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Official Lore Suggestion Thread

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Rezima, Mar 24, 2015.

  1. Yotan

    Yotan New Member

    Feb 10, 2015
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    Another thought to consider. What is considered the required FTL flight time from a bustling sector of space to the Frontier? I personally say it requires nearly 5000 to roughly close to 6000 units of Liquid Erchius (one full ship tank or at least 90% of a full tank) and perhaps a solid week to a few weeks of constant FTL flight.
  2. CaptainBritton02

    CaptainBritton02 Man of War

    Jan 7, 2014
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    I'd say you'd need a few external tanks. Somewhere at 10000 units of Erchius. Considering the actual antares (which i assume the frontier is near) is hella far.
  3. Yotan

    Yotan New Member

    Feb 10, 2015
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    Probably, or say there are several FTL jumps points that people half to make to refuel up at. Kind of like a small gas station on a two lane bi-way with a sign that says "Fill up now, Next fill up not for 300 miles." or in this case. "Fill up now! Next refueling station not for *blank* amount of Parsecs"

    Which being another question how many Parsecs does a full tank of fuel get you?
  4. Kazyyk

    Kazyyk Administrator

    Dec 16, 2013
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    Lore is being made to explain where the frontier is and how to get to it. It may not be directly accessible through standard FTL.
  5. Clem

    Clem Lore Writer

    Jan 31, 2015
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    Dangerous wormhole jumping! Woo!
  6. Yotan

    Yotan New Member

    Feb 10, 2015
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    Question. Are the lore guides done by Professor Oak going to part of server lore?
  7. CaptainBritton02

    CaptainBritton02 Man of War

    Jan 7, 2014
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    I dunno, but it looks probable. Considering they are excellent pieces.
  8. Avis

    Avis Halloweenie of the Serengeti

    Apr 20, 2014
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    While some of us do like Khaltor's Floran/Glitch anatomy, they aren't canon. They can definitely still exist IC, but please don't use them as absolute fact for your Floran/Glitch characters. When we discuss racial lore they often come up, as yes, they are quite impressive, but nothing is official on our end yet, except for (most) of the initial starbound lore.
  9. Yotan

    Yotan New Member

    Feb 10, 2015
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    Wasn't the whole idea of this thread to create our own lore? Here we have two excellent pieces as was previous pointed out and yet it does seem like we are going to use it? If I missed something please let me know. The question was a simple yes, no, or maybe/probably. Not a this is not canon speech. I am fully aware they are not canon but it would be a massive waste of effort to not use them for the server lore.

    I am not sure we over write Chucklefish's "cannon" lore, but there are a crap ton of gaps that we. The server could fill in, and change when and if necessary when Chucklefish adds more "cannon" lore.
    #109 Yotan, Apr 20, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2015
  10. Toadkid1234

    Toadkid1234 New Member

    Jan 28, 2014
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    Waste of effort really isn't good justification for implementation.

    HOWEVER, we did agree, if I recall correctly, to create some of our own lore. Possibly, if the staff were so gracious, they could review the creations made by our community members for implementation? I don't think we should let the lack of lore provided by Chucklefish keep us from filling in the gaps that Yotan pointed out.
  11. Shag

    Shag High Impact Sexual Implications

    Feb 22, 2014
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  12. Avis

    Avis Halloweenie of the Serengeti

    Apr 20, 2014
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    The purpose of this thread is for players to suggest ideas within the bounds of the original lore. I never said that Khaltor's threads were ignored; in fact, I said quite clearly that we discuss them fairly frequently. There are gaps in the lore, which is why we've been trying to work out some suitable lore for the server, hence this thread.

    Anyways, I was simply trying to give some explanation as to why my answer to this question:
    Was a maybe.
  13. Mazékial

    Mazékial New Member

    Apr 19, 2014
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    Didn't see anything like this come up in the previous pages, so either I am an idiot who needs to pay attention or I have two cents for the piggy bank. Let's find out!

    I remember on the Archives of Memoria server (before it, well, integrated to here) I worked a little on a concept to explain possible mass misinformation of chucklecanon lore, chucklecanon anatomy, new content and technologies being added in future game updates, people essentially being able to use Starcheat to pull materials out of their rectums, why the place is generally unpopulated, and why the Racial Factions never really cared about the activites of the sector. I still have the document on my iPad (just dug it up today, actually).

