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Medic's Log

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by dukeminiman, Feb 14, 2015.

  1. dukeminiman

    dukeminiman New Member

    Feb 6, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Entry 60

    -the log clicks on and a giddy voice comes onto the log-
    Just an update about the rest of the day. Nothing but good happened for the rest of the day! I finally found a broadcasting device for Kylar! -the voice laughs with glee- I've searched the entire sector for one of these damn things, only for one to practically fall into my lap! A woman named Rida crashlanded on the Gardens today while Vern and I were having drinks. After patching her up she not only let me take her slightly busted comms device from her ship, but she also accepted my invitation to help out at Pinehollow.....Speaking of Pinehollow, I brought the leaders of New Tet over today to inspect the colony in progress. I'm asking for a loan of 15,000 px to cover my start up costs, they seemed pretty impressed with our progress so far, and I think they'll probably give us the loan. We just need to find an active vein of ore in the mines to win them over......I found an old journal in the mines that I'll transcribe into this file when I get the chance. Well, that about does it. Till next time Antares.
    -the log clicks off-

    Budget:: 3,184 px
    Other Valuables:: Old avian coins (4 silver, 1 gold), Avian Charm ((flightless)) (gold, gold chain, emerald, in the design of Kluex), Several valuable ores received as trades for items in the yard sale
  2. dukeminiman

    dukeminiman New Member

    Feb 6, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Entry 61

    -the log clicks on and the voice begins to speak-
    I think I'm gettin' back into the swing ah things as far as this journal is concerned. Got some things tah report about Pinehollow, my colony in progress. Ah finally got the loan approved from New Tet, all 15,000 pixles of it! That oughta speed things up as far as production goes, I should really get around tah making a colony page seeing as it now has some permanent residents 'nd such. I even managed to sell some old avian charm to the lady in charge of New Tet's finances, got 400 px from it. Really, the only bad thing that's happened lately is uhh....well it's complicated..... We opened up a new tunnel to make a storage room, 'nd uh... when we explored the tunnel we found this gas. Real odd stuff, thick as a sheet and yellow. It kept on billowing out of the water, least ah think it's water. Anyway, after a couple of us 'ad inhaled the stuff for a bit....we saw things. Ah don't know what the others saw, well ah suppose Dynyl did mention something 'bout bleach in his eye or somethin', but anyway, ah saw everything from Nyssa again. It was different this time though. It's like all ah the deaths were happening right in front ah me..... It was eerie, ah'd only seen it on video before now. I was stunned, couldn't move at first, but I was one of the lucky ones. Ah only saw what ah've been seeing for weeks, but the others.... ah'm worried about 'em. Whatever they saw has got 'em messed up pretty badly. Dynyl clawed his eye out, Kylar nearly drowned, and Rida....well she snapped 'nd 'as been actin' like some kinda tribal floran. She's been skulking around in the mines and spooking people. I 'spose moving forward ah'll need tah get the farms goin' 'nd then ah can focus on the mine again. Ah'm also gonna clear the water out of one the rooms so ah can make an office, might take a while, the only thing that ah've got to work with is an old bucket..... -the voice sighs- Seems like ah've got a lot to do....Till next time.
    -the log clicks off-

    Budget:: 3,584 px
    Other Valuables:: Old avian coins (4 silver, 1 gold), Several valuable ores received as trades for items in the yard sale

    -below is a text file added later-

    P.S. I've noticed that my old accent has been creeping back into my voice lately, who knows what's caused that to happen
  3. dukeminiman

