REALLY, BARRETT IS YOUR ONLY MALE DOM? And no love for Astora or Wintermute? D: sigh. Planet Earth [D] x Aiko {S} John M893-CV [D] x Skarti {SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS} Phoenix [D] x Phoenix [D] Aiko [D] x Wintermute [D/S} ye.
No one did any of my characters...mostly because I play Tulip my lesser known characters. I probably don't deserve it anyway, most of my characters are SCRUBS and the such.
Petal's only been shipped by 1 person who's character is crushing on her haha. I wonder who would Ship Drige. Have to embrace the crazy though Additonally JeffxDee
wow, there have been no ships involving flora, i was expecting at least one, since i posted on here and all
I shouldn't have said that either http://
tarl make misfit's dreams come true of having a nuclear arsenal. give him access to the USCM nuclear weapon shit