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Novakid physiology(open for discussion)

Discussion in 'Unofficial Lore Discussion' started by Khaltor, May 2, 2016.


Novakid: breathing and metabolism?

  1. must eat & breathe

  2. must eat but not breathe

  3. must breathe but not eat

  4. removing eating and breathing makes sense

  1. iClearSkies

    iClearSkies Military Veteran

    Feb 8, 2015
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    Anyways. continueing on. . .

    So if were going to possibly combine ideas Ill try and outline them and then adding both ideas in a hopefully suggestive format. as a note these are just using the Summary bullets for more detailed information read the entire topic to find answers:

    EDIT since i have been working on this for a few days I have to return to writing chapters in my novel as my readers are getting quite salty I want to see hopefully some good/bad comments or suggestions. Some bullets using my thoughts are not listed as I did not have time so apologies in advance.

    Basic Makeup:
    • Novakid are like single-celled organisms: 1 core, internal plasma, within a membrane.
    • These parts are called: brand, cytoplasma, shell.
    Novakids in comparison to biological creature are closely resembled to single cell organisms, they contain overall three parts (which can have smaller sub parts) A Brand which serves as the Nova's central core or 'brain' which regulates most of its functions. The second is the shell which is a thick membrane around the third main part which is the Cytoplasma or blood/mass of the Nova.

    • Brand is located in the center of the face. It is responsible for most, if not all the Novakid's functions. Generates a magnetic field to form the shell and possess an electrical charge opposite of the cytoplasma.
    • Novakid have genders. => Determined by the charge of their brand. + is male, - is female.
    • The Brand is normally located within the center of the Nova's face, however in some rare instances some have their brands located within their Cytoplasma as these Nova's were possibly born by chance through means of a ferromagnetic material passing through a solar flare but this is still never been observed by science. The Brand's magnetic polarity normally indicates a Nova's defined gender such as positive for male and negative for female, this results in the Cytoplasma inside the nova to take the opposite magnetic polarity.
    The Brand is responsible for most if not all the Nova's bodily functions and serves as the center or 'brain' and acts as the Nova's circulatory system and filter. The brand is normally located within the center of the Nova's face however in some rare instances some Nova's have their brands sunken within the cytoplasma under the shell. As the brands cannot be moved resulting in damage to the Nova itself it is assumed that the brand can be thought of like a core. The brands are comprised of a single ferromagnetic material such as iron or steel (but does not exclude other materials) resulting in the sex of the Nova with males being positive and females being negative which also dictates the polarity of the cytoplasm which is opposite of the brands polarity. Brands can be shaped in two ways one is externally creating a brand and used as a foundation during the creation process or the parents can use natural metal sediments in their cytoplasm to forge a brand together (which is quite intimate and romantic) using materials from both their parents.

    • Cytoplasma is the main "mass" of the Novakid body. Provides the Novakid with a lot of energy.
    Cytoplasma is the substance within the Novakid shell and makes up 80% of its mass and density, overall the substance is comprised of super-heated plasma like material roughly within the 250 degree Celsius range. Within this reaction are small regolith sediments which are highly charged with magnetic energy and serve as good nutrients to continue the Nova's cytoplasma reaction. Regolith is normally found within the natural plasma of nebula or very fine grated solar dust of minerals and metals from mineral rich meteor impacts or lunar dust. The regolith normally takes the charge of the brand and in essence keeps the cytoplasma reaction flowing in circulation around the shell to be cycled by the brand and sent back into the cytoplasm. Although the cytoplasm is considered very hot in combination with the shell the Nova can still touch organic material without any danger to the outside source, but if cytoplasma is released by forceful means such as through a wound or breaches in the shell the expelled plasma will still be vented at or around 75 degrees Celsius which can cause third degree burns and possibly catch flammable objects on fire. When asked to describe what plasma feels like most novas refer to the texture and feeling as really-really thick syrup but still can allow them to grasp physical objects and take shape and walk as if they were a normal person.

