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[Optional] Community Mod Pack

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Kazyyk, Feb 13, 2014.

  1. Aiko Ikari

    Aiko Ikari Guest

    You forgot smooth stone blocks. Those corrupt too!
    Unless you fixed them
  2. Silver

    Silver Ain't no thing like me 'cept me.

    Jan 30, 2014
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    Nope. The List of Beware I was given:
    Smooth Concrete
    Smooth Stone Block
    Green Neon Symbol
    Blue Neon Symbol

    Do not craft these.
  3. Skygrinder

    Skygrinder New Member

    Feb 12, 2014
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    I'm a new player here, so my opinion probably doesn't matter much, but...
    I downloaded the pack, and found out that I'm getting all stuff for just x1 pixel, and I think this is game breaking, and honestly, server breaking. Yes, I know I don't have to use it, but it's really not fair to people who want to role-play, but still play normally, otherwise.

    On the server list, this server was listed as vanilla, but having even one mod is breaking that, however, no one minds small mods that just enhance the gameplay, but not break it.

    Whichever of these mods is making it so that nothing requires materials to be crafted should be, in my humble opinion removed OR if possible, modified so that this game breaking part is not included.

    If you don't realize what I'm talking about, it's the fact that you can buy any kind of bars directly from the crafting table for 1 pixel each, which in turn makes you able to just sit on the ship and craft everything you want.

    I do realize this is an RP server, but in the end, I think that players want to play the game, at least...the non-lazy ones. Really, this just lowers the playtime required so much, you don't have to gather anything, you don't have to do anything, you just log in, and RP, and that alone, without game mechanics is boring.

    I feel uncomfortable that I, as a new player on this server have to protest, really, I don't want to get into arguments with people, especially not if I'm an obvious minority, and plus new here. I'm just writing this so you can consider what this is doing to the game, and how game breaking it can be for some people, especially people that are new to Starbound. Yes, I can play the single player, but the whole reason for searching for a server to play on is so that I don't play alone, but with this, it's really not playing at all.

    That's all I have to say.
  4. Aiko Ikari

    Aiko Ikari Guest

    Theres a few reasons why item spawning is implemented

    1. RP server, it's not meant for playing survival.
    2. Most people use them anyway, and it won't stop. Including them with the server just helps prevent lag and crashes.
    3. Once Sens mod is finished, everything that allows players to "cheat" the game will be pushed away from the regular game. This way you won't be forced to see it, and shouldn't be as tempted.

    Personally, I think you're wrong. This server offers way more enjoyment than actually playing the game with its tedious mechanics. There's no sense wasting time digging up blocks for hours when we'd rather be socializing and furthering a story. It's all comes down to the honor system, really.
  5. Skygrinder

    Skygrinder New Member

    Feb 12, 2014
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    I think that the normal system can improve the experience much more. For example, fight for resources on a certain planet, where there are maybe two factions stationed, which can bring a natural conflict between the two factions, and force them to either negotiate, or start a war. Bringing some RP PvP action, either through the game mechanics, or dice rolls.

    I love stories, really, I do. However, as a player, there were two things that were always important to me, and both a MUST in order for me to enjoy. Story and gameplay. Without a good story, game was always pointless for me to finish, however, if there's no gameplay, there's no game at all.

    It's actually the reason I didn't play terraria, and the reason I don't play minecraft. The reason I think they're garbage compared to Starbound. It's because Starbound has lore, and these two don't, well, Terraria has..."lore", it's crap anyway. But I also think that removing all the gameplay from the game is just sad. I don't mind throwing a dice for combat, rather than doing real PvP. I don't mind immature kids role playing a god, and trying to be above everyone else through an RP, rather than doing a more realistic RP. Really, everything's fine, but getting everything for free, without any effort, that just doesn't sit with me, at all. Yes, I know, people can just hop on some other server that gives everything for free, and bring it back here anyway, but I think that server of relatively good RP quality like this one should focus on removing the cheating, and this IS cheating, no matter what anyone says and trying to justify it is pointless.

    Bottom line~ In case you don't want to read the wall of text above.
    Role playing can coexist with regular gameplay, there's no reason to remove game mechanics, it doesn't improve the experience in any way, it only ruins it for some people, that still want to actually play the game, while also role playing.
  6. Iridium616

    Iridium616 New Member

    Feb 2, 2014
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    It doesen't ruins roleplay unless you're doing it wrong. It just removes the tedium. We're here to RP, not to farm items.

    I have been on a roleplay server once where items where so absurdly hard to obtain that everyone just killed and murdered randomly people in order to get some items. Believe me, It's way better this way.

    But again, I'm going to refer to the old phrase of "If you don't want don't use it". Remove the mod.
  7. Verita

    Verita Princess Shoi

    Dec 17, 2013
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    The community has had this brought up quite a few times, once with a poll. A majority here wish to play without the needless grind and get straight to the roleplay with actual story, and the ability to make themselves unique without spending hours searching random planets to find some piece of gear. The server won't be changing to go strictly with gameplay mechanics. If you -want- to play the game regularly, you are free to do so.

