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Medic's Log

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by dukeminiman, Feb 14, 2015.

  1. dukeminiman

    dukeminiman New Member

    Feb 6, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Entry 40
    -the log begins and a very drunk voice slurs to life-
    I feeelllll soooo great right now.....Like I
    million buckssss..... Me and the guys..... we all went down to the barrrrr on Katune and got so wasted.... I hugged a snuggly demon, and I -hic- I uhhhhh -the voice fades out into an uhhh that lasts for about a minute- uhhhhh.... where was eye.... eye,eye,eye.... was I talking about my eye?... Why would I do that..... -if one paid close attention to the log, they might be able to hear the sound of a hand rubbing a face- ....... Where the hell is my eye!? Holy shit I'm a cyclops!..... -the sound of a body falling out of a chair can be heard before the voice breaks out into giggles- Heheheheheh...... Let's see where was...... oh that's right, the snugglely one carried me out to the bar where I met Gus... He looked shittier than me! -the voice says with a guffaw- I think he's been enjoying those painkillers that I gave him a bit too much! He gave me one after I fell on my face......what a swell guy..... -the voice giggles for a while before calming down- I am tripping balls right now -the voice now sounds like it's crying- Why is everyone...... oh no....birby come back! Nonononononono! You can walk, I know you can.... Wheeeeeee! -the speaker sounds like he has fallen out of the chair again- This is great.... I should combine drugs and alcohol more oft- -the voice cuts off and snoring can be heard-
    -the auido log eventually clicks off-

    ::Budget:: 1135 px

    ((OOC author's note: Hey there readers/casual viewers! This is the first of the (hopefully few and far between) author's notes. I'm gonna try to reserve these for ret-cons and times when Reed is just straight up crazy so that things get cleared up. In this case it was a ret-con so to those of you who saw the original post.....congratulations? I suppose you'll have gotten a bonus scene of Reed, so that's nice I suppose. Oh, one last thing. As of right now this is the second most viewed character journal (it was the most viewed yesterday, looks like me and toadkid are in a race) and that is so awesome to me! I like to think that I have so many views because these journals are decent/entertaining and not because I write them so often. Hopefully the view number indicates that a bunch of people are reading this which leads to my next point, feel free to message me about these things. I'm still getting the hang of first person writing (and writing in general) so if you have any tips, issues, comments, or questions, then feel free to send me a message. Just don't reply to this thread as I'd like to keep for just entries. So thanks to all of the (hopefully) faithful viewers out there, it wouldn't be very fun to write these if no one ever read them!))
    #41 dukeminiman, Apr 4, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 4, 2015
  2. dukeminiman

    dukeminiman New Member

    Feb 6, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Entry 41
    -the voice that comes onto the log sounds pained-
    I uh.... just listened to that last log again... ((author's note: it was ret-conned so check it out again if you saw the original)).... and I er, I don't really know what to say to all of that. I've got one hell of a headache today, which typically only happens when I drink whiskey with morphine. That must've been what I meant about the drugs.... Lemme just go ahead and give a non-drunken report of yesterday, Zig offered me a job at Katune as a doctor -the voice chuckles before being cut short by a pained groan- Ow, note to self, chuckling hurts after black out nights...... Anyway where was I? Oh right, I've got a new job. Hopefully I haven't bitten off more than I can chew with that reporter thing... I only did it because I couldn't find work as a doctor. Nah, it'll probably work out. And after the job offer... I don't actually remember anything else. Me, Zig, and Bork went to the bar to get drunk, but I can't remember why..... Huh, must've not been very important then. -the voice gives another pained groan- God my head is pounding, I'mma go sleep this off. Till next time.
    -the audio log clicks off-

    ::Budget:: 1135 px
  3. dukeminiman

    dukeminiman New Member

    Feb 6, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Entry 42
    -the audio log begins as usual-
    I'm tired so let's get this over with. Not much of significance happened today. I stared down four florans with only a handgun and a hidden grenade, but I'm still here so that's nice. They were trying to eat a woman just because she tried to mug us. -the voice sighs- I didn't want to let her go, but I think killing her may be a bit extreme. A couple of them were talking about imprisoning her though so maybe she's fine, I'll look into it. In the end I let them have her, there wasn't much I'd be able to do and Gus and Jack wanted me to leave the matter alone any way. Me and Gus hung out on Katune after that. We just kind of talked about anything and everything, it was nice. -the voice yawns- Welp, it's about time I got some sleep, till next time.
    -the log clicks off-