    • The shell functions as a barrier. It is a good insulator for heat and radiation. Despite this Novakid still have above average body temperature.
    The shell is the outermost layer of the Nova's body and is comprised of a membrane like material that is relatively permeable and is decently thick to support the reaction inside. Although the membrane cannot be identified as what type of material it is made of, it has an almost smooth plastic/glassy feel that can be depressed when pressured with force. Although Novakids do not essentially feel like normal biological beings with neurons they can feel localized pressure and sense basic heat or warmth through the shells signals to the brand. Another downside to the shell is the removal of accurate touch detection as they cannot necessarily feel detailed textures but they can tell if a substance is grainy or thick by means of resistance along their shell. The shell is water and vacuum resistant meaning that Nova's can traverse underwater with ease and within the vacuum of space or low pressure environments. The density of the shell is very firm but not invulnerable as it can be ruptured by piercing or slashing damages, blunt force damage to the nova will disorient him or her to some extent but otherwise is not very harmful. Novakids do bruise in a sense that when the shell sustains any type of damage or hard pressure the area around the shell will glow lighter in color compared to the cytoplasma inside as the shell repairs of cytoplasma pushes back the force. With the density and insulation of the shell the nova retains a fairly warm body temperature when touched when resting is about 38-40 degrees Celsius and in periods of activity can be anywhere between 42-47 Celsius.

    • Novakid age as a result of their brand deteriorating as a result of the plasma being converted into energy for the brand, getting wounded, regeneration and other life functions. (However they have a long lifespan which averages out between 400 and 500 years.)
    • If they're born in the same fashion as a star then they should be able to live really long lives as 100-200 years is too short
    • Novakids are a pseudo immortal race, if their chemical reactions are maintained accordingly they could possibly live huge lifespans that could rival a sun. BUT that is if only a shell is not weakened considerably and if they remember to refresh they plasma daily. They are not gods and can be killed quite easily with the right tools but if left unchecked they could rival ancient races.
    Novakids as a Pseudo Immortal Species, as being made of pure energy the reaction can constantly be refreshed and in theory if they maintain a proper diet and curb life threatening incidents its not impossible for an extremely old Nova to exist. With this in mind their immortality comes at a price as the mind thins over time they are prone to memory loss and damage to their brand causes detrimental effects such as mortality or death another factor that can effect the lifespan of the Nova is the material that their brand is made from as long as the material possesses a natural ferromagnetic property. Brand material also ties into strength and memory retention overall and can make a Nova's plasma reaction inherently weaker however all brands in uniformity have the same regenerative and filtration properties

    • When a Novakid dies, its a result from them running out of plasma or from a damaged brand, they will dissipate into a warm flash of light and they will leave a twisted metal symbol on the area of their death.
    A Novakid can die through many methods that are commonly found with most lifeforms, but the two most common ways a Novakid can expire is when the shell is breached and loss of internal cytoplasm is too great to keep the reaction running. Without cytoplasm the shell will quickly dissolve and the nova will experience a form of shock resulting in leaving nothing but a decaying brand. In the event that the brand is damaged or destroyed A Novakid can go into shock and cause an interruption of the reaction inside and can either dissipate neutrally with a flash of light or possibly violently explode depending on the nature of the shock leaving a twisted destroyed brand.
    Mental Capacity and Thinking:

    • Novakid are really smart. >< Novakid have short attention spans. => Bad students, but evolve rapidly.
    • Novakids have a capacity for speedy learning through visual and hands on methods, most novas will not study a book as they are a race of action.
    • You could say Novas are a Neutral Chaotic and can be a good addition to settlements or a plague as they are natural pranksters and thrill seekers shooting for the next big thing.
    Nova's are considered to be extremely smart despite their natural memory decay, Due to the nature of how memory is stored within the brand through electrical synapses just like a brain (more or less between molecules in the metals mass). While the Nova's capacity for learning is very quick they mostly learn through visual and physical means, as most of the time you will never see a nova read or study from a book as they are a race of action and adventure. Personality wise most Novakids behave in a Chaotic Neutral manner, while some Novas can be considered good and beneficial to settlements and small towns some can be considered quite mischievous or bad as most novas will sometimes pull very elaborate physical pranks or sometimes cause panic when trying to 'do something really cool' (like toss a highly reactive element inside a power generator to see what kind of explosion it would cause). Most of the time the jokes are in good nature and not really geared for harming anyone but sometimes in hindsight can cause harm. Novas have a tendency to be brutally honest, although they can lie but more often then not they see no need to as it wastes time. Many

    Society Habits and Observations:

