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Neverwinter Knights Unite

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by DirtyGoblin, Apr 1, 2014.

  1. Terallis

    Terallis Dark Matter of Fact

    Dec 18, 2013
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    Diamond Edition has NWN and all expansions, so yeah. Also, by hardcore RP, we don't mean that there's no joking around. It's still a game. There are some servers that are super serial. LOL. But most of them are pretty relaxed. However, most that I've been on have been more hardcore focused than Starbound. But that's because it needs to be, most of the time. It's also a lot easier to keep track of stuff like metagaming and godmodding on NWN servers. Stats, rolls, skills, etc, are all part of it, afterall. That's one thing that Starbound RP doesn't really have. Think of D&D, really. That's generally how NWN will be in terms of RP and mechanics.

    However, don't judge it how it is now. It's nowhere NEAR its prime, anymore. Most of the servers that are still around are... not that good. Either it's filled with people who feel they need to he the center of attention at all times, power hungry staff, naked lesbians in the street, etc. I finally got out of NWN after 10 years of playing due to those reasons alone. Even as staff ourselves, it's difficult to deal with most of the players, I'll admit. Near the end, the game only caused me more stress than I needed, so I stopped.
  2. DirtyGoblin

    DirtyGoblin Guest

    ^ +1 nwn 2 is about the same. With no new blood its modtly cliques of decent rpers and a few stragglers, then your ERP addicts and super kawaii lesbian dragon elf ubstoppable deity godmod etc. peoples.

    I burnt out on dming. Grt a great plot/stoty going and a gtoup of decent players make it into their own and awesome. Then some Derpball hops in whines moans tties to grab all the attention, decent pcs give up, and ur left with whiny mcturdpants who shits on everything the decent players started in a way that feels like going from Lord if the Rings, to a 2 year olds interpretation of DBZ
  3. Terallis

    Terallis Dark Matter of Fact

    Dec 18, 2013
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    The biggest difficulty with DMing, I found, was trying to get an event to work for multiple level ranges. I was... far to inclusive with my events. I enjoyed including whoever was around. Felt bad when folks were left out. But making a good event for different level ranges was an absolute pain. Hell, even when I would try to do an event for a low level group, a high level always managed to hop in and just wreck everything. DMing on level 30-40 servers was a huge chore. However, I still greatly enjoyed creating ideas. Actually tempted to post some screenshots of areas I was building for a campaign on the Star Wars servers. Don't actually have the map anymore, but I was SERIOUSLY looking forward to running it. @_@ Many people were seriously looking forward to participating, too. (I do really well with horror events. ;) )
  4. Ollanius Verok

    Ollanius Verok New Member

    Mar 7, 2014
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    Difficult for me as DM was when people couldn't figure something out and simply tried to blow it up. Terallis knows what I'm talking about because he was on that server. Smugglers never get any true love ;_;
  5. Terallis

    Terallis Dark Matter of Fact

    Dec 18, 2013
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  6. Super Sugar

    Super Sugar New Member

    Jul 20, 2014
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    So... I am definitely opening myself up to ask this, but...

    It's been so long since I played NWN. Many servers, many Authoritative ranks..

    Does anyone happen to remember a server where the land was split in half, one side snowy (female ruled), one side desert (male ruled) and it was an ERP server where the two sides battled and took prisoners for their... Pleasure?

    Lol - I think it would be strange to meet someone here who played there.
  7. Terallis

    Terallis Dark Matter of Fact

    Dec 18, 2013
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    Never played any Social servers, myself. Except for the time Chron and I trolled Sinfar. Generally only ever stuck to the RP section. Mind you, there definitely was ERP on some of the servers I played. However, never heard of a server like you've explained. Hell, almost all the servers I played are long gone. Arvale, World Serpent Inn, Rise of the Rebellion, Star Wars: Contrition, Myth Drannor, and more. Some of the ones I played are still around, but are either empty or have horrendous RP.
  8. Super Sugar

    Super Sugar New Member

    Jul 20, 2014
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    I think I played on Sinfar once.. Beyond the one I mentioned (Whos name escapes me atm), I also played on 'Lost Realm of Camelot' and one other server I don't remember the name of that had three factions fighting each other over these 'stone' things. One high population server I played on as a Silverkin (Silver Dragon Lady) that eventually named me High Priestess (wut).

    Such good times!
  9. DirtyGoblin

    DirtyGoblin Guest

    ......I played on the nwn2 incarnation of MythDrannor >_> not sure if related to the nwn1 incarnation.
  10. Terallis

    Terallis Dark Matter of Fact

    Dec 18, 2013
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    No idea. To be fair, I only played the reincarnation of Myth Drannor. It lasted all of a few weeks and the admin closed it again.
  11. Kazyyk

    Kazyyk Administrator

    Dec 16, 2013
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    SinFar is still crazy popular. It's a shame they're a social server, they've got a custom nwmain.exe and everything.
  12. Sen

    Sen Guest

    This is why you need to get bad snowflake PCs killed, preferably in a humorous fashion. (I remember one Red Wizard who tried to solo a dragon was promptly eaten).

    The godmoders in Neverwinter Nights are the people who grind all the way to max level with their supah sick powahbuild, then expect the world to bow to their feet. It's sickening that those kind of people submit DM event requests that are basically "let me exchange my grind gold for OP exclusive items", or expect that the guards and all the PCs will bow down because their level is maxed. I remember one player, lets call him Bob, started calling himself Bob the Bold once he reached an exploitable class feature and went on a PvP spree.