    To do:
    1) find out what happened to the mugger
    2) figure out which apartment on Katune is mine

    ::Budget:: 1132 px
  4. dukeminiman

    dukeminiman New Member

    Feb 6, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Entry 43
    -the log begins and the voice that comes on sounds pretty relaxed-
    Welp -the voice pauses- Today was a good day. I got the first news broadcast up -the sound of something being smoked could be heard- It went pretty well if I must say, I'm even making money off of it thanks to the ad revenue. -he chuckles- It feels nice to turn a profit for once. I also found a new vice to replace the old one... -the sound of someone taking a drag of some kind of blunt could be heard, along with a smoky exhale- Something called Astroturf. It seems pretty similiar to weed, but I wouldn't know as I haven't ever smoked weed before. This stuffs pretty good though, cheaper than R-....R-.....Razor -even with the calming effect of the Astroturf he still gets nervous as he says it- -he clears his throat- Anyway, I'm still getting it from my usual dealer, Hector, he uhhh... well let's just that without the Astro I'm still a nervous wreck around the guy. I also moved into my new apartment today, Bork was kind enough to help me out. I managed to find some old furniture in a junk pile on the Boneyard, so yeah free furniture. Hopefully no one will complain about smells though....
    -the log clicks off-

    To Do:
    1) work on how I record those broadcasts, I'm definitely still an amateur....
    2) Prep for the next broadcast

    4 days worth of Astro

    ::Budget:: 1190 px
    #44 dukeminiman, Apr 7, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2015
  5. dukeminiman

    dukeminiman New Member

    Feb 6, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Entry 44
    -the log kicks on as usual-
    Busy day today, lots of stuff to relay. -the voice yawns- I'm tired though so let's make this quick. Met some people today, Chap and Arker. Chap's a lot like me, we're both doctors, we've both got at least on jacked up eye, and we're both looking fo- ... No wait, I have job now don't I? -the chuckles- Huh, feels nice to have a paying job. Arker is a different story though, he's some kinder of coder or hacker or something. And he has a dialect that's as difficult to understand as a drunk floran sometimes, but he's alright. I also did some stuff today. I was in the first ever Boneyard Paintball competition. My team consisted of Yukari, Myself, Bork, and a floran. We ended up winning so that was nice. -the voice seems to lose a bit of the light hearted tone that it had a moment ago- I finally figured out why Zig keeps showing up with new bruises everyday. I saw him in a street brawl today while walking around with Ark and Chap.....-the voice sighs- What he does is his own time is none of my business I suppose, and I guess I'm, the first person he'd go to if he got hurt...Maybe I'm just worrying over nothing. Oh, last thing, I hired Ark to improve the software security on the wreck. He said he'd get back to me with the new code in a day, so I'm looking forward to that. Speaking of money I figured out how much I get paid for my Katune job. 600 px a week with 150 px deducted to cover my rent. All in all I'm pretty happy with it. It'll be nice to not have to worry about money as much as I used to. Welp, I think that about covers it, till next time.
    -the log clicks off-

    To do:
    1) Pick up the code for the door tomorrow

    3 days worth of Astro

    ::Budget:: 833 px
  6. dukeminiman

    dukeminiman New Member

    Feb 6, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Entry 45
    the log clicks on and an extremely tired voice begins to speak-
    Was working in the bar.....-the voice fades in and out-.....started acting up.....floran........George......clinic, ended up helping everyone.....Glad Chap was there to help don't think I could've done tha-....... yself.......Worked non-stop for hours.......so tired...-the sound of a body hitting the floor could be heard, as well as some light snoring-
    -after several minutes of no new input, the log clicks off-
  7. dukeminiman

