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Opinions On Asa Yoshida and time to come clean

Discussion in 'Character Discussion' started by Ariexe, Aug 6, 2014.

  1. Julius Mayne

    Julius Mayne Member

    Jun 2, 2014
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    The thing is, edgelording and powergaming is a bad thing. Yet, when you don't do it, your character is considered boring and dull. This is most likely my personal experience with powergamers, but I am honestly cooperative when it comes to roleplay and getting injured. When Mars shot Julius I didn't go *I Pull my gun while tipping my fedora and smirking* I got shot because it made for itneresting roleplay and aided in the current character arc of Julius. Even then, some chastize the ICIA for not getting enough action, but in reality we just don't want to powergame. Hell, we even scheduled an event to show we weren't going to be an edgelord faction.

    I guess the main point of this is to be cooperative. There is a heavy opinion against the wolves because they tend not to do anything that doesn't benefit them or end up with them on top. Have faults, get hurt, roleplay it properly and realisticly.
  2. invictus69

    invictus69 New Member

    Jul 2, 2014
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    Merc faction, no freebies.
    Or did you mean the indevidual?
  3. GuardianPotato

    GuardianPotato New Member

    Feb 24, 2014
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    Felith is guilty of that as well, I will say. And I know I've been a bit overboard with his recovery from said wounds. Anyways, onto the topic, its the PLAYERS mentality (As stated like five times above), not the character. So yeah, make yourself actively watch yourself so you don't do power-gamy stuff, and you should get better. (This is probably horribly worded, but I'm not good with words at times)
  4. Corvus

    Corvus New Member

    Jan 5, 2014
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    I'd dispute that. I personally find real characters with well-written personalities to be so much more interesting than characters composed solely of their abilities and gadgets. :3
  5. Julius Mayne

    Julius Mayne Member

    Jun 2, 2014
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    I'm only speaking from personal experience. I am willing to admit that I carry a bit of a biased because of that and that degrades the quality and validity of my opinion.
  6. Felonious

    Felonious Restart Monkey

    Apr 28, 2014
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    That's not MY issue with the Wolves, and I have a lot of issues with the Wolves. But this isn't a thread about the Wolves, this is a thread about Asa. Here's my opinion more plainly on the matter:

    Don't be afraid to die.
    Don't be afraid to get hurt.
    Don't be afraid to lose.

    Losing allows for a lot more character development than winning ever does or ever will. A person who wins believes they have no reason to improve. And why should they? They won. A person who loses (assuming they don't die) has all the reason to improve. To develop as a character.

    Winning can be open to development, but no one uses it as such. Conflicted about killing someone? No one ever is. Conflicted about a life where you're basically living or dying by the sword on a daily basis? No one ever is. Simply put: Try to be a real living being, and not a walking bag of tropes and cliches that lean a little heavy on the 'indestructible bad-ass'.

    Thank you Aiko, for clarifying. Yus.
    #26 Felonious, Aug 6, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 6, 2014
  7. Julius Mayne

    Julius Mayne Member

    Jun 2, 2014
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    No freebies?
  8. Aiko Ikari

    Aiko Ikari Guest

    Need to expand on this. When we're talking about IC, its the opposite.

    Be afraid to die.
    Be afraid to get hurt.
    Be afraid to lose.

    You know what the most frustrating thing is? How little almost all characters seem to fear. When someone has a gun to their head, what do they do? Well of course Billy decides his best course of action is to ALSO draw a weapon, and beat his assailant! Even though you'd never be able to draw in time within a realistic scenario. That's just cowering behind the "consent for death" rule. Characters need to understand their morality. Just because characters can't die without your OOC approval, doesn't mean they can consider themselves IC invincible.
  9. LaserLlamas

    LaserLlamas Mother of the Pack

    Mar 28, 2014
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    Hmmm since I'm actually awake and functional I'll say my bit, now.

    Personally I feel Asa tries to get in the spotlight too much. Disobeys orders. Does things she /really/ should not (Like drugging Flora). As a whole those that's my only problems with her. We've been putting Ariexe to the test a lot as far as powergaming goes and it keeps coming back up to they're doing it. Do we want this behavior? Hell naw. It's gonna reflect on the Wolves. We don't want our image to keep going down. Three people in charge (including myself) had to have a talk last night about this mess. Tried to handle it as best we could.