    dukeminiman New Member

    Feb 6, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Entry 62

    -the log clicks on, the voice seems genuinely happy for once-
    Ah got nothing bad tah report....-the voice pauses before laughing out loud- ha ha ha ha, whew -the voice catches its breath after almost a minute of laughter- How long's it been since ah could say that? Waaayyyy too long if ya ask me. Let's start with the colony ah suppose. Ah've been hiring Fernpetal tah do some repairs around the mine fer me, so far she's fixed the teleporter, built me a fridge fer.....reasons, 'nd even made me a pump to drain out summa the water from the tunnels. Speakin' ah friends, ah found V again on New Tet today, she's looking a lot better 'an she was....a lot better. Last time ah saw her she was just about ready tah kill 'erself on some kinda suicide mission 'er something. Now though, well....she's definitely a lot happier, still a bit different 'an she used tah be, but everyone changes over time..... Speakin' ah which, -the voices tone grows a bit more serious- ah feel as though ah should finally talk about somethin' that's been buggin' me lately. The return of my accent, 'nd seein' how much V's changed has got me wonderin' how much ah've changed.... Ah realize that ah've never been the most stable person, 'nd the drugs never really helped much in that regard. But ah don't like to think of myself as crazy.....'nd yet, ah'm havin' some trouble figurin' out which me is the real one. Up till now, it's almost like ah've been puttin' on personalities like a person puts on a mask. Just wearin' whichever one'll get me through whatever mess ah've managed tah get myself into. Sometimes ah'm the caring doctor, sometimes ah'm what Max seems tah call a "manipulative bastard", 'nd sometimes ah'm some sorta rage filled beast like ah was with Erebus.....ah'd like tah think that ah'm the first one, that at heart ah'm just a doctor on the frontier just doin' his best to stay alive and help where he can. But who knows? Maybe ah'm just a combination of all of 'em, ah just need to keep addin' good things so that they out weigh the bad..... -the voice lets out a sad chuckle- Ah guess ah couldn't make a happy log after all, leave it to me to get all depressing -the voice chuckles again- TIll next time.
    -the log clicks off-
    Budget:: 3,584 px
    Other Valuables:: Old avian coins (4 silver, 1 gold), Several valuable ores received as trades for items in the yard sale
  4. dukeminiman

    dukeminiman New Member

    Feb 6, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Entry 63
    -the log clicks on and a giddy voice begins to ramble-
    This is great. This is great 'nd she's great.......-the voice sighs- She's perfect, ya know what ah mean? It's just....well, it's one of the happier things that's happened tah me in a looooonnnnggggg time. It just works out so perfectly, ah mean she's good with tech, 'nd she's clever, 'nd she's sweet, hell, she can even throw a hell of a punch. -the voice laughs for a few minutes- Ah sound like a ramblin' school girl don't ah? Lemme start at the beginning then. Ah was doin' what ah always do on the Gardens, fixin' people without bein' paid 'nd remaining restricted, when suddenly this short lady was walkin' up tah me askin' if ah was a doctor. Well ah course ah said as was, she might've needed help er something. -the voice chuckles- Turns out that she didn't need a doctor tah fix 'er, she just needed a doctor tah train 'er. She was wan-.....Ah 'spose ah should actually name 'er shouldn't ah? -he says with a chuckle- Her name's Raven. -he sounds happy just saying her name- Gawd, -he laughs- Marx'd never let me hear the end ah it if he ever listened tah these logs. -another laugh- Ah 'spose it's a good thing that ah'm the only one who can listen tah these things then, ah'd hate to see what would happen if these things were.....public. -he says the word with a shudder- Talk about a nightmare. Ah'll have tah make another one ah these once my heads clear, so that ah can actually go over what's been happenin' lately. -the voice chuckles- Till next time.
    -the log clicks off-

    Budget:: 2,184 px
    Other Valuables:: Old avian coins (4 silver, 1 gold), Several valuable ores received as trades for items in the yard sale, a kilo of Astro Turf