    Granted, AoM had the premise of the entire Milky Way Galaxy being hypernova'd from existence, which immediately had the server branching away from chucklecanon and served as a basis for the concept. Plus, calling Antares a "frontier" pretty much explains away the last two things on the list. But I'll pitch the basics of what I had and elaborate if interested.

    -Basically, the idea was a fictional couple of solar systems bundled under the same title (in the concept I titled them "The Revenant Systems" but they could be called anything) located just outside of the server's bounds. These systems would be considered the closest hotspots of the Racial Factions to the server's region of space (I'm just going to say Antares from now on, so I don't confuse myself), but they're far enough away that Antares is pretty much under their radar. They have more important things to worry about like chucklecanon. And of course, NOTHING happens here in Antares that is important enough to warrant the USCM, the Miniknog, etc getting involved. Anyways, these systems would have the best technology around, chucklecanon is common knowledge (everyone knows exactly what kind of government the Hylotl have), and there are cities and slums galore for all races, including the occasional mixed city-state.

    -Every now and then, "newer" tech (to Antares) is smuggled into Antares from those systems, usually the result of raiders fencing the tech off after a heist in those systems. The Racial Factions also practically dump excess building materials that they don't need in Antares' direction. Sometimes, someone in Antares can manage to put in a call to dump them in a more...specific space.

    -All knowledge about current events and the state of the Racial Factions in Antares is pretty much just second-hand or third-hand. Sometimes even fourth-hand. This is the middle of nowhere, chances are the only people who come here are either not welcome at home or have been away from home for way too long. The point is, some details get overlooked (like, I don't know, maybe what kind of government the Hylotl have? Nothing major) and some completely misunderstood ("So...what is Big Ape, again?"). By the time Chucklecanon events reach Antares residents' newspapers, they're anywhere between three months and three years behind on the times.

    Thoughts on any or all of those components/explanations? Did I just unintentionally summarize exactly what is already assumed for the server? Have I given anyone ideas to add to server lore? Have I wasted 30 minutes of typing?​
  14. Khaltor

    Khaltor Lore Master

    Jun 13, 2014
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    I'll agree that the Floran physiology thread may not be entirely canon, as some things (especially the regeneration clause) were implemented because it was considered server-canon among the people i rpd with (the florans at the time). I don't really like the idea of Florans regenerating anymore though, but haven't gotten around to removing or editing that part.
    However, i believe the Glitch post i made was pretty much completely withing parameters of what is considered "canon", as i dug very deep in loads of item descriptions to find additional info.

    Both articles were made with the help of mods that were around then and "kind of" approved; but it is indeed not canon. (No matter how much i'd like there to be an official canon.)
    I think Avis just meant that my interpretation, or the interpretation of the articles aren't necessarily word of god value.

    Though i really like the glitch one...

    Edit: even IF some day the community decides to use those lore guides, i'm quite sure i'd have to make some revisions first, with the community.
    #114 Khaltor, Apr 21, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 21, 2015
  15. Khaltor

    Khaltor Lore Master

    Jun 13, 2014
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    I'm less of a lore-historian/geographer, so i can't really add a lot to that. But so far what you said seems... Interesting.
  16. Khaltor

    Khaltor Lore Master

    Jun 13, 2014
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    You sir, are too kind.
    #116 Khaltor, Apr 21, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 21, 2015
  17. Solour

    Solour a dad

    May 26, 2014
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    already explained before your time
    it's a common-time everyone shares,
    I believe it was called Z-time.
    It's just EST, from what I remember.
  18. Khaltor

    Khaltor Lore Master

    Jun 13, 2014
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    I just noticed this:
    I was gone for a while so i wasn't here to see this rule implemented.
    And I strongly disagree to the compulsory Glitch prefixes and Floran lisp.

