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Savage Floran Attack on Katune!

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Wombat, Apr 15, 2015.

  1. EyesofMarch

    EyesofMarch New Member

    Feb 17, 2014
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    USERNAME: Hakachi'Nija

    Snake eyes makes smart argument. makes sense to Hakachi. When hakachi is healed hakachi will speak to katunes security. Will discuss what happened. hakachi still refuses to go into cell but will tell hakachis side of the fight.
  2. Tallen

    Tallen New Member

    Dec 23, 2014
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    Cute. Floran calling itself civilized when you have just proven the opposite. Hey, plant fiber. Want to know why your kind does not lock doors and steal from each other? Because your species has not developed itself technologically or culturally enough to value differences and the inidvidual skills and merits. The tribe is everything for the Floran, because if the Floran do not work for the tribe then the tribe dies, and the Floran do not grow. Why not? Because the Floran do not have the technology for it. The Floran need to work together on crops because they don't have tractors and greenhouses. The Floran need to hunt for meat every day because they did not domesticate their livestock. These things are the livelihood of the Floran and they take a very long time of the members of the tribe because they did not develop themselves technologically. If the Floran ever find the way to develop themselves further to that point, then the Florans will no longer have to work hard every day. They will have more leisure time, which will allow them to work on other things, think for themselves, try art, develop games, think about their problems and how to solve them.

    You do not steal from each other because you did not develop your internal economy. Right now ten Floran are required to work on crops and develop a fraction of a developed Apex farm. I mean, my people, the Glitch, even the Hivemind have their economy. Why? Because they developed the most basic of tools and learned to divide jobs amongst the more capable of themselves. They each have their programmed craft which they have that is necessary for their village, and as such they trade their services for money. The Glitch blacksmith sells his swords to have money to buy food from the Glitch farmer. The Glitch farmer pays tribute to the Glitch feudal lord so the feudal lord can protect him. The feudal lord swears to the King and pays tribute so they have peace and trade with each other, and get ready to battle the rival Glitch King when relations do not work. They all work in a system, and it is tempting for a Glitch to steal from another so he has more money for himself. So the Glitch in the villages keep their things safe and lock their doors.

    We are 'petty' and 'selfish' because we refined our tastes. Instead of bone furniture and and primitive drawings we have elaborate beds of many different materials and beautiful paintings by Glitch who refined their craft. We developed our culture and logic and laws. We established a way so that the Glitch who works hardest gets more than the biggest slice of meat. He gets comfort, he gets lands, he gets to delegate instead of working himself to rusting, and he gets leisure. Then the other Glitch want to be like him, they work hard to attain the same things. The Hivemind are a bad example, but what about the 'uncivilized' Avian, Hylotl, Human and Apex? They have their meritocracy. He who is most skilled earns the most money. He who has the most money has the better life, and we encourage each other to do our very best. Because we outgrew our tribal phase.

    Don't misunderstand me, I don't blame you for not knowing all of this. You are a Floran, you are primitive. You only acquired space flight because the foolish Avians allowed you. How about that? You are not here because you are superior. You are here because the Avians were foolish and allowed you. Hey, everyone! There is your culprit! Don’t blame the tribal Florans! Blame the Avians! Don’t worry, however, my dear plant fiber. Hopefully, your kind will outgrow your tribal phase and learn to be just like the ‘uncivilized’ Humans, Apex, Hylotl and Avians someday. When that happens, the other sapients will no longer hate you for being who you are, and you can no longer accuse them of 'racism' when they are very must justified in being afraid and spiteful of you.

    In the meantime, enjoy your tribe!
  3. Twitch

    Twitch Wayward Star

    Dec 17, 2013
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    Thank you.

    -Snake Eyes.
  4. Wreth

    Wreth New Member

    Dec 18, 2013
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    Sssoundss like nightmare to floran.

    Floran live on rainforest tribeworld, is hot, wet, air is moist. Beds made from the softest furs, surrounded by skins that smell of the hunt, and the sound of the jingle of the bone chime.

    If floran hungry the forest is full of meat to hunt, is not chore for floran, floran enjoy hunt, if want water, the rainforest is full of it. For entertainment, floran hunt, sing, dance, play music, tell stories of hunt.

    Floran can control plants, manipulate them in way no other race can.

    Floran not need much technology when can grow guns and wood strong as steel, and floran good at using technology floran find.

    Despite your claims of how primitive we are, Flora is a military power to rival any other race.

    Person clearly ignorant of floran culture if think we not merit personal skills, how does floran become wiseman instead of sentinel, gatherer instead of bonesmith.

    Person on starnet know nothing.
  5. Toadkid1234

    Toadkid1234 New Member

    Jan 28, 2014
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  6. Tallen

    Tallen New Member

    Dec 23, 2014
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    And here we go once again. Full circle. You think your life is good, it is because you grew in it. You do not understand the pleasures of air conditioning, the wonders of theatre and film and games, the mental challenges of programming and medicine and everything else. You grew in it, you were conditioned to like it. You do not want to admit, subconsciously, that others have it better.

    Yes, Floran can control plants. But you know, Avians have their wondrous Crystal Tech, Apex technology is unrivaled, and every other species in the galaxy has attained space travel by their own means. And you... can control plants. To grow them into guns? Wonderful. Your life is complete indeed. Go and shoot stuff with it and scare the other species into hating you.