    dukeminiman New Member

    Feb 6, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Entry 46
    -the log clicks on-
    I've been stuck on my ship for a few days now. There was an electrical storm that went through the sector a few days ago that made everything start to act up a bit. It was chaos on Katune, everyone's cybernetics failing all at once. Chap and I were running around everywhere. I haven't had to deal with that much panic since my old soldier days..... I don't think I miss it. Sure, there are times when I miss the excitement and sense of camaraderie that you get in the marines, but what some people in Antares seem to forget is that peace is great too. You don't have to have explosions and death everywhere in order to enjoy yourself out here, sometimes it's just nice to hang out with some friends in the Katune bar and just unwind. Speaking of the bar, I told Max that I'd be willing to work the bar when I was needed. -the voice chuckles- This entry's just going to be a bunch of rambling at this point. Come to think of it, I saw Max with some Glitch girl the other day. I always thought he was a bit of a loner, so it's nice to see that he's found someone to be with out here. -a beeping could be heard- Welp, looks like I'll have to cut this entry a bit short. I decided to record this entry to pass the time while my beam pad rebooted...... Oh that's right, I forgot to mention why I've been stuck up here. That electrical disturbance scrambled a bunch of my ship's systems. -the voice gives an embarrassed chuckle- I uh, never really figured out how to use anything on this ship besides the medical equipment and the steering..... so it's taken me a few days of reading the owner's manual in order to figure out how to get my beam pad working again. Turns out it just needed a bit of a reboot -the voice trails off-
    Not like I knew how do that either..... But anyway, now that that's fixed I just need to do a few more checks on the ship's systems and it'll be back to normal. Till next time.
    -the log clicks off-
  8. dukeminiman

    dukeminiman New Member

    Feb 6, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Entry 47
    the log clicks on-
    Slow day. I finally learned the name of the Glitch I saw with Max a few days ago. Her name's Kelly, and she seems pretty nice. Let's see... after that I worked the bar for a little while, and managed to burn the hell out of my right hand....which is also my dominant one... -the voice sighs- Cooking is hard. Welp, I need to get some ice onto this thing. Till next time.
    -The log clicks off-

    ::Budget:: 826 px
  9. dukeminiman

    dukeminiman New Member

    Feb 6, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Entry 48
    -the log clicks on and a somewhat hard to understand voice comes on-
    Welp, I burned out my tongue today. Shtarted up a fighting tournament in the new gym. I fought Marx...and at one point I burned out my tongue.... I don't remember most of sheh fighting.... but I'm told shat I had sheh bright idea to bite into Marx's arm.... which proceeded to bleed plasma into my moush. Nexsh thing I know I'm waking up in my hospital with some new meshal teesh and half a tongue. -the voice begins to take on a pained tone- I shink my painkillers are wearing off.... I'm gonna go sleep... Shill nexsh time.
    -the log clicks off-

    ::Budget:: 1258 px
  10. dukeminiman

    dukeminiman New Member

    Feb 6, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Entry 49
    -this log would be a text file-
    This entry is a day late, so sorry bout that. I ended yesterday with knocking myself out with my desk.... so I couldn't really make one of these entries. Mouth still hurts, a lot. I've gotta get me a new tongue. I sound like an idiot half of the time, and the other half you can't even understand me. ....Enough complaining, time to describe what happened yesterday. A bunch of armed Avian zealots came to Katune looking for Grounded. Thankfully Zig wasn't around at the time, Glauen and a few others were though. Don't know everything that happened, but by the end of the day I had to drag bullets out of Cairn and Nibbles. I think Max got shot too, but that guy won't let me anywhere near him. Not that I can do too much with Glitch... Oh, I also ordered a new vest from Bluejay's General Store and I can't wait to see how it turns out. Hope it doesn't cost too much though.... Hmm, I wonder if I could replace my tongue with an Avian one... I do have a dead zealot corpse in my clinic... I'll look into it. ...I think I'm going to quit drugs. Probably an awful time to do it, what with my mouth like this and everything... but I dunno, it just seems like the right thing to do. Hopefully the next log will be an audio one, it's hard to convey my pauses and tone without being able to record my voice. Till next time.

    To Do:
    1) See if Avian tongues are compatible with Humans
    2) Pick up my new vest
    3) Look into cybernetic tongues

    ::Budget:: 1262 px

    P.S.: Vin died a few days ago... he was a good man when I met him, regardless of what he ended up being. I held a toast for him with a few of the Circle members and Vern
  11. dukeminiman

    dukeminiman New Member

    Feb 6, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Entry 50
    -this log would once again be a text log-
    Well what do you know? 50 entries and I'm still here, that's a nice feeling. I wish I could celebrate this occasion with an audio log, but with my mouth still messed up I feel it's best to make this one a written entry. I'll just go ahead start describing what's been happening to me lately. Gus got stabbed in the chest by some crazy Glitch....who was then immediately shot in the back of the head and killed. So your typical day in Antares. It wasn't always like this, but lately it's been getting a lot more chaotic. I've had patients nearly every day and most of them received wounds in attacks. I bought a new jacket from Bluejay's General Store which I absolutely love. Hmm trying to remember everything else that has recently happened lately. Oh, I know. I met a new human today.... I just realized that I never got her name. Huh. But the name on her air force jacket was McKinley, so I'm guessing that's her name. She was new to the whole space thing (and starving) when I met her on Katune, so I opened up the bar and welcomed her to Antares. Now that I think about it... there aren't too many humans out here, huh, guess I never noticed. Last thing, I keep hearing weird noises coming from some parts of my ship. Hope I'm not going crazy...
    Well anyway, till next time.

