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Discussion in 'Archives' started by EyesofMarch, May 16, 2015.

  1. Rezima

    Rezima New Member

    Feb 1, 2014
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    ((some things yeah, things that would be common knowledge, the unabridged and in depth history of a very private culture from thousands of years ago is not common knowledge))
  2. Tazerok

    Tazerok New Member

    Jul 19, 2014
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    Let me start off by saying that I'm a Glitch. I don't bear any ill will towards Florans, but I do understand why organics are so fearful and distrusting of them.

    Florans eat other sentient beings. In the end, that's all it comes down to. A few Florans might be decent and all, but I don't think anyone wants to risk tolerating something that might very well eat them alive. I don't understand all these educated plants going around spewing nonsense about savagery and stuff like that. Other species have had their own little wars, that is true. The difference is that they don't eat people.

    Let us say that a Blackfang infiltrator is allowed housing on a colony, and becomes a citizen. Say that a Blackfang raiding party comes to this colony, and is alerted by the infiltrator of where the evacuation tunnels emerge from. Do you know what happens after that? A few hundred, or even thousands of pounds of delicious meat, all packed into those tunnels with nowhere to go. Some of the civilians might be lucky enough to die quickly. Some of them might be eaten alive. As for the rest of them, have you ever been given a tour of a Floran prison? Quite a gruesome sight. Floran torture techniques are quite brutal. The end result is the same anyway, tenderized meat.

    You can be as pretty as you want in a dress, speak as properly as you want, but the risk of tolerating you is not worth it. Organics have every right to fear Florans, because tolerating Florans means risking one's life. The tiny fraction of Florans who are actually civilized and educated should head to Glitch settlements if they wish to be tolerated. Going to any other type of colony and expecting immediate change is laughable. One of you says that you saved a Hylotl doctor. Wonderful, good for you! Saving a single Hylotl doctor does not excuse the rest of your species from taking the Hylotl homeworld by force and committing numerous war crimes against the Hylotl people. I don't understand how any Hylotl can tolerate Florans, especially when their ancestors might have been eaten by said species.

    You speak of stereotypes, but can you really blame the other races for thinking this way? Florans eat people. Again, tolerating Florans is a risk to any organic's life. Mingle with Glitch if you want to be treated decently. You're not accomplishing anything by throwing yourself at organics.

    #42 Tazerok, May 22, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: May 22, 2015
  3. Khaltor

    Khaltor Lore Master

    Jun 13, 2014
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    ((Some stuff is obscure and not known to the public, if you think about it you can know that for example to a Floran the Floran writing ban is public knowledge, but other races probably don't know about it, unless they're Glitch or have interacted with Florans in their background or IC past. The Incarcerus notes are not known because it's classified information, and probably covered up by greenfinger. The abridged history of the Avians is so old that it's probably faded away into obscurity etc...))
  4. Rezima

    Rezima New Member

    Feb 1, 2014
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    ((which...calls into question why all these florans are posting written messages on star..net...? Just sayin'))
  5. Khaltor

    Khaltor Lore Master

    Jun 13, 2014
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    ((All the Florans in Antares are already fledgelings/weird because they're not part of the major Floran collective. Expecting them to honour that ban, which isn't really a tradition or anything, is a bit hard.))
  6. Felonious

    Felonious Restart Monkey

    Apr 28, 2014
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    ((This can all be saved for another thread, but there are a number of questions it draws up about perceived and used lore.))
  7. Yotan

    Yotan New Member

    Feb 10, 2015
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    Starnet Network Connect code: W9SSA6DSH4
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    Brother or Sister,

    I am not going to disagree with your analysis. However one should update your data banks and internal storage capacity. There are are many cases through out history were organics of all races have committed cannibalism with a run-time calculation probably of 98%. Granted most current history of all organic races this act is reduced to a calculation of .02% and as high as 1%. Normally those situations are a result of starvation in a very stressful situation. While I calculate that I have little reason to fault a organic from cannibalism during a situation like that. There is a statistical probably of 45% that even the glitch have done so during the same situation.

    Another thing is torture methods. Sure the Floran's are are brutal but all torture is brutal. It is not torture if it isn't brutal. Other then the Hylotl (not say that don't have their methods), most of the other races have brutal methods of torture. As I have compiled information over the years, no race is exempt from this. That argument is null and void.

    While I agree that eating another sentient being is a taboo in other cultures, for the florans at this stage it is not. What gives another race the right to say that what right and wrong about another races culture? Is it barbaric, yes. If two novakid agree upon a shoot out at high noon to solve a dispute. For a glitch like myself I find it interest while knowing it relates well with two glitch having a sword duel. For another race, except probably a Floran, these acts are barbaric and taboo in their culture. A good example is the flightless sacrificing of Sunborn. Every other race current and even their own race see it as taboo, yet here we are saying it is barbaric. Another example is those Apex the "volunteer" to continue exploring and improving of the VEP. Sure that is a normal and honorable for the Apex, but wrong for the rest of us it may be wrong. All races need to be tolerant of other races cultures. There is nearly a 99% chance that is not going to happen but maybe even the most sophisticated person in this sector are still just a school bully picking on the kid they don't take the time to understand.