    • Novakid are weird.
    • Novakid society revolves around gathering plasma, distilling and imbibing it, mixing it with metals and other elements mined from asteroids. Moonshine (with regolith), starshine (just plasma). Consumption of plasma allows them to recover lost body mass in their cytoplasma. These products come in different shapes, generally similar to alcoholic beverages and cigars. Consuming too much at once will affect a Novakid's mental state: "drunk/stoned".
    Novakids are considered strange to their biological counterparts, as some of their antics can be considered within the thrill seeking realm or overexcited enthusiasm. The majority of nova establishments or towns revolves around the business of gathering rare metals or materials that contain regolith (electromagnetic sediment) and distilling it into food, drinks, and medicine that is more specific to Novas and sustaining their reactions. Many of developed products come in many shapes or forms that are generally similar to alcoholic beverages, inhalants such as cigars and food containing high amounts of regolith. Although most novakids have a initial high tolerance to alcohol, when novakids are exposed to high amounts of plasma they can get a buzz or high that places them in an elated state. Novakids are great collaborators and love working in groups especially with other novas under the guise of lets do something new and exciting. if you hire a pack of novas to build, construct, or perform something, expect it to be finished very quickly and possibly with better improvements or additions to add to the creativity of whatever they have been instructed to do..

    • Novakid generally perform high quality craftsmanship when it come to their gunsmiths.
    • Novakids are natural Physical Engineers and Masters of the Smithing Arts making great structures, bridges, and complex engines and machines (like trains or physical generators) and craft very sturdy and fine crafted armor and weaponry. In hindsight they are no book worms as science and study does not relevantly interest them (but does not exclude a rare few)
    Novakids are masters of the smithing arts and create well crafted weapons and armor. While true that Novas are more prone to firearms this does not exclude them from being masters of their craft which is smithing in general. A Nova might give a small distaste in being asked for something other than a firearm as to them, a firearm is a physical science (unlike lasers or plasma weapons) which interests them greatly; but in the same regard they are master smiths and could forge a blade for others if asked in the terms of Weapon/Armor. Novas also know their sediments very well which also makes them prone to finding and utilizing quality metals and materials within construction applications.

    • Novakid procreation: parents yield some metal and some of their cytoplasma, the mixture will become a Protokid. (Infantile Novakid)
    • These Protokid will be herded by its parents or other Novakid to absorb stray plasma from dead stars, nebulae, where they will mature and become Novakid.
    Novakid's as a species procreate in a nature that is most common with normal mammalian nature but still retains unique properties. When two Novakids with opposite polarity (gender) they can donate a large sum of their plasma and combine it in a long process that essentially 'forges' a new novakid reaction through high temperature and pressure. During this process a brand is necessary and can be provided in two ways, the first being a brand that is premade and specially forged using very tedious smithing techniques. This forged brand is nearly comprised of 99.9% pure metal (depending on the type of ferromagnetic mineral provided) and contains 0.01% impurity. This brand is then used as a foundation to focus the two potential parents energies towards and results in a brand new baby protokid who takes on a gender based on the brands polarity. The second method which considered more intimate and special in certain Nova circles is to force sediment within the cytoplasma and forge a brand during the process using materials from both parents, this brand is typically more unique and plain in shape due to the strain of the creation process. Sometimes if the parents are unable to produce a brand in the shape they desire in this fashion they simply create a perfectly rounded core and create a brand less protokid. This entire process regardless of the brand fabrication choice made will take a better part of a day and the end result could be a newborn protokid.

    After this process both parental Nova's will be very weak and exhausted as nearly a quarter of their plasma will be consumed in this process which will require them to either gain energy themselves through sedimentary food OR directly absorb raw plasma from nearby sources. This is why that most Novas who choose to become parents take a journey to nearby nebula's or even sometimes a respectable distance from cold burning stars such as brown giants to siphon plasma like eating sugar to humans and restore their lost plasma quickly. A newborn Protokid that is born takes a basic shape more often as a bubble with a brand filled with cytoplasma. Once the parents recover they must then show the newborn protokid how to absorb plasma through its shell and feed the newborn protokid raw plasma to makeup the rest of his cytoplasma. If a nearby source isn't obtained quickly enough the protokids reaction could bottleneck resulting in a death of a newborn protokid. One parents feed their newborn baby they take the child which is now bonded with them and either through a sense of basic understanding or childlike behavior the protokid will follow and obey his parents to a certain degree as it matures. Nova's in large communities sometimes take their children to a Protokid herd which is similar to a daycare, these herds are located near plasma sources such as within nebula or sometimes they are fed respectively using very small amounts of Nova crafted food to help them grow. These prototypes can be considered very noisy as vibrations from their brands causes sharp, sometimes ear piercing screeches as protokids cannot form the acoustics to shape words properly. Eventually over time which can take about two years a protokid will develop fully into a more familiar bi-pedal form and begin to take on characteristics of its own such as the development of features such as the corona or hair which is a wispy substance that vents from the top of a novas head to a broad 'chest' for males and females developing round 'breasts' which in essence have no real purpose but is a natural stigma developed by female novas. Over time voice patterns are learned and the journey to adulthood takes place.

