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Radio Yung Yung

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Aleiksei, Feb 13, 2014.

  1. Lilligant

    Lilligant New Member

    Dec 29, 2013
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    [ voice message fan mail]
    Hello again Yung! I love your ssshow ssso much! I am glad you honor me by talking that I am your favorite ssshaman! It makesss me feel the warm in heart to lisssten to your musssic sssongsss and your feel-sssoft-sssickle (she's trying to say philosophical) ssspeaking wordsss!
    #21 Lilligant, Feb 26, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 26, 2014
  2. Switchback

    Switchback Iss likess fissh eyess~!

    Jan 3, 2014
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    *Sharptooth responds with more fanmail/voice recording*

    Yung, Ssharptooth kills only when iss hungry.....well..mosstly....

    * she pauses in the recording*

    And why doess everyone asssume Ssharptooth iss male?! Iss female damnit!
  3. Gorbachev

    Gorbachev New Member

    Feb 9, 2014
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    ::Fanmail/voice recording begins::

    Yung! I love what you have been doing with Radio Yung Yung, and your show is awesome! What inspired you to start Radio Yung Yung? I would love to know the background on my favorite radio station.
  4. Doctor Frohman

    Doctor Frohman New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
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    : Audio File Uploaded :
    : Translating... :
    : Success! :
    : Playing... :
    Crowliss here. Musst apologisse for passt xenophobissm, if iss correct word. Hass learned now about the racess and their...appeal.
    On a better note, love Radio Yung Yung. Try to lissten to whenever get chancce.
    A Quesstion, if I may. Doess Yung make any money off of radio Yung Yung and will radio Yung Yung sstay ad-free?
    : Stopping... :
  5. Aleiksei

    Aleiksei New Member

    Jan 3, 2014
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    Time for some flutedrops, suckers!

    What's that I hear? What's THAT I HEAR? Ayyyy, RADIOOOOO YUNG-YUNG. 108.8, on all pirate and free frequencies! Good vibes!

    What's good everyone? DJ Yung Yung here with some praisin' and a talkin, as usual, and an exclusive report!

    Yung has been hanging out around Tetanus Fields lately! It's a lovely place! Now, it might be a bit rusty, but the people are fantastic, and the food is really good. You wanna meet Yung? Yung is stirring the soup there, giving back to the good people. Now Yung made a complete report of it, but upon reading it, Yung realizes it is uninteresting as fuck. Yung started following the people of Tetanus Fields, but then, saw a dog near a pool, and started playing with it, and then followed the dog for hours. Doesn't know how owns the dog, but now the dog is free, and Yung report is fricked up, because Yung only has footage of him running with a dog, miles away from the actual tetanus fields oops!

    By the way, if you're headed to Tetanus Fields right now, let it be known that you're not EXACTLY going to Tetanus Fields! Tetanus Fields is, as you may have guessed, made of metal and rust, and they're currently fumigatiiiiing, because they got a metal eatin' bug problem! Clackie-clackie-clack!

    Meet Dirt Biter though, wonderful lady. She'll give you one crate, if you're nice, and two if you're 2cratz. That's Yung. Yung is 2cratz now, because bargained and got 2cratz. Dirt refused to give Yung his manor, so Yung came with plan. Going to take the two crates that are the farthest away from each others, and build a manor in between, saying is just catwalk! Perfect. Yung a genius.

    Something also pretty interestin' about Tetanus Fields, it is the home of grand Goggndgblat Mucklurk! Yes it is, oh yes It is! And what does Mucklurk do? He explains the spurgle to you. You might wanna head to Tetanus Fields, it's a great early place, very spurgle'n'all that.

    In other news, to all you Avalonians listenin', Yung is sorry he hasn't come back to you yet, but the lockdown on Avalon even blocks Yung from entering! Somethin' really hard must be goin' on, cause nobody in their right mind would refuse entry to Yung. Yung is a frickin' superstar and diva, so damn. But here's something funny for y'all: some girl, human, named Aiko Yori, who dresses in a tiny top and tiny shorts, with blue strands of hair, is like, the bartender on a spacebar. Crazy, uh, what life does? It's a little universe after all. Yung gets delirious. Now if you want to see Yung there, Yung is the barman, too. Not just bartender, really, barman. You know who else is a barman? Shellton, on Yung's citadel, what up, shoutout! Back to that Aiko Yori human though, apparently she even knows the other Aiko Yori, the one Yung knows! Yung knows all the Aiko Yoris, that's pretty fantastic.

    Fanmail after some tunes!

    Hey, hey! Yung is always glad to hear that! Treat yourself well, care about you and your friends, find ways to relief stress and find good people to share good vibes with!

    First, you don't have beef with Yung. Yung doesn't have beef with you, so it's more like you're angry in your corner! Sorry! Second, Yung thinks it's pretty stupid to go on a pirate and free frequency asking for "neutral official news station", feels like walking in police department to ask where can go buy drugs! Third, Yung already made two broadcasts while Avalon was on lockdown, maybe hater fan-mail was a bit late! And yes, Yung talked about his citadel, and people enjoyed it, because people went to Yung party and had fun, something you should try! Ayyyy! Fouuuurrrthhh, Yung reports whatever he wants, he's not entitled to one person's will, if people listen and enjoy, which is what's happening, Yung will keep on doing, sorry! Chuch!

    Yung thinks this was an attempt to shut him down, but hater should know better, it's gonna take more to kill Yung's drive! Yung might love forests and jungle, but Yung street educated and loves himself, hard to touch. Yung used to pay Ben Chong to hate him, but now Ben Chong is gone, sadly. Is good that Yung has new haters. When you have haters, is when you know you're really successful. Especially when you're Yung. Yung is good, and still has haters? Must mean people are so jealous they feel like they need to speak up. AY.

    Hold up in there, niece-niece! You'll have good life. Yung knows already. Keep shining, touch the sky, and brush that dirt off your shoulder, cause you're the queen.

    Again Lilligant, you're doing more good than Yung is! Keep going! Yung still reads your advices everyday and keep supporting! Fighting good fights with good weapon! Word of love and happy!

    Ayyy Sharptooth! Yung is sorry for misgendering you last time! Yung sometimes old fashioned, but Yung improves his ways constantly, and learns from mistake, so now knows Sharptooth is a she! Is okay for Florans to kill when hungry, Yung is totally down for that. Should invite Yung for diner once, we'll have whatever human or apex you're eating, Yung doesn't mind. Yung open-minded!

    First and foremost thanks a lot for saying you like what Yung is doing! Pushes Yung to do more and more! Yung just has a passion for talking and thinks people enjoy the way Yung does so. Yung also loves music, and has all these records of old human music! See, Yung bought toy factory, few months ago, and also had record store, and these records are RARE, now, damn! So Yung sharing, not selling them because doesn't want them to go astray, but sharing them on the radio. If like the music, can contact Yung, Yung can make copies. But really, Yung felt like, was sometimes hard to keep up with all happening in Avalon, but it evolved when people started telling Yung that they listened to the radio mostly for him and what he has to say. So now Yung rambles a lot!

    Yung guarantees radio Yung Yung stays ad-free, is on free and pirate frequencies! Yung does make money with radio Yung Yung, people get to hear about Yung and contact him, Yung already a CEO, and now also known for radio hosting. All money made from radio Yung Yung is given to random people in Tetanus Fields though! Yung doesn't need all that money.

    Alright, alright! Yung signing out with some good vibes! 108.8 people!

  6. Kai

    Kai hey im kai and this is jackass

    Jan 28, 2014
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    "I d-don't know how I e-ended up on this f-frequency, but i-it is... c-comforting."