    It's not a matter of the character being OP, it's a matter of the player controlling the character.

    Example being Loura/Raoul has plenty of tools they can use to manipulate the fight to their will. Fast, sure, strong? No. By all means not strong in the slightest. Can they take a bullet? No. Badstar shot her in the leg and she fell onto her ass and had to limp off. Badstar could have easily killed her but he didn't. Shocky hands? It's just a tazer in your hand. Hell it's probably worse considering she uses her own energy to use it.

    The thing about powergaming is you need to think realistically of how actions would play out. Even if you're wearing a bullet proof vest the punch of a bullet slamming into you could even break a rib and leave a nasty bruise. In the test runs I've had against Asa with both Leopold and Loura, it's just a reoccurring pattern of not wanting to take your lumps, or trying to find a way to dodge everything. The fact of the matter is you /can't/ dodge everything, and nor should you be able too. Loura got shot in the leg. So? She learned a lesson - Badstar didn't want to kill her, but stop her from setting his engineer on fire for blasting sound waves right next to Loura's head. Injuries are what define a character. Characters should be afraid of getting hurt, die, or even lose. Unless you're programmed or hardened enough to avoid those feelings, chances are the character is gonna panic in a fight. Maybe instead of firing her shotgun gauntlets she's gonna keep pulling the trigger in disbelief that her clip has run dry?

    As far as having OP tools/weapons goes, my rule of thumb is this - Don't use them, or have a side effect to it that out weighs the positive effect. Even then, it's often best to just clarify it with others if it sounds OP or not.

    Personally I don't enjoy seeing powergaming. I won't deny I've been guilty of it before. I like being called out on it, though. Let's me know what I need to fix and how to make myself a better person out of it. First step is admitting it, and that's good. The second step is listening to what others are telling you about it and fixing it from there. It's not a matter of the character, but the player. If you let greed and selfishness play into how you act, then you're be a bit rash and foolish in your actions.

    Plus think of it like this - Unless you and the other combatant agree it's a fight to the death of your characters, you shouldn't be afraid of letting them get hurt. Each scar has a story. Each injury a tale
  10. Chronicle

    Chronicle nobody knows why he's still here

    Dec 17, 2013
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    I'm on a mobile, so I am going to wait to make a longer post about this, but I will pull a Chronicle and give you guys a quote that represents a good mindset to have, here. Tom Krause.

    “There are no failures - just experiences and your reactions to them.”
  11. Arcticil

    Arcticil Toxic Top Soldier

    Apr 17, 2014
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    I do have some issues with your character but people said them so let me touch on an OOC thing. Earlier you pulled a little metagamey stunt that irked the shit out of me, and since we're all offering constructive criticism, this seems like a good place to put it.

    Basically, I have a bard character and I was playing as you know. People cried OOCly, but it's IC so they can bitch and moan or do something IC about it, just fyi, but you pretty much said during all of this "Oh I should bring Tera on to play /good/ music". If I'm not correct, that's somewhat metagamey because no other interaction except her rushing to the stage to out-play my character..not to mention when you went AFK, you tried to put on a super long mix so I wasn't able to play without irritating clashing..good thing a reset was inbound, but I still think that's bullshit. Maybe I'm wrong and it's not metagame, but it's something and that irritates me. Although I admit I was a bit rude about it, that was really not nice.

    And yes I put this up publicly because I have a feeling you wouldn't give a shit if I sent it to you privately, best to air it here as actual criticism/constructive criticism.
    #31 Arcticil, Aug 6, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 6, 2014
  12. Ariexe

    Ariexe New Member

    Apr 20, 2014
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    It was rude and I was gunna come back and apologies tbh, but it was more or less a little payback for being rude to us. It wasn't really metagameing because there was no ic knowledge used icly. and yea I wouldn't have ignored you oocly either. just because asa ignores you icly doesn't mean im going to ignore you.
  13. Arcticil

    Arcticil Toxic Top Soldier

    Apr 17, 2014
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    I admit I was rude, but this was after people being unreasonable about IC playing OOCly.
  14. Julius Mayne

    Julius Mayne Member

    Jun 2, 2014
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    This is another thing that you do very often. I see it with myself and other people you interact with OOC. You act very rashly, often saying things without thinking them through entirely. While you apologize and we appreciate that you say rude and sometimes hurtful things.
  15. Aiko Ikari

    Aiko Ikari Guest

    Alright. Since you're looking to improve, I thought you wouldn't mind me bringing this in.

