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Opening: "Nimbus" Agraran Research Facility

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Toadkid1234, Jul 4, 2014.

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  1. Felonious

    Felonious Restart Monkey

    Apr 28, 2014
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    Flame thrower's all ya need fer mushroom heads, son. Napalm sticks ta' children, an' all that. That said, I'm much more worried 'bout what THEY plan to do with th' research, or what happens if'n one o' them gets a few spores off-planet. Agarans ain' a pile o' dandelions.
  2. Toadkid1234

    Toadkid1234 New Member

    Jan 28, 2014
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    The planet is uninhabited, besides for lab personnel, so if all defenses fail the worst thing that happens is the lab goes into lockdown and an advanced transport ship gets sent down to pick up personnel. This research is to increase our knowledge on Agraran biology, possibly helping us figure out ways to safeguard against their spores. In no way would we weaponize any of the data extracted here. Why would we want to use spores as weapons anyways? It's unnecessary and counterproductive.

    So, please, stop worrying about the HKC using the research here for weaponry. Using biological warfare is an uncivilized form of warfare and we have no intention of using such in any of our exploits.
  3. Toadkid1234

    Toadkid1234 New Member

    Jan 28, 2014
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    These are only defenses against a possible Agaran outbreak. If one were to try and seize the lab by force they would need to outnumber the Order navy, considering it is their territory and any warship entering their space would be tantamount to a declaration of war. Foolish for the meager gains of taking the facility.

    I do realize what is at stake, and I have taken necessary precautions. I don't need your help, friend. The forces of two entire factions are protecting this facility from outside influence, and frankly outside influence isn't our primary concern. All further comments regarding perceived notions of frailty or faults will be ignored, and are not encouraged.
  4. Doctor Frohman

    Doctor Frohman New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
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    Agaran spores sound interesting. How fast do they kill/intoxicate?
    - Tony
  5. The Grand Mugwump

    Dec 29, 2013
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    Detectable symptoms appear in hours, visible symptoms in a day or two, and then death in one to two weeks if left untreated.

    As for this installation.

    I must express concerns over your containment procedures and your apparent lack of understanding for the basic rules of physics. Gamma rays do not "disintegrate" anything. And if you were using gamma rays powerful enough to achieve this (or even kill the spores), your meager shielding would be insufficient to insure the safety of your scientists there. It is also concerning if your ship truly possesses gamma rays of sufficient strength to affect the surface of a life containing planet from orbit. Nothing short of a several dozen meter thick lead bunker would protect one from such a force, which I do not see in your graciously provided image. Thank you for the warning. I will discuss findings remotely where it is safe.

    And if you plan to evacuate your workers, I would suggest a less lethal method of sterilizing them than gamma radiation. Hopefully used before they enter a ship and turn it into a carrier for the spores.

    -Dr. Mizu Suimaa
  6. Toadkid1234

    Toadkid1234 New Member

    Jan 28, 2014
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    Gamma radiation, in high intensities, is no different than light except for it's wavelength. If focused at high concentration with a rating of approximately 50 gigawatts, it would be devastating to the spores (should any be released) and they would be rendered innocuous, if not be 'disintegrated'.

    Powerful Faraday cages are able to be activated should an orbital radiological assault be necessary. Your concern is appreciated, as it does have scientific validity. We have tested the systems here and they function as expected.

    Additionally, I have visited the lab with some of our scientists. We have confirmed there are indeed no spores in the pod. It seems to be a large creature instead. Now, please. Stop worrying about the safety of our laboratory as it is proven to be entirely safe to work in under normal circumstances, and on top of that the threat of spore release is proven to be no longer an issue.

    I ask again that any interested parties privately message me to gain access. Thank you all for your genuine concern.
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