    -the following would be a text file attached to the audio log-​
    P.S. I bought some guns from Stripis Weaponry, it took a pretty big chunk out of the Pinehollow budget, but I think it'll be worth it in the end.
    #64 dukeminiman, May 27, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: May 27, 2015
  5. dukeminiman

    dukeminiman New Member

    Feb 6, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Entry 64
    -the log clicks on and a tired voice begins to speak-
    "Uhhh.....where tah begin? Ah've really gotta get better about updatin' this thing, otherwise ah start tah ferget. Ah'll just start ramblin' 'nd see where it takes me." The speaker sighs and continues, "Let's start with the bad, Zig's gone.....didn't even say goodbye...Ah wouldn't even know he's gone if he hadn't left a note on the bulletin board in the Gardens...That's no way tah leave yer friends....yer home....Ah keep thinkin' about why he left, he said he didn't feel at home anymore. Did ah help tah drive him away?.....If ah hadn't tortured Sol....if ah hadn't caused him tah drive me away...could ah have helped him? Ah know he's not dead.....but with him outta Antares....ah dunno, it just felt right tah do a toast fer him. Ah found Sarah cryin' tah herself outside uh the bar, made sure tah include her. We may not be friends, but we both lost someone in Zig." Another sigh is let out, "Gawd this is depressin'....let's get through the sad so ah can get back tah the glad. Ah'm abandoning Pinehollow....well, ah sorta am. The place just kept pumpin' out problems without showin' any rewards. Ah'll set up a hunting lodge on the planet, maybe rent it out fer some side money. The last expedition down there saw mah leg gettin' torn up by a bunch uh a mole like things...", you can almost hear the grimace on the speaker's face, "Fucker's have sharp teeth....Well, that oughta wrap up the bad news, on tah the good stuff. Me 'nd Raven are still a thing, we've had our problems sure, but she's worth it. V's been repairin' bridges that ah've burned again. First she gets me back on speakin' terms with Sarah, 'nd now Max and ah tolerate each other again. Ah thought ah'd really destroyed any hope of makin' up with him, hell, there was a point were ah was part of a plot tah kill him," the speaker gives a weak chuckle, "Ah'll uh....ah'll keep that one tah myself....come tah think of it...V was the one who called out the hit.....'nd....now they're engaged. Huh, that oughta be an interestin' story. Ummm ah'll uh...ah'll have tah look intah that one. Where was ah? Oh, right, ah was talkin' about Max. He offered me a deal tah work fer him again. Same rates as Katune, 'nd ah even get an apartment tah share with Raven." The speaker chuckles happily to himself, "Ah've been busy tryin' tah get the rest of the Pinehollow crew in on a similiar offer. Oh! Almost fergot! Ah got a concussion a couple of days ago. It hurts like hell!" The voice is oddly cheerful about that last sentence, "But anyway, ah got it from investigatin' more about Nyssa related stuff with Bork 'nd Fern. Found an old space bunker filled with space vaults, very high tech, ah understood none of it. Ah vaguely remember gettin' injected with adrenaline after that, ah think we investigated a shipwreck after that. Kinda fuzzy on that part. Welp, that oughta wrap things up fer now, till next time."
    -the log clicks off-
    Budget:: 2,183 px
    Other Valuables:: Old avian coins (4 silver, 1 gold), Several valuable ores received as trades for items in the yard sale, a kilo of Astro Turf
  6. dukeminiman

