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SBSE - Easy Player and Armor Coloring Without Mods (0.10.0 RELEASED - Pleased Giraffe supported)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Phaze, Feb 20, 2014.

  1. Toadkid1234

    Toadkid1234 New Member

    Jan 28, 2014
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    I remember trying to recolor a quiver and loading my character in SBSE gave me error messages. Hmm.
  2. Ricardo

    Ricardo ERP Champ 2016

    Aug 25, 2014
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    For some reason I cannot save some of the changes I make to my characters. Some of the colors on the characters body get all wonky and an error message appears when I try to save.
  3. Twitch

    Twitch Wayward Star

    Dec 17, 2013
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    Please try and provide more detailed feedback. What race(s) did you encounter this issue with? What were you editing before the error happened. What gear did you have on? The more precise you can be, the easier it will be to locate possible bugs.
  4. Aegis Ebonwing

    Aegis Ebonwing New Member

    Feb 7, 2015
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    The creator of SBSE is aware of the problem and stated three weeks ago that he had a fix for it that was coming out with the next update to SBSE. It seems to be an error with SBSE itself, though many have speculated it is because of an incompatibility with Starcheat.

    I would advise using the 9.3 version or whatever version came before that if you still can.

    EDIT: To make sure everyone is aware.. the issue is with the 0.9.4 version of SBSE.
  5. Ricardo

    Ricardo ERP Champ 2016

    Aug 25, 2014
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    Thank you. :)
  6. QuestionableMotives

    QuestionableMotives Not To Be Trusted

    Oct 25, 2014
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    Not sure if this has been asked or is mentioned in the OP (I've only skimmed it), but is there a way to get asymmetry? For example, I'm hoping to give my character only one cybernetic eye?

    Another thing - I recently tried using it and encounted an error. I've tried wiping all SBSE files, reinstalling and redownloading the .exe from the website. The error code is pretty generic, it says: " Warning: Encounted SBSE Error Operation may not have completed"

    Help, anyone? Could it be looking in the wrong directory or something? I haven't changed the location of the starbound file or anything, and, to my knowledge, it should be working fine. :/
    #186 QuestionableMotives, Mar 22, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 22, 2015
  7. Solour

    Solour a dad

    May 26, 2014
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    Don't mind it. It still works. The error usually doesn't affect your character, or your changes.
  8. Mazékial

    Mazékial New Member

    Apr 19, 2014
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    It seems I'm having a bit of an issue. SBSE isn't letting me change the color of the Seeker Helmet. Armor and greaves work just fine, but the helmet refuses to change color. Every time I select a new color, the helmet doesn't change to said color and remains at that glaring bright teal. Am I doing something wrong or is the program not changing the right colors?
  9. Not A President

    Not A President [help me]

    Oct 19, 2014
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    I can quickly try that out in SBSE and see if it works.
    You said Seeker's Helmet?
  10. Not A President

    Not A President [help me]

    Oct 19, 2014
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    I've looked at the Seeker's helmet, and I know the issue.
    In Advanced mode, I looked at it's directives and saw this;
    View attachment 3635
    So, I tried to change a few of the variables like you may have.
    View attachment 3636
    But those changed nothing. The real issue is that those boxes on the left are supposed to be the main color of the headgear meant to change into the ones on the right. Chucklefuck might've messed something up in that for this specific helmet.
    So, I clicked add new, and a new set of boxes pop up, both entirely black.
    View attachment 3637
    View attachment 3638
    As I said previously, the color in the left box will change into the color in the right box. You click the left box, and you move your mouse over to the part of the helm you wish to change, and click it.
    View attachment 3639
    From there, you can change the right box into any color you wish. Let's say if I wanted it green with a blue visor, my screen would look something like this;
    View attachment 3640

    You may have already known how to use SBSE's Advanced mode, but this is just incase you might've not known how to use the Add New feature. You can do a lot with Advanced mode.
    And, yeah, a lot of it you'll need to do yourself, sadly.

