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Novakid physiology(open for discussion)

Discussion in 'Unofficial Lore Discussion' started by Khaltor, May 2, 2016.


Novakid: breathing and metabolism?

  1. must eat & breathe

  2. must eat but not breathe

  3. must breathe but not eat

  4. removing eating and breathing makes sense

  1. Khaltor

    Khaltor Lore Master

    Jun 13, 2014
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    If you have a hydrogen zeppelin, and someone is like: 'don't do that, that's highly flammable!', you don't go like "there'll only be fire if other elements are present"... Because then this happens: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hindenburg_disaster .

    Oh can people just fucking stop getting offended by everything? Jeeze, I was just completing the summation, you said gas, sollid and liquid
    I've just heard many schools don't even adress plasma as a state of matter in the US...
    I mean, i KNOW you KNOW plasma exists. But if you're gonna mention 3 of the 4 states of matter, I feel like I have to complete that for the sake of completing it, because some ppl think there's only 3 states of matter...

    also gas generally tends to not be conductive, which doesn't really help when we're discussing a Novakid's body functions, as most of it is based on the electrical conduction of the plasma and a hard plasma shell formed by creating a plasma window.

    I've also stated the brand retains its charge through a process called direct energy conversion. It's like nuclear fusion, but on a smaller scale, in Novakid.
  2. Khaltor

    Khaltor Lore Master

    Jun 13, 2014
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    Wait, are you saying you want Novakid to pop like a hydrogen baloon when shot with a gun?
    Because that's what it sounds like to me, but that doesn't seem to make sense... So I must be mistaken.
  3. Khaltor

    Khaltor Lore Master

    Jun 13, 2014
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    Eh, I might be able to do something with this, if we can establish that Novakid society revolves around a wild-western-esque community where they gather Plasma and basically make space booze and drugs out of it, which is pretty much made of plasma and other metals/minerals.

    However, getting wounded would still send feedback to their brand, which will damage it and basically shorten their lifespan still.

    So they retain their ability to "regenerate" as well, albeit more slowly.
    A punctured shell won't close immediately, Novakid will bleed quite some more Plasma than what I had in mind before.
    However, this Plasma disperses into the air rapidly, possibly creating light burns with flammable objects in close proximity to the plasma.
    A Novakid's plasma is also relatively "cold" plasma.

    So what It'd boil down to is that they don't perform respiration or metabolisng, but they can restore their body mass through "absorbing" plasma, which causes the to get a "high" feeling, which is similar to getting drunk/other weird ass effects gained from drugs.
    Taste & effect on their mental state depends on the properties of the plasma-booze/drugs mix.

    They still won't be able to smell.
    They still regenerate, albeit slower, usage of magnet-bandages may be something I'll look into, or some metal-fibre bandages designed to keep the plasma in.
    Lifespan is determined by the quality of the brand, getting wounded and by extension, regenerating lost limbs or damage to the shell (or the brand itself) will cause it to deteriorate.
    A Novakid's plasma will still be converted into energy over time, but their body mass itself is replenishble through plasma absorbtion, so they won't run out of fuel. This conversion process still slightly causes the brand to deteriorate over time.

    Novakid are anomalous star people, so I suppose for an average lifespan, all things considered (regeneration, living, ...) they would be able to last about 400-500 years(depending on how many times they got wounded in their lives). However, I would like to stress that I'll try to make it so that people can't take advantage of a Novakid's longer lifespan, due to their nature. (Aka, forgetfulness etc.) (Not too exaggerated either, more like you won't be able to pick up something you did at age 120-150 after not having done it for like 100 years, when you're 250 you'll have lost the skills/forgotten quite a lot of things.)

    They can replenish their plasma, and also have some metals present within their plasma, as their plasma is "low" tempereature plasma (elements that are gaseous under room temperature), the Metals would be able to retain a sollid-slightly liquid form, so when they reproduce they won't have to sacrifice parts of their own brand, instead using some of the other metals within the cytoplasma.
    => So reproduction won't result in a diminished lifespan.