    dukeminiman New Member

    Feb 6, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Entry 65
    -The log begins with a voice that seems to be almost fading in and out-
    "Ah don't wanna talk about this right now.....", he sighs. "But if ah don't talk about it now, then ah never will. Had a talk with Raven earlier. She was lookin' depressed, so ah carried her the bath house on the Gardens so we could talk. Carry her....well, it didn't exactly make mah leg any better. She may have convinced me tah take mah pain meds again.....but just 'cause ah can't feel somethin' doesn't mean that it's being damaged...." He expels a deep breath and continues, "She's worth it though, she always is. She uhh....she told me that she had been "with" Hec, my dealer. The man that ah told her specifically tah stay away from....Apparently Max burst in, makin' a fuss like he usually does. Ah swear....that bot is gonna be the death oh me....if V and Rave don't beat 'im to it. Between the three of 'em ah have enough stress tah turn mah hair grey....But uh...lemme get back on track. Ah comforted her, told her everything was gonna be alright. Put on mah reassuring face." He chuckles lightly, "Ah bet the bird on the other side of the pool though ah was insane. Here my girlfriend was, confessin' that she cheated on me, and not only was ah sayin' it wasn't her fault, but ah was even gettin' angry at the man who interrupted them. Ha!" He laughs again before sounding sad, "Ah don't let it show.....but every time she does stuff like that, it hurts. Ah can't help but think that ah'm not enough fer her. A-ah uh.....ah even mentioned it to her fer just a moment this time. She said that ah was more than enough fer her, that ah was perfect fer her.....but if that's true, why does she leave me like this? Ah can't be mad though, not at her....not her fault. Ah must not be doin' enough..." The speaker goes quiet for a few moments as the noises of a lighter can be heard. "Damn thing...if ah hadn't gotten it from Vin...." The sound of a flame igniting is heard. "There, that's better. Now where was ah? Right, Hector", he nearly growls out his name, "We talked tah him afterwards, was all nice 'nd cordial. He seemed surprised with how ok ah was with all of.....y'know...Ah wasn't ok with it, on the inside....well, that can be kept tah myself. We were all set tah go, no problems er nothin', when Raven mentioned a blacklist of people that Hec can't sell to if he wants tah stay on good times with us. When ah added V tah the list....a lotta things happened. Rave looked almost....jealous? Ah don't know if that's what it was, but...if it was...th-that seems kinda wrong...Right? Ah mean, ah've accepted her oth-....No, not her fault, ah must be doin' somethin' wrong. Hec's reaction was the worst. Not only had he already sold tah her.....he'd given her R-r-raz-....that poison. And he insulted Zig! That...that....Gah!" He takes a few moments to compose himself, "And then tah top it all off, Raven hugged him tah conclude the meetin'. Said that he just needed better friends....A-ah...ah..." He sighs, "Ah gotta talk about something else. Let's see....anything good happen lately? Oh! Ah know! Nuria's back, she used tah cook on Resolute, she was pretty good too. Ah don't remember if we were ever that close, but ah 'spose we were, 'cause when she recognized she ran up and hugged me like an old friend. She's been away fer a while tah mourn the loss of 'er dad....Ah get that, sometimes....sometimes ah wish ah could take a break, mourn everyone that ah've lost. But.....ah can't do that, got to many things dependin' on me in Antares. Anyway, ah got her a job with Valius. Seems like ah'm the source uh most of their people these days. Y'know....ah think ah might take Evergreen up on his offer 'nd take mah time on returnin' the rest of the loan to him. Ah think ah'll make a place on Pinehollow, somewhere tah get away from it all. And on that note, ah'll end this entry. Till next time,
    -the log ends-
    ::Budget:: 2,180 px
    Other Valuables:: Old avian coins (4 silver, 1 gold), Several valuable ores received as trades for items in the yard sale, a kilo of Astro Turf
  7. dukeminiman

    dukeminiman New Member

    Feb 6, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Entry 66
    -The log clicks to life-
    "Last few days've been rough. All started when V had another kid, the birth was touch and go. Max.....fuckin' Max.....he pulled a crazy stunt that somehow didn't kill V and their kid....shoulda just let me do it.....ah mean, ah'm the fuckin' doctor here.....", he sighs, "But I digress, anyway, V named him Sedge. Didn't know it at the time, but a sedge is like a reed.....she named her kid after me......that meant a lot.....Ah'll have tah keep an eye on the little tike, 'specially seein' as how how ah'm his godfather." The log goes quiet for an entire minute before picking up again, "Ah can't talk about what happened after that right now, ah need tah visit Hector first."
    -the log ends-
    ::Budget:: 2,180 px
    Other Valuables:: Old avian coins (4 silver, 1 gold), Several valuable ores received as trades for items in the yard sale
    #67 dukeminiman, Jun 7, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 9, 2015
  8. dukeminiman