    ::Budget:: 1062 px
  12. dukeminiman

    dukeminiman New Member

    Feb 6, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Entry 51
    -this log is an audio log and a hoarse, strained, and tired voice comes on as the log begins-
    So much to say... where to begin? I suppose I should begin at the beginning.... -the voice gives a hoarse laugh that evolves into a coughing fit- I sound like the narrator from a movie or something..... I wish that's what it all had been, just a movie. But it wasn't and now I have so much to do....so much to look into...so much to analyze. My day started off on a very happy note, I finally got a replacement for my tongue. -the clicking sound of metal on metal can now be heard whenever he speaks- -he laughs with glee- Greg didn't even charge me, the man's a saint.... Anyway, after a
    very unpleasant stay on my own surgery table, I managed to attach the metal tongue my self...I leave the specifics of that for another day. Let's just say that some of the electricity traveled to my the shrapnel in my eye for a minute or two.... I was like the scarred and burned version on Rudolph the Reindeer -the voice gives another laugh before it turns into a coughing fit- -the voice turns sad again- The rest of the day was...downhill. Ziggy needed help investigating a USCM facility and I would never turn down a request for help from a friend. It was me, Zig, Bork, Yaakova, and Fernpetal. We beamed down into the facility. It was hot, the air was stale. I imagine hell would be like that....Anyway Zig and Bork stayed above to guard the beam-pad, while the rest of us headed down to investigate. The facility itself wasn't that bad. It was odd for sure, The facility where you beamed in was definitely USCM, but the rest.... The laboratory was hidden under a Glitch building with a secret passage, and the lab itself didn't resemble a USCM lab, trust me I've been in my fair share of those. It looked almost...Apex. I checked each and every terminal in that facility. -the voice takes on a haunted tone- 91 dead.... 35 test subjects.....56 workers......15 escapees... -the voice begins to waver and the sound of a lighter can be heard before you hear the voice begin to smoke- Ahhh, that's better... So much carnage... and I watched it all. I had to know, had to keep everyone safe. Had to make sure it wasn't contagious. So much carnage on those tapes, so much blood. I saw things... that don't belong in this universe. Things that never should have been. The rest of the files were...enlightening -the voices tone is now almost maniacal- I don't understand most of it, the specifics escape me. But I understand... enough. -he gives a haunted chuckle- As it turns out, there have been some shadow politics going on in the galaxy. The Apex somehow got ahold of a complete knowledge of the floran genome. -some undecipherable muttering could be heard but the word Agaran comes up repeatedly- The USCM gets ahold of an apex scientist, he thinks that he can improve it, make it better, make it perfect. Nothing is ever perfect. He reached to high, he paid the price. But there were others, mhm, yes there were. A hylotl scientist, Dr.Kimyo. I watched her die...... I lost my mind down there for a time, my only thoughts were find the monstrosities, burn them, keep everyone safe....Yeah, had to...have to keep everyone safe... The project succeeded at first, turned bad. -the voice sounds almost feverish- I did it, I did everything. I burned the big one, I figured it all out, no one died....Still so much to do...so much to go over, have to make sure it can't hurt my friends. Can't hurt the Circle. Circle, circle,circle. Everything's a circle, life, death, those...things....all circles, all cycles. The others, they helped me back up, out of the planet, out of the fog. -the voice is almost sobbing- I wouldn't have left. I would have burned it all. Would have burned down with it. So much carnage, so much death, so many bones. -the voice pauses before regaining most of its composure- So much to do...Till next time.
    -the log clicks off-

    To do:
    1) Look over the files, all of them, again
    2) See if Aruana and her scientists can shed any light on the matter
    3) Make sure the others weren't affected too badly by this whole thing
    4) Fern Circle material?