    Brand detoriation is what causes them to age.
    This happens slowly over time, throug plasma to energy conversion (direct energy conversion).
    + Regeneration also causes thier brand to deteriorate. (The more serious the wound, the worse the deterioration is.)
    (If the wound is too overwhelming, causing Novakid to lose too much plasma they die from SHOCK.)
    (If the brand gets destroyed, through a grenade to the face or a headshot, they also instantly die.)

    Of all things, plasma absorbtion would make the most sense, if people "REALLY" want the to be able to "eat" something.
    Caloric intake or regular combustion of fuels would still be somewhat far-fetched imho.
    This makes nearly as much sense as my original view, but accomodates more people, without being overly unrealistic...
    (bonus: Novakid respawn animation in the Novakid mod)

  4. Foreign Flora

    Foreign Flora New Member

    Jan 29, 2015
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    What about their similarities to stars? Do they start to bloat as they grow old, like a red giant, as they use up their energy? What is this gas/plasma that they are made of? Is it the exact same stuff of stars? I would like to believe that this gas/plasma is somehow organic, or atleast is a rare and uncommon gas/plasma, so that "transfusions" wouldn't be possible, allowing them to prolong their life even further.. I would like to think that the Brand generates a energy field that takes the shape of a skeleton, giving it shape, then the brand also produces a bubble of energy, durable like skin, but kinda squishy like a ballon that just kinda forms around the "skeleton". Severing this "skeleton" would damage the brand, probably causing malformation to the parts attached to that part of the "skeleton". The "skin" probably transmits energy to the brand, much like a neuron to the brain, for things like pain and touch. It probably will be kinda dull feeling though, probably can't detect texture well. As for hearing and seeing, the brand could do these things, as it already does things that we, or science, can't explain. I would like to believe that they are reliant on temperature, as others said before.

    Ignore this shit if you want. I'm no science man. Nor am I very smart. In fact i believe myself quite dumb. All I know is that I'm sure that there are mysterious things about glitch we can't explain, such as how they are intelligent, and how a hivemind should work, or how it exactly works, but I haven't posted anything serious in about a year. This is the most serious I've been in a while. So when I say this, please take heed. Don't over think it. The answer could be less complicated than you think.
  5. Khaltor

    Khaltor Lore Master

    Jun 13, 2014
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    They've got plenty of similarities to stars, by virtue of the fact that their main body mass consists from plasma.
    As they grow old and their Brand deteriorates, the amount of plasma the Brand will allow them to absorb will decrease, thus the concentration of plasma decreases, as does the flat amount of plasma inside of their shell and the shell will expand a bit, causing them to appear more "bloated" and cause them to resemble old "dying" stars.
    I don't believe any part of the Novakid could be thougt of as "organic".
    Glitch aren't organic either, and I believe Novakid are supernatural/artificial in nature, therefor them not being organic makes more sense.

    Well... I think it's a bit of a stretch to assume they would have a skeleton.
    The shell is made from a plasma window, a phenomenon where plasma is kept in place by the result of an electromagnetic field.
    It's already quite a stretch that the shell, formed by plasma under pressure, kept in place by the electromagnetic field, forming a membrane that can release and absorb new plasma, would work, because a magnetic field tends to work in a certain radius, therefor it would make more sense if Novakid were cilindrical or orb-shaped.
    They don't necessarily need a skeleton either as the plasma within their brand is regulated by the mobility of the shell, which is kind of like an exoskeleton, really...
    You should also keep in mind that Novakid weigh a lot less than the other races, because of the nature of plasma.
    Most of their weight is a result of the armor and clothing they wear, which tends to be light as well.
    Novakid also tend to highly prefer guns over melee combat, as is part of their culture and possibly because they are physically less impressive than Florans, Apex, Glitch or even humans for that matter.
    To say that they resemble a balloon isn't that accurate, I believe the comparison to a single-cell organism makes more sense.
    (1 Core, 1 cytoplasma which makes up most of its body mass, 1 shell/membrane that allows it to release and absorb water and nutrients.)
    Also, plasma was named plasma because the guy that found out about plasma thougt it looked similar to blood plasma. Cytoplasma is something entirely different, but I'm redefining the term for simplicities' sake.