    Healing and Bodily Functions:

    • They do not breathe, possess no skeleton or muscles.
    • Novakid possess a sense of sight touch, hearing and are able to speak through a series of small pulses in rapid succession. These also cause fluctuations in the brightness of their face.
    • They can survive in a vacuum, but this will cause them to be more vulnerable as they will lose more plasma as a result of their shell being compromised.
    • They are Bio-Luminescent
    • They have below average strength and agility.
    More specifically in the nature of a Nova is its special characteristics of its body its traits that are considered super in nature. Novakids do not require oxygen to function, they are self sustained by their internal reaction. As their shell provides a decent membrane from outside sources they are able to survive inside a complete vacuum such as space or within pressures located in deep waters and oceans. Because of this membrane and separation from the outside elements the reaction that takes place within the nova can continue unhindered which causes the most noticeable feature of the Novakid which is their ever-present luminescent glow. Although not extremely bright the glow can be considered that of a bright candle being on inside a dark room. A side effect being comprised of Cytoplasma is the under strength of a Novakid itself, Novas are considered to be below average in the strength category as they do not possess 'muscular strength' per say. As their bodies are comprised of cytoplasma which is just really dense gas /plasma they cannot lift or force objects that is greater then their own mass can support. Although the shell adds to a bit of strength towards the nova in some regards the simple fact remains that a Nova will still be considerably weaker then most biological creatures which could explain their tendencies towards physical firearms and their nature to construct, do tasks in large groups. Regarding the parallel of agility the novakid suffers the same regard as the cytoplasma cannot increase strength as being a specific density based on their creation. A Nova will have the same detrimental effects of a weak strength in equal parts to weak agility. One thing that a Nova does have over most biological counterparts is dexterity, Novas have extreme control and spacial awareness of their bodies allowing them to have a sort of sixth sense with objects in close proximity.
    • Novakid possess a particular form of regeneration, which is quite useful, as their mysterious nature makes it impossible to perform medical procedures, as well as the fact that they're made of /plasma/.
    • Novakid are immune to any disease, poison, venom and they are very resistant to radiation and heat.
    • Blunt force damage to the brand, a powerful electrical shock (tazer) or small EMP will knock out a Novakid.
    Novakids although mostly made up of a plasma reaction still posses a form of 'internal healing' as the cytoplasma reaction circulates throughout its body by a form of magnetic attraction between the brand and the sediment. The Cytoplasma goes through a sort of filtration cycle purging out unwanted elements or older cytoplasma and turning it into new cytoplasma. Not being made of organic elements certain poisons that would paralyze or outright kill biological counterparts are ineffective towards Novakids. However that may be there are certain agents that can disrupt or halt the reaction inside the Nova's body effectively making it a poison in some regard. Agents that can cause extreme cold or molecular slowdown enough to 'choke' or stop a Nova's plasma reaction can be effectively used as a poison to weaken or disrupt their natural and very simple body makeup. If such an agent were introduced to the Nova's body it would begin to hurt the reaction inside causing a Nova to possibly slow or unable to move in certain aspects curbing their already weak strength and agility. But if such an agent is introduced in low doses eventually through filtration the nova will eventually be able to recover but this process could take some time. An alternative to a quicker cure would be painful for the nova but none the less effective by forcefully purging or venting plasma by breaking its shell venting plasma in the localized area outside its body. As novas are very well in tune with their body they have a general feeling or 'idea' where something is not right within them and can attempt to extract the foreign substance, but with this method it causes great risk as if the nova cannot seal or cover the wound fast enough they would simply bleed out plasma until their death.

