But floran cant do anything... nothing right...

    * end recording *
  3. Switchback

    Switchback Iss likess fissh eyess~!

    Jan 3, 2014
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    *recording entry whatever starts up *

    * wood can be heard snapping*

    Sstupid fucking robot!!

    * more smashing noises, after a while it goes silent*

    what..doess floran have to live for anymore.....

    * sounds of a needle pistol cocking *

    * sobbing begins*

    What..doess floran have to live for...

    * recording entry ends *
  4. Switchback

    Switchback Iss likess fissh eyess~!

    Jan 3, 2014
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    And so with the death of sharp, so does her logs die.
    Those with access to her ship can listen through these IC.
    If you're not sure if you have access just ask here and i'll tell you.

    With that, Sharps story comes to a close:
  5. GuardianPotato

    GuardianPotato New Member

    Feb 24, 2014
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    ((;-; ))