    ::Budget:: 1,512 px
  13. dukeminiman

    dukeminiman New Member

    Feb 6, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Entry 52
    -the audio log clicks on and the voice begins to speak after letting out a tired sigh-
    So much shit..... so little time.... Where to begin... at the beginning I suppose. I spent the majority of the day going over the rest of the data from the facility. I've also been re-watching the security tapes, over and over again. I keep feeling like I'm missing something, but I just can't see it. I got some alerts about Circle infighting -the voice practically spits the word out as he begins to sound angry- What I saw when I beamed down... was one of my worst nightmares -the voice gradually turns from fury to sorrow as he says the last sentence- I found Zig, sleeping in my clinic, riddled with bullet and stab wounds. -the voice lets out a hollow laugh- And to top it all off, Stab Dancer comes in saying that Ziggy shot Violetta! -the voice sounds furious and the speaker waits a few moments in order to calm down before continuing- Everyone went back to that wretched place. Max, Zig, and someone else to send it to hell where it belongs, and some floran in order to scavenge. Violetta was found attempting to download some of the data and research -the voice lets out a big breath- I don't like how they stopped her, but I'm kind of glad that they did. I don't want this stuff floating around, too much possibility to harm. Later on, Ziggy got shot up while attempting to rescue some captive Grounded from a group of armed Stargazers. -the voice pauses once more, as if he sounds torn about what he's about to say- I don't know much about Avian philosophy and politics, but I think I'll offer to help Ziggy and his Grounded friends. That's right you crazy bird, if I ever die, and you end up listening to these things, know this. You all aren't very secretive. I don't know the specifics of anything, yet. Heck, I don't even want to know anything, but it's pretty obvious there's a group of some kind. -he chuckles- But enough about that group, I need to get back to talking about mine. My worst fears are coming true. There's now a conflict within the Circle, the group that I made specifically to ensure the safety of my friends. And now two of them have practically come to blows. Should've never let a floran into the group, too many loyalty issue. After all, what floran would prioritize a group of "meatbags" over its own tribe? But its my mess and I'll have to figure out a way to fix it. Speaking of florans, the tribe is worrying me. They've been instigating too many fights on my home, Katune. Technically we're allies, but what kind of allies shoot at each other over research data? Granted that data could kill us all, but still.... Oh yeah, I almost forgot. Me and Marx found a cat on my ship the other day, I guess she's what has been making all of that racket lately. -the voice could be heard calling to the cat before a distant meow is heard- I've decided to name her Kimyo, as a sort of memorial I suppose... -the voice trails off before muttering- I need to go over the tapes again. Till next time.
    -the log clicks off-

    To Do:
    1) Look into the facility some more
    2) Fix the Circle's issues
    3) Create a bug out location, I need somewhere to go if Katune ever falls

    ::Budget:: 1,512 px

    P.S. :
    -this would be a text file that was added on later-
    How on Earth could I forget to mention this! Gustwood is dead. Another friend in the grave. Zig, Bork, and I gave a toast to his memory. Hopefully he reached his bird heaven or whatever the hell the they call it.
    #53 dukeminiman, Apr 26, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 26, 2015
  14. dukeminiman

    dukeminiman New Member

    Feb 6, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Entry 53
    -the audio log clicks on-
    More of the usual Katune chaos today. Zig and Max chased down an armed fugitive across the colony, I don't think they caught him. Meanwhile I was the hole that the fugitive put in another man's stomach. -the voice shudders- Egh, I remember when I got stabbed in the stomach, not a pleasant time. Come to think of it....that was one of the first things that happened to me in Antares. -the voice takes on a nostalgic tone- Ah, I remember that day like it was yesterday. In fact, that was the day that I met Sally -the voice chuckles- Talk about an awkward first meeting. But I digress, the operation was a success....I mean I suppose I
    did have to use part of his stomach to patch the hole, but that'll just make dieting easier for him. Which brings me to my next point -the voice takes in a deep breath- SOMEONE BROKE INTO MY CLINIC! I mean who does that!? I went up to get an IV for the patient, and when I get to the supply cabinet I see that the dang thing has been busted into! -the voice calms down and sighs- I still need to take an inventory....figure out what's missing. It could take a while. On a lighter note, the weed killer I ordered came in today, as well as the spray-paint. All that's left for me to do is find a good planet and get to work. It uh, it might take a while. But as always I'll keep you updated, till next time.
    -the log clicks off-