    Like all things time can heal many wounds including direct damage or breaches to the shell as that is the only substance that can properly withstand the high temperatures and pressures of the cytoplasm. Although the shell is the only thing that can withstand the heat and pressure of the internal reaction if a breach should happen a nova can simply cover the hole and his shell would reduce the outward flow of plasma until his shell would heal properly. But the issue is that if there is a large breach should occur A nova would not be able to cover effectively resulting in more alternate methods to be developed or used. If a limb is heavily breached a nova could simply sever the entire extremity by forcing the shell to close around his core body and over time the extremity would grow slowly back as the plasma is replaced and the shell re-expanded. Bit if the core is breached or the main body the Nova should be very well out of luck unless more novas are present in which they could donate shell material as a temporary solution. Nova first aid is very scarce and most large wounds are considered fatal blows due to the nature of the body.

    Another medical concern that Novas can face are direct blows or damages to their brands, as most brands are located outside the shell near their faces some are sunken within the cytoplasma adding more protection but are just as vulnerable if directly damaged. Physical kinetic damage to a novas brand can cause shock and stun a nova temporary in essence rendering them unconscious for a short period of time. If a brand is damaged due to kinetic damage it can seriously destroy a novas life-force and shorten their lifespan considerably, while chips and scratches are relevantly OK (but still not recommended). Novas being of a ferromagnetic nature are prone to dislike strong magnetic forces, not talking about sticking a fridge magnet on them would cause harm, but large magnetic forces in excess of 90T (Tesla's) could disrupt the overall magnetic flow of the brand and instantly kill a nova. Although EMP (electromagnetic pulses) are strong in nature it does not constitute a strong enough charge to outright harm a Nova, It can cause a Nova to pause for a few seconds but as quickly as a EMP would happen a Nova would be able to return to his/her natural state. As EMPS are considered an entirely Positive or Negative charge depending on what EMP was used on a specific nova could be ineffective towards a Nova in general.

  2. Krug

    Krug New Member

    Nov 27, 2015
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    This is incredibly detailed. Now I'm imagining a bounty hunter with a sword/knife made of smelled brands.
  3. ErinKeen

    ErinKeen New Member

    Jul 6, 2015
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    I'm sure a lot of this has already been said, but I figure I'd throw in what I wrote for Orion's Edge back when. There is a bulleted TLDR.

    The Nova are quite unlike any other sentient species yet encountered. Many experts still question if they should be considered a true ‘species’ at all, given their inorganic nature. They have no recorded evolutionary history - the knowledge long lost - other than the typically accepted folk legend that the first Nova “sprung from the heart of a dying star”. Some hold that the Nova were created by a race of higher beings, who may also have been behind the creation of the Glitch and the technological uplifting of the Avians.

    The Nova are comprised of three parts: a semi-rigid magnetic skin that serves to define their physical shape and shield their internals, the gases that make up these internals, and their “brand”, typically found on the face. This brand is believed to be the source of Nova sentience, however this has never been examined thoroughly. The metal that the brand is comprised of is only ‘active’ when it is attached to a living, functioning Nova: it is otherwise inert, and cannot be removed from an individual without killing the individual in question in the process. ‘Spent’ brands collected from deceased Nova have no known purpose, as they cannot be recycled, though they are typically kept by friends or relatives of the deceased, presumably in memoriam.

    As the Nova are comprised of inorganic plasma, they do not suffer wounds in the same manner as flesh-and-blood organisms. Rather, when a Nova is injured, it will result in one of two forms. The first is a weakening of their magnetic skin, similar to bruising; the wound site becomes fragile and susceptible to further damage. If the injury is more severe, a rupture will result wherein the shell is punctured and the internal gases begin to escape. In this situation, the Nova will effectively bleed to death in a matter of minutes as the pressure inside a Nova’s body is immense. In addition, these escaping gases are extremely hot and have been known to cause grievous injury to both attackers and those trying to treat the wounded Nova. If an individual wishes to treat a thus wounded Nova, sufficient protective clothing must be worn or the treatment must be carried out by another Nova.