    Agreed for the most part, as the outer shell, comes in direct contact with the plasma within a Novakid.
    The plasma is highly conductive to electriciy, so it'd conduct an electrical signal to the brand.
    If the Novakid is damaged, the signal will cause the Novakid's brand to go into overdrive and rapidly cause the shell to close up, which deteriorates the Brand somewhat. The Novakid will also experience pain through this. Other sensory information, like touch, doesn't cause deterioration of the Brand, of course. (small pains, like a little stab with a needle wouldn't cause enough damage/pain to deteriorate the brand)

    Well yeah, they can obviously see and hear, how they do that is not that important, that is why I try to make it look like indeed, scientists don't fully understad the Novakid as they're anomalous. But some things can be explained or have a plausible theory on how they work.
    So I'd like to make it as "realistic" as possible, as long as it captures the essence of what a Novakid ought to be, thematically, and to create diverse RP opporunties as such.

    Well, you need to understand that a Novakid's plasma isn't being burnt, like how one would burn gass to create heat energy to convert into electrical energy. As there are no combustion reactions to generate additional heat energy which can be lost (through inefficient energy conversion), one also has to keep in mind that his plasma has a pretty high temperature, but as they don't seem to burn everything around them to a crisp, they are probably incredibly well insulated (in terms of warmth) by their shell. So they have above average body temperature, but to cool their internal warmth down you'd need to be /very/ cold. (Deep space) And thusly they are quite resistant to heat as well. I'd argue that the shell can be disrupted by a flamethrower and thusly still damage them, but just heat in itself would have to be quite extreme as well.

    Overthinking is my favourite pastime.
  6. Khaltor

    Khaltor Lore Master

    Jun 13, 2014
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    There is some variance, but generally they're "low energy plasma".
    Like how some gasses are gaseous at room temperature, these plasma tend to be the same elements as those gasses, as it requires less energy for them to reach the state of matter of plasma and they exhibit less heat. (Because Novakid don't burn up everyone around them as a result of insulation and being less warm than an actual Sun due to the vastly smaller amount of plasma.)


    The predominant element in the Sun is hydrogen, and then helium: by mass, it is 70% hydrogen, 28% helium, 1.5% carbon, nitrogen and oxygen, and 0.5% all other elements.

    Following the same logic we can assume that the elements that make up a Novakid's plasma are "low energy plasma", as the metallic core is sollid, with possibly a slighlty liquid outer layer(like a planet's core).
    (Metals require a lot of electron density to become plasma so they need a lot of energy.)

    So I supsect their plasma is probably the same as the gasses we find in suns, and possibly some of Noble Gases and elements that are gaseous under conventional (normal room temperatures, normal air pressure/electron density, ...) circumstances.
    #46 Khaltor, May 17, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2016
  7. Foreign Flora

    Foreign Flora New Member

    Jan 29, 2015
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    Also, don't novakid drink? Moonshine (starshine), alcohol, etc
  8. Khaltor

    Khaltor Lore Master

    Jun 13, 2014
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  9. Khaltor

    Khaltor Lore Master

    Jun 13, 2014
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    Currently on the third draft, might be close to finalising it.
    I urge people to re-read the writerup and comment on it.
    Feedback is still welcome.
  10. EyesofMarch

    EyesofMarch New Member

    Feb 17, 2014
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    I ain't reading any of this shit, but being active = making your life shorter is retarded as fuck.
  11. Khaltor

    Khaltor Lore Master

    Jun 13, 2014
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    If you can't be polite and are too lazy to read, you ought to refrain from responding.
  12. Foreign Flora

    Foreign Flora New Member

    Jan 29, 2015
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    It makes sense though, your using energy to do things right now, and your a rechargeable battery. Novakid arnt
  13. EyesofMarch

    EyesofMarch New Member

    Feb 17, 2014
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    Alright, lemme rephrase that.

