fuk u i drow wuht i wan. No, but in all seriousness, if you don't want me making an ass out of myself drawing your character in the most shitty way possible, I won't.
sdroukjdsngkjnsdknfgkjndsfgkjfndkjsgndslngkjsdfng I saw this and immediatedly made an awkward "cut off laugh" grunt.
Ladies and gentlemen. I present an accurate, and very true representation. Of me, Narfball, treating the art thread and other artists properly. View attachment 727
Best thing is? I have shitty hand-eye co-ordination. So, props to me. Now most people don't know if I tried on my other works of art. I will state now that, no, I did not try. That was one of the first things I've tried to draw. If others did like that, speak up, I'll start drawing more.. Tastefully, I guess. This art thread will shift from comedic to Narfball learning how to draw and picking up some hand-eye co-ordination training.