    However, if it bothers you so much, then maybe this isn't the place for you. Most of us stick to roleplaying rather than digging for hours and that's just the truth of it. I'm not trying to drive you away, but with how firm you are on your beliefs, I'm sure there is another place out there to fit your playstyle.

    This community is a mixed bag of playstyles and that's how we like it. Anyone can do their own thing so long as it's within our Code of Conduct.
  8. LeD

    LeD New Member

    Jan 11, 2014
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    Block known as "Smooth Concrete" - Ive never seen it before so I wanted to spawn some to see how it looks to maybe use it for building something.
    Upon selecting it from hotbar I crashed. And everytime I load the character it crashes, because this material is broken and can't be placed.
    Please delete it from the spawnable materials list and update the pack.
    (Don't worry about my char, I will dispose of the item through starreader)
  9. Skygrinder

    Skygrinder New Member

    Feb 12, 2014
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    I guess I can start my faction, and make it a requirement to play the game normally in order to join. Really, there's no server right now that has as good role playing, but keeping it clean otherwise. It's either vanilla and no role play, or role play, but not vanilla. The other RP servers just allow even more mods, so whatever else I look for, it's just senseless crap to me. However, the game, I really enjoy it, if there was more single player content (story-wise) I probably wouldn't even be looking for multiplayer servers yet.

    But, I'm here, hell...I even went through that application process (lol), after that...I just can't simply leave without at least trying to make it work for myself.
  10. Punished Tacc

    Punished Tacc New Member

    Dec 17, 2013
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    Your character is kill, load a backup m8
  11. Verita

    Verita Princess Shoi

    Dec 17, 2013
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    Editing it via save probably won't work. Hasn't for others. BUT FEAR NOT!

    Sen is currently updating the yarn spinner mod and we'll have it up when he finishes it!
  12. Punished Tacc

    Punished Tacc New Member

    Dec 17, 2013
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    I p
    i played the game as it was twice. It takes roughly 8 hours to finish if you know what you're doing. That being said, I have an obligation to get my colony and faction up to speed when there's a wipe. Trust me, mining nearly 1 million panels worth of titanium would be tricky
  13. Sen

    Sen Guest

    Don't look at me, I released the mod privately with an explicit disclaimer that it's not stable. I guess it got spread around (and renamed too, the original name is ILikeCheating which you can see in the .modinfo file :p).

    Again, do not spawn these blocks:
    Smooth Concrete
    Smooth Stone Block
    Green Neon Symbol
    Blue Neon Symbol
    If you did, removing the item via a save editor will uncorrupt your character. If that doesn't work, send me a PM and I'll send you a fix.

    Also, if people can't spawn blocks in, we'll have everyone building ugly wooden boxes. Ew.
  14. Aiko Ikari

    Aiko Ikari Guest

    Yeah, we tried to make people aware of that. The yarn spinner wasnt even ready for public use when it was thrown in. Its being worked on
  15. Punished Tacc

    Punished Tacc New Member

    Dec 17, 2013
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    Wood is most efficient resource! 10 minutes on a planet you'll walk away with thousands
  16. Chronicle

    Chronicle nobody knows why he's still here

    Dec 17, 2013
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    Honestly, I agree with Skygrinder. I'm personally not a fan of creative mode, either, and really dislike that we're forced to install the thing to continue playing on the server. I realise that we're kind of the minority in that, but I've always found it kind of cheesy (the 1000 10k bounties we see all the time honestly make me roll my eyes) in most cases. I can understand its uses for building, just because of blocks like the basic structure blocks that are really difficult to obtain en masse. But, I still wish we were given an option to deactivate it. It's bloody irritating for people who actually want to try and make their way legitimately for RP reasons, and can't even turn the thing off if they want to continue playing the server. I realise that we're the minority, but that doesn't make us outright invalid.

    I also really think we should have... Uh. I dunno. Tested this? At all, before putting it on the server. Considering there have been multiple updates in the past 24 hours, and it's confirmed that Sen's mod will outright corrupt characters, and the verification system isn't even working, I feel like we really rushed this way too much. Maybe this'll be a little bit less aggravating when it's actually tested or stable or something, but I'm personally really depressed by how poorly this has gone down so far, particularly due to the lack of preparation or foresight. As a result, I'm not really optimistic about how this will turn out. And that makes me sad, because I really like this server.

    ...but i was kind of saying we needed to prepare before we implemented it so i mean it doesn't change anything.
  17. Iridium616

    Iridium616 New Member

    Feb 2, 2014
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    I'm liking it so far. And again, I think there should be a rule about RPing caring about items (Even if you have infinity)
  18. Venom

    Venom New Member

    Dec 17, 2013
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    Sen's mod is corrupting characters because people can't read warnings.
  19. Iridium616

    Iridium616 New Member

    Feb 2, 2014
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    ^ That.
  20. Chronicle

    Chronicle nobody knows why he's still here

    Dec 17, 2013
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    Sen's mod is corrupting characters because it's broken.

    Sen's mod is implemented because people can't read warnings.

    There's a difference, bud'. You can't expect everyone in the world to know about a warning buried on page three of a thread that's not even in announcements. Think before you post.