    The Nova do not appear to have conventional sense organs; eyes to see, ears to hear, or a tongue to taste. How they see remains a mystery to this day, as a Nova has never disclosed this information. Some sense of magnetic fields has been suggested, but Nova have proven capable of accurately perceiving colours and patterns as well as physical shapes. Lacking ears, the Nova ‘hear’ through the surface of their magnetic shell picking up vibrations from their immediate environment just as effectively as any ear-drum. It is unknown exactly how they are capable of taste: a common hypothesis is that they are able to distinguish the ‘taste’ and ‘smell’ of certain chemicals and compounds when they are absorbed. Certain materials are particularly off-putting and in effect, poisonous to Nova, such as materials with a high melting point or thermal conductivity. Such additive metals risk the destabilization of their shell and subsequent rupturing and leaking of gases, or even in extreme cases, catastrophic detonation.

    As the Nova do not possess lungs, they do not need to breathe, and thus survive in otherwise inhospitable environments, even the harsh vacuum of space. However, like any other organism they are vulnerable to space debris moving at high velocity, and as such will wear armoured suits when required to perform extravehicular activities. Never the less, they do “exhale” through their membrane to rid themselves of useless chemicals and other waste.

    A Novakid's sex is determined by the polarization of their magnetic field. Their shape is not malleable at will, but determined by the construction of their brand (think of it as a rubber glove, which, while flexible, has a natural structure to it that doesn't change). +/- charges tend to produce forms that are analogous to male/female bodies (though not always), but aside from that there are no significant differences.

    Despite this, their reproductive process necessitates at least two Nova in order to generate the required level of energy required to create an inert brand. In a process known as ‘melding’, the newborn brand then claims a portion of resultant parental energy pool as its own and a protokid, the early, low-energy stage of the Nova is created.

    • The brand is crucial: its complete destruction or removal from the Novakid means immediate death.
    • Novakids have no vulnerable internal organs: you cannot shoot a Novakid through the heart, for example.
    • Novakids can suffer "bruises" where their "shell" has been damaged but not broken: bruised skin is weaker.
    • Piercing a Novakid's "shell" anywhere causes them to start "bleeding out." They are equally "weak" all over.
    • Novakid "guts" are very hot and under intense pressure: organics need to be careful handling their wounds.
      • Or risk suffering painful burns. The best doctor for a Novakid in the field is another Novakid or a Glitch.
    • Novakids are otherwise harmless on the outside, being only warm to the touch.
    • Novakids glow brightly in dim and dark areas, but won't hurt an onlooker's eyes. Think of a bright glow-stick.
    • Novakids are highly resistant to heat, cold, and radiation, and are immune to diseases and all known poisons.
    • Novakids are resistant but not immune to "energy" weapons such as lasers, tasers, and electromagnetic pulses.
      • Novakids can disperse these effects to an extent, but it destabilizes their magnetic shells, stunning them.
        • A powerful enough shock/blast/pulse will rupture their shell, just as it would any organic flesh.
          • (In other words, they cannot shrug off lasers/plasma but it is less likely to kill them.)
    • Novakids do not need to drink or sleep: they do need to breathe (in a sense) and eat (in a sense).
      • In short, Novakids need fuel. Think of a fire. A sandwich isn't good fuel, but coal/gas is.
        • Alcohol is a potent, short-lasting fuel. It acts as a stimulant, rather than a depressant.
      • Novakids can survive in a vacuum, though they do need fuel, and "exhale" through their skin.
        • In theory they can maneuver (slowly) in zero-gravity environments without assistance.
          • They are not subject to dizziness or disorientation in these environments, either.
    • Novakids do have physical "sex" determined by their polarity: you need a + and a - to make a new one.
    • Novakids cannot change their shape dramatically: they have a natural structure that can flex but not change.
    • In short, Novakids fuse together, combine their energies, and focus part of them into a new brand.
      • And thus the small, low-energy "child" is born, which is called a proto-kid.
    This TLDR is a bit long and doesn't include every detail from the main passage. I would encourage you to read it.
  4. Clem

    Clem Lore Writer

    Jan 31, 2015
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    Personally I am fine with the Novakids being good gunsmiths, but leave the melee and armour crafting to the Glitch and the other species that support it. Since gunsmithing is a craft entirely different to melee and armour smithing, in which Glitch excell through perfection.
  5. JackGrimsly

    JackGrimsly New Member

    Jun 19, 2016
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    Agreed, Nova kids in a fist fight should be like a Guy slapping you with a warm piece of floppy Meat, it'll sting but no real damage done. I imagine their very good at building intricate things with lots of moving parts. Like a watch maker. or a Computer hardware engineer. or just being good engineers in general.