    I never said anything about how primitive is the same as lack of military power... or, wait, that is how you think, right? Your bloodlust can only associate culture with weapons that way. Regardless, ask any race - they all have some history in their own planets of how one culturally advanced species was defeated by a stronger military power, and its ancient technology and wisdom gone. In fact, that is what happened with you. You claim you have military to rival any species... but how can you be certain? Your kind drove the Hylotl out of their home world... and they are naturally a very cultural and advanced race, only they were mostly pacifists and lacked a proper military. The avians were unable to stop your expansion (once again, thank-you Avians!) because, guess what? Their task was simply utterly impossible to begin with. Are you aware how incredible in scope a planet is? Blockading one entire planet is a monumental task. You just had to escape to a handful of planets and it was over. If only their Holy Fleets were aware how futile their task was they could have just left you alone - their damage was done already.

    Oh, yes, you have your own form of meritocracy, but sadly the tribes are so small you do it out of necessity, not as an incentive for others to do their absolute best, and lacking variety completely. You have wisemen for your tribe... when the Apex have roboticists, geneticists, programmers, biologists... They allow the creation of the wonderful tech you keep taking from other races. Your wisemen are so simple that if one dies it is easy enough to replace him, but the knowledge attained from an Apex roboticist is so great he must study his entire life to be able to improve the life of his people for the better.

    Everything else I said that you conveniently ignored still stands, particularly how you reached the stars out of luck, not out of merit. Yes, "person on StarNet know nothing". You know, I won't bother answering you anymore. I don't have anything to prove to you - but everyone else has already seen that I know far much more than you ever will.

    Now, go back to your tribe and your itchy bed made out of fur. Look out for the water leaking in from your fern rooftop!
  7. Wreth

    Wreth New Member

    Dec 18, 2013
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    I am an Apex and frankly I find this offensive.

  8. Raideck

    Raideck Member

    Apr 6, 2014
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    Yarrrrr I had Floran friends and they do all ye say. Good times mate we'd play songs and tell tales, they mostly talked about the hunt while I talked of me adventures, of good times. Florans are not inherently "bad" , by other racial means, most just think logically and as a pirate I can respect that yarrrrr. I be an Avian but having Floran friends be great.
    #48 Raideck, Apr 17, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 17, 2015
  9. Clem

    Clem Lore Writer

    Jan 31, 2015
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    Boris finds this offensive, please remove or alter.

    [email protected]
    "Want quality weaponry? Buy TsKIB!"
  10. Wombat

    Wombat Guest

    You're offended, it has been stated, the galaxy will not be altered for your sheltered worldview.

    - [email protected]
  11. Clem

    Clem Lore Writer

    Jan 31, 2015
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    A very good example of Hylotl pacifism.
    Thank you.

    [email protected]
    "Want quality weaponry? Buy TsKIB!"
  12. Tallen

    Tallen New Member

    Dec 23, 2014
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    You're kidding, right? He's not pulling guns on you, he's not threathening to harm anyone here. He's just being a jerk, like yours truly, and I approve of it. You are an Apex gun merchant and you can't look at a funny image without feeling the need to censor it? Grow a backbone. The universe does not bend itself to your will just because you 'find this offensive'.

    Suddenly I feel like the Floran may have a point after all.
    #52 Tallen, Apr 17, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 17, 2015
  13. EyesofMarch

    EyesofMarch New Member

    Feb 17, 2014
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    USERNAME: Hakachi'Nija

    Meats must respect that while florans may do thing that meats not like florans also do things that meats DO like. Not that florans have to but in meats eyes florans are not bad either. binary domain person can at least know this.
  14. Clem

    Clem Lore Writer

    Jan 31, 2015
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    Then perhaps he should have added, not to offense Apex? Instead of attacking verbally. Just like you do now, again.
    And not on the other Apex who commented on it.
  15. Wombat

    Wombat Guest

    You seem to mistake my race's pacifism for rolling over and allowing others to censor us in the name of their feelings. I'm not sorry that it offends you, nor should I be.

    - [email protected]
  16. Tallen

    Tallen New Member

    Dec 23, 2014
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    You are missing the point. No-one is going to say "not meaning to offend". OF COURSE it is going to offend. Comedy is based off offending others and humorous insincerity. Also, the other Apex? He said he was offended. End of story. You? You are asking for censorship, claiming you had a right to because you are 'offended'. Well, guess what, you are just trying to silence others and end an argument without any merits of your own, so, here's my reply.



    Liked it? I can do more.
  17. Clem

    Clem Lore Writer

    Jan 31, 2015
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    Now you are just bashing. Have fun gloating, Glauen.
    I am done with you and your petty insults to Boris's limited understanding in social interactions, I am learning as I go. But what you do is not right.
  18. Tallen

    Tallen New Member

    Dec 23, 2014
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    Wrong guy, buddy!! Who ever said I am Glauen? I'm just a Glitch who enjoys messing with organics and pointing out their stupidity. And you just proved my point further by assuming who I am.

    And of course what I'm doing is not right! That is the point! Or is your intelligence too limited to understand?

  19. Toadkid1234

    Toadkid1234 New Member

    Jan 28, 2014
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    I didn't know people in Antares were so sensitive. It seems to have softened significantly since I have left. I'm not sure whether that's a good thing or not.