    Attached Files:

  11. Mazékial

    Mazékial New Member

    Apr 19, 2014
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    Thank you very much! You're a life saver, buddy. Specifically a life of obnoxiously clashing teal helmets.

    My personal guess (knowing next to nothing of how the application is programmed) is that Chucklefish changing the helmet's sprite in the update (it used to look horrendous, as I recall) messed up what the program was originally supposed to change. Or something like that.

    Either way, thanks for the work-around.
  12. Not A President

    Not A President [help me]

    Oct 19, 2014
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    No problem! Assuming this helped you out, use it for any other clothing items you have and you can end up making something very unique and creative.
    Here's the same example with the Seeker's Helmet, but only I made the visor transparent. (That's a thing I forgot to mention, you can use advanced mode to make some things transparent, others not)
    View attachment 3641
    Funny, cause with this example, the eyes don't even show. They might show ingame, but I don't know.
    Thanks, Chucklefish.

    EDIT; You can make things ha;f-transparent, or completely transparent, too.

    Attached Files:

  13. DeltaV

    DeltaV New Member

    Apr 16, 2014
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    I'm getting this error when I try to edit a character. I'm running the latest version on Mac.

    Attached Files:

  14. Clem

    Clem Lore Writer

    Jan 31, 2015
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    Happens with certain items your character has equipped.
    I had it with the space marine armour.

    Only happens AFTER you edited them.
  15. Not A President

    Not A President [help me]

    Oct 19, 2014
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    Bug report!
    If you have the Perfect Leggings item (or whatever it's called) equipped, you won't be able to edit your character at all.
    To my knowledge, the chestplate works but I'm not sure about the helm.
  16. Clem

    Clem Lore Writer

    Jan 31, 2015
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    As of recently, this mod needs to be updated. Program notes unable to edit.
  17. RusMolot

    RusMolot New Member

    Jul 7, 2015
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    Is there no way to run this on Linux?
  18. Not A President

    Not A President [help me]

    Oct 19, 2014
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    The utility, to my knowledge, is completely broken. The man or woman who's so graciously offered our community this seems to be on some sort of hiatus.

    Well, almost completely broken. Extremely buggy with this update.
    Sorry to break it to you!
  19. RusMolot

    RusMolot New Member

    Jul 7, 2015
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    Ah, bummer. I was digging around in the save fives with a text editior, but thats understandably more difficult that a UI.
  20. Phaze

    Phaze Cavepainter

    Jan 28, 2014
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    Greetings Antares! Long time no see. Apologies for my absence from SBSE, I haven't had any time for my side projects due to some private circumstances going on where I work. I know how much it sucks to have the author of a tool you use frequently just vanish, and I regret that it happened at all. I am taking steps to ensure that SBSE can live on with or without my presence, as it seems to have become more than just my pet project for a lot of people.

    In the meantime I am working on another long overdue update to bring SBSE at least up to speed with the latest stable release. I have enough free time that I am choosing to spend on this, so I will also be able to look at any existing bugs that don't have to do with the new update if time permits.

    Before I push an official update, I need some help from regular players. I need to test the update with the latest version of Starbound, which is better done by people who have established characters. I have put an experimental version of SBSE 0.10.0 up for Windows users at the link below. If you have time, please download it and let me know if you run in to any problems.

    Download SBSE 0.10.0 (experimental) - Windows

    Current Changelog:

    - Updated to support latest stable release (Spirited Giraffe (May 8th 2015))
    - Fix: Support male/female name generators
    - Fix: Automated update downloading works again
    - Fix: SBSE now prefers the new sbboot.config over the old bootstrap.config in case both exist
    - Fix: Edit menu on OS X has returned
    - Fix: ensure correct rarity names
    - Fix: remove empty directive arrays (prevent crashing)
    - Fix: ensure directives are lowercase