    First off, the Floran Scholar npc totally opposes the idea that Florans HAVE to have a lisp. Whether or not that's bad writing on Chucklefish's part is an opinion. Secondly there's enough in game examples of Glitch speaking WITHOUT using prefixes. The npcs don't ALWAYS use it. Whether or not they keep or lose the compulsive desire to use a prefix every now and then depends on what changes happen whent he Glitch shatters his connection to the hive-mind and becomes an Outcast. Outcasts become self-aware so it is plausible that they realise their use of a prefix is weird, but may still resort to it when they want to express themselves clearly, as they probably lack intonation.

    Why is it that even though there's a semi-plausible argument for the physiological limitations of the Floran mouth suddenly that interpretation has become law? Even though there's a lot more important lore stuff to go over than the Floran lisp! Do NOT even refer to the art made to represent the Floran character, because how the hell would a NOVAKID be able to produce sound waves to speak at all? The art isn't supposed to give a 100% conclusive depiction of the Floran physiology! Same goes for the Avian bird mouths/beaks, they would also impact the pronounciation.

    I was so pleased when i first discovered the Floran scholar on the Nightly build because it confirmed my theory that indeed, the Florans are, in general, a savage species, but there are always a few cases that aren't the same + the lisp was something they could learn to suppress. If you're going to ban any form of intelligent or sophisticated Floran, then you might as well ban any form of retarted or mentally ill humans, because they're a rather big minority too.

    There's 4 Florans at the Outpost. 1 Scholar without lisp. 1 "dumb but friendly" Npc that likes humans. 1 "dumb but deadly" NPC and 1 ... dumb and playfully/deceitful Floran at Teramart that sells food.
    At least 2/4 have a lisp, but we're certain that 1/4 doesn't have a lisp. Even if you're using the argument that those 4 Florans are a super rare minority since they're not among their tribal kin who all have a lisp, you have to keep in mind that any Floran character that has travelled away from its orignial tribe is already an extreme rare case, it learning to lose the lisp after practice isn't THAT unrealistic unless you can bring me conclusive/irrefutable evidence that the Floran lisp is physiological. Edit: I mean to say that the Tribal Florans with lisps have no incentive to stop lisping.

    Even a community vote in this case wouldn't justify making the Floran lisp and Glitch prefix compulsory, it is an affront to people's interpretation of the given lore and their creative freedom. For example: if we had a majority rule that all characters with brown hair are banned because brown is a stupid colour (which it isn't, it's just an example) it still wouldn't be ethically right to actually enforce this. </rant>

    I will also admit that this rule screws me over personally because i wanted to resume RP with Oak, who is pretty close to the Floran Scholar archetype. When i created Oak there was no problem with some Florans not having a lisp, nor was there a problem with having an intelligent Floran. I have another Floran and she lisps all the time, for the sake of variance. I'd rather not have to RP-background retcon that Oak got operated to get rid of his lisp, even if that's kind of a solution, i'd still require permission to do this.
    Am I to retcon everything Oak's ever said and done now?
    #118 Khaltor, Apr 21, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 21, 2015
  19. Wreth

    Wreth New Member

    Dec 18, 2013
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    I agree with Khaltor and think that the conflict between tribal florans and ''civilised'' florans is a very interesting and important part of floran lore and makes them more than one dimensional cartoon bad guys.

    There are multiple cases of florans becoming well read and literate in the lore. Treeio Florstab, Greenguard, Greenfinger, the Outpost floran. There are even well read, literate florans that are still tribal and just as savage as their kin, just using their intelligence to further the tribal agenda's goals.

    A civilised lisp-less floran is not bad writing.

    A race of one-dimensional clones is bad writing, and ignoring the arguments about floran mouth physiology, this is a setting with teleporters, spaceships, laser guns, FTL, Universal translators, etc. A device that converts a florans speech into one without the hissing is well within the realms of the Starbound setting's technology level.
  20. Toadkid1234

    Toadkid1234 New Member

    Jan 28, 2014
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    I see no inherent problem with permitting lispless florans and prefixless glitch.

    That being said, florans with a lisp and glitch with prefixes should still be encouraged, as should pacifistic hylotl, religious avians and scientific apex. It is not necessary to conform to the racial stereotypes, and some variability ought be encouraged for the sake of interesting and unique characters, but at the same time not everyone in the frontier ought to contrast their stereotype.

    We should request the staff consider this point, if they have not noticed already. *looks up to see if the moderator goderators are watching*