    dukeminiman New Member

    Feb 6, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Entry 67
    -the log begins with a click-
    The speaker sighs, "It's been a rough week. In the last six days ah've gotten on and off drugs, ah've lost and regained Raven twice, been tah two secret bunkers, been mugged, held at gunpoint twice, and discovered a place that's probably mah new favorite bar......Let's get this fuckin' thing started.....Right after mah last entry ended, Raven left me. Ah took the news hard, gathered up all uh mah Astro Turf and Bad Day cigs and ah probably woulda gone through 'em all if everyone hadn't stopped me. Nuria gave me some kinda miracle cure that got me walkin' again 'nd got rid uh most uh mah addictions. So that was one good thing tah come outta all this." The log goes silent for nearly a minute before continuing, "It's only gone downhill from there. Raven came back to me shortly after ah nearly died. Ah Max pressured her then. Just like he has been since he met her.......Ah can't understand that damn bot. He had it all. A mate, two kids, his own God damn town!.....And he threw it all away....Poof......Ah put up with all the comments and warnings about workin' fer him. And believe me there were a lot of those.....Ah shoulda listened, ah shoulda packed up and moved 'nd taken Raven with me. Instead what did ah do? Ah stayed. Ah kept givin' him more and more chances. Ah saw the signs, he wasn't exactly subtle about it. But ah trusted Raven, and ah trusted Max not tah harm her......Ah was wrong. Ah was gone fer one day. ONE DAY! 'Nd what do ah come back to? A message sayin' "help" from Raven. So ah did what anyone in mah position would do. Ah suited up, grabbed a gun, and went searchin' fer her." He chuckles, "He tried tah play it off, said she'd been in contact with some kinda hazardous material so he put her in quarantine. If she'd actually done that, then why put her in a structure outside uh the main facility, one that ah and everyone else didn't know existed, instead of the clinic? Mah clinic. Ah'll tell ya why, he wanted tah kidnap her. After confrontin' him about it he caved and gave her back tah me.....", he starts sobbing, "He'd gotten her hooked on amphetamines! He put her through the same hell that ah barely crawled away from.....And fer what!? What reason could he have had fer doin' that!? Did ah really anger him that badly when ah sold him out tah Stab? Is that why!?.......Is that why ya metallic bastard!?", his sobs peak and he takes nearly a minute to calm back down. "Ah can do this....almost done with.....almost done....", he takes a deep breath, "Right, after ah got her back, we went straight tah the bunker that me and Vern spent months puttin' tahgether. Ah'm glad we did. There were times when ah thought it was a waste of time......but ah think it may have just saved mah life. There's no way ah could take Max in a fair fight. He'd rip out my teeth and shove 'em through the only eye ah have left. So....as usual, ah've been plannin'. But that's fer another time, lemme just power through the rest uh this story so that ah can get back tah takin' care uh Raven. Max tried tah get intah the bunker, spent nearly an hour investigatin' the planet. Ah dunno how he found us, but he did. Ah managed tah scare him off by threatin' tah call in Stab and USAF...Alright, so maybe the second one was a bit of a stretch. But ah actually did call Stab, ah really owe her one. Come tah think of it, Hec dropped off some food and water.....ah'm sure that'll cost me later. V called me a little while after that, she was a wreck. We all were. She tells me that Max nearly committed suicide so she killed him. Ah let her in the bunker and brought the kids. Hopefully they won't be scarred from all uh this. So dear listener who should really only be me or Raven, ah bet yer askin' yerself, 'what's yer plan now?' Well....ah'm in a secure bunker with mah best friend, mah significant other, mah godkids, and enough food, water, and air tah last me a week. What the hell d'ya think ah'm gonna do? Ah'm gonna hole up in here until things blow over. Ah'll nurse Raven back tah health, make sure V's still stable enough tah raise her kids, 'nd then ah'll start puttin' mah life back tahgether......It's gonna be another rough week. Ah'll probably head out one last time tahday and then hunker down. Ah should probably collect Max's body....he probably wouldn't do the same fer me, but ah should at least give 'im a proper burial.....or maybe ah'll slowly take what's left of him apart......Who knows?"
    -the log clicks off-
    ::Budget:: 2,724 px

    P.S. I made a deal with Annabelle to sell copper and lead ores to her on a weekly basis for 150 px a week. The initial sale was 800 px. I guess Pinehollow ended up working out for me after all. It should provide me with enough of an income to sustain my new family as long as I manage it right.