    Here's a little comp from your side of a fight you just did. Now, if you just want to have fun your way with people that'll put up with it? That's cool. I don't care. I'm just trying to help.
    So, here we have a little fight with Aegis, an android wielding a trident providing range advantage.

    I was lazy, and didn't snap enough picture to really capture the scenario. But heres the jist.

    You were impaled through the chest. Most likely puncturing a long, as stated. This is a lethal wound. YET, you managed to /continue/ fighting for this long. Moving, swinging, yelling, talking. Though you shouldn't have even been able to breathe!

    The most... frustrating part, is that someone said "You're doing much better Asa". And ... well. Okay, okay. Sure, maybe you are. I'll give you that you took your hits, at least. Though you continue fighting on unrealistically for the sake of "winning" OOC.

    Afterwards, well. . . .uh. . . in normal circumstances you'd have already been dead after trying to swing your sword. But, you passed out. We're carried to a doctor. And "just give her some nano bandages it'll be fine"

    Don't take this the wrong way. You wanted to improve, and the only way to do that is if we call you out on things like this so you know they're a problem.
    I'll let others speculate as they will.
  16. invictus69

    invictus69 New Member

    Jul 2, 2014
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    You also left out the parts where I chipped in to try to make it more realistic, for all purposes I was overseeing the fight, both parties seemed to agree. As far as the wound goes it wasn't as bad a puncture as you're trying to make it, it was agreed that the wound would bleed her out and break some ribs, it didn't puncture the lung, as for her continues fighting we set a cap on how many actions she would get and she ended up passing out before she used all her actions anyways.

    If you're going to let other people speculate make sure you capture everything involved with the fight rather then what you just want to let other people see.
    Thank you.

    Quick edit.

    Asa did a lot better, she took her hits, didn't complain when we called her out on some actions and this whole thing was settled without anyone crying about it. This is good.
  17. Aiko Ikari

    Aiko Ikari Guest

    It was enough work throwing all that into one, and there was so much chat spam from all the people I couldnt just screen the whole chat windows :(

    I'm just being real here. I don't see how it's possible to
    1. Lunge into a thrusting trident
    2. Take a strike to the chest, breaking ribs
    3. Bleed out
    4. NOT have a punctured lung
    Take into account, the broken ribs themselves can puncture your lung. And if the trident possessed enough force to break the ribs with a small-surface-area-impact-of-doom, it ain't stoppin at the ribs. It's goin' through.
    I'm glad Asa' is improving, this is good! I'm happy :). But just like someone trying to lose weight, you don't spend a few minutes on the treadmill and reward yourself with 3 big macs and a large coke. Gotta keep pushing. This is an improvement, but still a bit over the top.
    The best advice I can offer from this is:

    1. Understand that we "people" (all races included) are pretty fragile. Willpower alone isn't enough to endure devastating strikes.
    2. Serious injuries = Serious Consequences
    3. Understand what is and what isn't within the realm of possibilities, and respect your opponents strengths and advantages, and accept mistakes.
  18. Felonious

    Felonious Restart Monkey

    Apr 28, 2014
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    Whether or not both parties agreed to all the actions is irrelevant. This thread is about improving a character and becoming better roleplayers in general. Just because two parties agree to do something, doesn't mean that it's not being unrealistic and power-gaming. If you want to improve your combat RP, you have to... improve your combat RP. Taking your hits doesn't mean much if it isn't realistic.

    In a world where we shrug off being impaled through the chest with a TRIDENT, and being shot by bullets and being slashed open by swords; and then proceed to treat it within minutes with a bit of magic medicine, there's plenty of space to improve. If you're going to get defensive about criticism, then there's no point in criticism.
  19. invictus69

    invictus69 New Member

    Jul 2, 2014
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    Im not getting defensive, and im sorry if I come off that way, but I just wanted to stress that Asa did a better job then usual.
  20. Twitch

    Twitch Wayward Star

    Dec 17, 2013
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    Enlighten me as to what caused this fight to start, and how long it lasted in real time.