    Do what you wish, cause there is a 98.657% chance it is going to happen anyways, be that school bully. What I do agree that Wireclank says, if you want to be treated equally mingle with Glitch.

    Tetragrammaton Network System:
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  8. Felonious

    Felonious Restart Monkey

    Apr 28, 2014
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    You are an idiot, machine. If what the Florans did was generations ago, I would care little. But they are STILL DOING IT AS WE SPEAK. They are still killing villages of our peoples, conquering worlds, spreading aimlessly with no more reason than to spread aimlessly. You admit that what the Florans do is something we should be fearful of, and then turn around and say we are wrong for fearing them? They devour our people and worlds mindlessly. I do not care if that's just their 'stage right now'. I care that it's happening and it is not stopping. You expect us to roll over like pups to have our bellies scratched while the swarm around us?

    The Flightless sacrifices are barbaric. But it is rare that entire worlds are sacrificed, or that entire campaigns are waged to sacrifice billions of lives in a matter of generations. Florans continue to devour, kill on scales that no other race does. I do not condone these actions anymore than others, but Florans don't just kill and devour other Florans. They kill and devour our peoples.

    They ARE killing and devouring our peoples as we debate the cultural faux pas of every race. There is risk that a group of radical Flightless will come for us, yes. And as such I have little love or trust for most Flightless. But most Flightless are people, tailors, workers, builders, bakers. They are wrapped up in the business of their own life too much to hold malice. The priests are the true barbarians of Avian culture. Most Floran, however, are conquerers and savages. Almost all of them are a plague sweeping through the galaxy and threatening the lives of every one of us.

    So do not tell me that I should tolerate Florans because my kin sacrifice their own. Because you are an idiot, but I expect little more form a soulless husk of metal.

    -Alo Sunstriker
  9. Mazékial

    Mazékial New Member

    Apr 19, 2014
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    I believe the fact that the Ferals DO NOT consider them taboo is the other Glitch's point, in short. It is a very here-and-now thinking, yes, but without the here and now there is no tomorrow, and you will not reach tomorrow yourself if you are gunned down and eaten alive by a Feral.
  10. Yotan

    Yotan New Member

    Feb 10, 2015
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    I would like to address you concerns.

    You are an idiot, machine. = Yes.
    If what the Florans did was generations ago, I would care little. But they are STILL DOING IT AS WE SPEAK. = Only Feral, Dionaea Tribe is not feral.
    You admit that what the Florans do is something we should be fearful of, and then turn around and say we are wrong for fearing them? = Yes, cause you lack understanding.
    You expect us to roll over like pups to have our bellies scratched while the swarm around us? = Yes, that down is solfter on the belly for Avians.
    The Flightless sacrifices are barbaric. = Comprimise and have the feran floran's kill only the flightless. That would solve Groundeds problem.
    Florans don't just kill and devour other Florans. = Correction, yes they do. Hopefully that makes you happy.
    They ARE killing and devouring our peoples as we debate the cultural faux pas of every race. = Yes and no, they do not eat Glitch or Novakid.
    Most Floran, however, are conquerers and savages. = Yes.
    So do not tell me that I should tolerate Florans because my kin sacrifice their own. = Yes
    Because you are an idiot, but I expect little more form a soulless husk of metal. = Yes

    I do wish to make a claification a billion dead, over a short time or long time is still a billion dead. At least the Floran have enough sense to clean up their mess. Not bury them in tombs.

    I agree, but on that note being gun down without proper medical condition at least the animals are feed. But really anyone gunned down have the same issue.

    Tetragrammaton Network System:
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  11. Mazékial

    Mazékial New Member

    Apr 19, 2014
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    ..After reading your last post, I literally cannot decide if I should give you a reluctant thumbs up, smack you in the back of the head, or shank your core circuitry. You appear to simply be dancing around the issue, saying this Alo figure is wrong but at the same time right even though he is wrong? You are not very consistent. I feel as though that should be blamed on your hyper logos-oriented mindset. As such, the ethos of Alo's words is lost on you. A pity. His words ring true, as far as I am concerned.

    Yes. Because convincing the Florans to bend to the demands of Ssstupid Meatsssmen has worked so well in the past. That was sarcasm.

    Also, as the human expression goes, "Dionaea Tribe is not feral my ass."
  12. Cassidy

    Cassidy The Strudel

    Jan 18, 2014
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    When did Starnet become so aggressive, why cant we just go back to posting cute animal pictures. More cats, Less political bickering.
    [email protected]
  13. Twitch

    Twitch Wayward Star

    Dec 17, 2013
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    War... war never changes.