    The idea that Novakid moving around and being active somehow decreases their lifespan from 200 years to 80 years is, well, it's frankly not a very good idea.
  14. Khaltor

    Khaltor Lore Master

    Jun 13, 2014
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    If you actually read what I had written up, you'd have known I've changed that.
    It seems you don't even care enough to read the TL,DR; section.
  15. zkkzz

    zkkzz New Member

    Apr 1, 2016
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    While I agree, don't need to be rude about it, and also I think Khal just changed things so that that's not exactly the case? Like, they 'metabolize' plasma now.
  16. EyesofMarch

    EyesofMarch New Member

    Feb 17, 2014
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    That's a LONG TL;DR.
  17. EyesofMarch

    EyesofMarch New Member

    Feb 17, 2014
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    Oh shit I was looking at the wrong post. My baaaaaaad.
  18. November

    November Previously Sermane
    Staff Member

    Jan 31, 2014
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    Just going over the initial post again something caught my eye.

    Consuming the plasma to produce energy indicates a gradual loss in body mass, which I think is more of a holdover from your first idea. In my opinion, I don't think plasma would really be great as the regulator of internal pressure of the Novakid. I would think that instead the Novas have a good amount of noble gasses (or some similarly nonreactive gas) which helps in making them not deflate like a balloon over the years. Noble gasses are also great fun for the colours they produce when excited, which is a good way to explain the Nova's colour. Just the beginning of a thought here, where I also want to wonder at how much a Nova actually weighs.

    The brand being the determiner of age I think is a waaaaaay better way then the battery metaphor. I'm actually disappointed I didn't propose it myself. I think the more importance placed on the brand the better, because that is the biggest downside Novas have. I do disagree with the colour aging thing, even though I know we like our sun metaphor I don't think it'll end up as part of the RP often enough. IE you will have young red Novas and old blue Novas simply because people preferred a specific colour. It also isn't compatible with my noble gas concept, so I'm naturally biased.

    I'm not sold on this idea with zero evidence, and just seems sort of unnecessary. I would put forward the motion to cut it.

    The summary could also use some better formatting, though I'm sure you notice that. It doesn't really matter until we're "finished" anyways.

    Otherwise I think I can agree with most of the guidelines put forth. Need to take the fine comb to it at some point but I like the concessions that you've made so far.
  19. Khaltor

    Khaltor Lore Master

    Jun 13, 2014
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    It was in Bietol's original idea, people said I shouldn't disregard what Bietol has written before, when it came to Novakid having to eat, so I didn't.
    Instead though, I stuck to them "eating" plasma, because that's the only thing that even remotely makes sense.

    Plasma is basically energised/heated gas.
    It needs to be plasma, because of how we've speculated their "nervous system", works as the brand receives electrical feedback, plasma generally very conductive because it has a high amount of electrons.
    Additionally it needs to be plasma in order for the DEC(direct energy conversion) theory to make sense, as well as the plasma window, which allows for the generation of the Novakid's hard plasma shell.

    The colour of a Novakid's plasma can be whatever it wants to be, it just depends on the quality, quantity and density of the plasma within the shell, but as a Novakid becomes older, they take on a more dullish red hue, still somewhat reminiscent of their original colour, but somewhat resembling a red giant.

    Yes, I'm aware this isn't quite finished yet, but I've started on the Glitch bit as well to get the feedback on that topic rolling while I finish up the Novakid. Might need some reformatting/rephrasing here and there and some tweaks, like the red giant thing.
    However, I know that Bietol and CF often refer to the Novakid's inner matter as gases, but a lot of people confuse gas and plasma all the time.
    It's obviously plasma and not gas. They're meant to be similar to stars, which are made from plasma. The plasma does take on a more gaseous form when it starts to disperse into the air, obviously, but that's all there is to it.

    Also, i'm not necessarily arguing against the fact that Novakid are filled with noble gases/other elements that are gaseous at room temperature, but consdering the Novakid are luminscent, like when Neon becomes energised, it becomes plasma. (that's right, a neon lamp, when it's on, is actually plasma)
  20. Khaltor

    Khaltor Lore Master

    Jun 13, 2014
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    The decrease in matter would be gradual enough to be almost entirely neglegible, considering the fact that the Novakid will "refuel" by drinking the sunshine/starshine/moonshine plasma things.
    Nova's are most likely heavier than a balloon as they possess more matter (higher density cytoplasma, shell, brand) but still very light when compared to the other species, because of the nature of plasma.