    ::Budget:: 1487 px
  15. dukeminiman

    dukeminiman New Member

    Feb 6, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Entry 54
    -the audio log clicks on-
    I've uh, I've been putting off making logs for the last couple of days.... I....I didn't really want to have to talk about this, but I suppose I'd have to eventually. -the voice takes a deep breath- I couldn't save someone. A patient died on my table. I couldn't even watch him bleed out... Screw it, I'm not talking about this right now.
    -the log clicks off-

    ::Budget:: 1487 px
  16. dukeminiman

    dukeminiman New Member

    Feb 6, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Entry 55
    -the log clicks on and a shaky and nervous sounding voice comes on-
    Who can you trust when even those close to you keep secrets? Today.....today was all the culmination of nearly every single of my fears. A hooded man walked into the clinic carrying a note. Total gibberish, but it got me Vern, and Marx curious. We investigated. It got worse. The man had hacked my PDA.....he had everything...my medical notes, my contacts, my.....-the voice sounds hysterical- my Project Nyssa data. I can't go through that again....I just can't. I don't even want to talk about it. And as for the worst thing of all... I think Zig's been keeping secrets from me. I didn't question it at the time, but I got called to help with a group of injured avains and Cairn on a planet that I haven't seen before. They looked organized. They also looked like a force to be reckoned with. They looked like.....-the voice draws a deep breath- like a group that Zig should have told us about. Even if it was just to let us know that they existed. -the voice begins to sound very confused/curious- Can I trust Ziggy? He's one of my closest friends, but he kept something that big from me, from us. Who else is keeping things from me? Who can I trust? So much shit is happening right now. The mystery man, or should I say Sol, Zig recognized the crazy bird, the florans and their tribe, and Nyssa. I can't deal with all of that by myself. But if even Ziggy is keeping things from me then can I trust the others? Can I trust Marx? Can I trust Bork? I just.... I don't know anymore. Why has everything gone bad? What did I do? Who did I piss off? -the voice sighs- I'll make sure I live through all of this, along with anyone else who hasn't betrayed me by the end of this mess. -the voice sounds absolutely miserable- Till next time....
    -the log clicks off-

    ::Budget:: 1,937 px + some ancient avian currency
  17. dukeminiman

    dukeminiman New Member

    Feb 6, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Entry 56
    -the log clicks on and the voice begins to speak with some of it's usual confidence-
    This entry will be a little bit different. This entry is a letter of sorts, and all my entries are letters of sorts I suppose. But this one isn't addressed to me. This one's for you Erebus. I want you to know that I didn't enjoy torturing you today, but it had to be done. I had to make sure that you weren't a threat. We parted on somewhat.....awkward terms earlier, so I began to think about a way to contact you....And then the solution hit me, I could make a journal entry like I always do. After all, you've already accessed everything else on here. -the voice takes a breath- I want you to know that I wish things could've ended differently. In another life, I can see us helping each other out. Me, carrying you to safety if you ever got injured, or you, rescuing me by doing whatever it is that you do with software. I don't think you're evil. I did. At first, after all, you suddenly had access to the very thing that I swore that I would destroy. But....you didn't seem that bad. In another life, we might've been able to introduce ourselves properly, with a proper handshake, not one involving a red hot pair of forceps. And so I've decided....to help you out, in a way. I looked into your name. You chose to call yourself the personification of darkness. You say that we've met, I don't remember you if we did. I would remember someone like the person that you are now. So here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to make sure that someone keeps an eye on you. You won't always know where that someone is, but that's fine. You can't know everything. I will try to keep tabs on you, and in return all that I ask is that you think about what you're doing. You don't have to stop what you're doing, you don't even have to change your mind. Just think about it. I hope that the next time we meet it won't involve torture -the voice chuckles- Till next time.....Oh and one last thing, this is the last entry that I'll make on this device. Feel free to post an entry, you never know, it might be therapeutic.
    -the voice chuckles again as the log ends-

    ::Budget:: 1,937 px + some old avian coins
  18. dukeminiman

    dukeminiman New Member

    Feb 6, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Entry 57
    ((these logs are now stored on the mainframe of Reed's ship rather than his PDA))
    -the log clicks to life and the voice sounds happier than last time-
    Things are looking up. Finally found a new home. I feel like I have a clear purpose again. Can't say much at the moment, but I'll describe it all later. I took a big look at myself today, and I've made a decision. Enough with the sad Reed, enough with the pathetic Reed. Time to go back to the way I used to be. Sure, I'm probably wanted in a few places, and sure, that whole torture incident stained my reputation....-the voice falters and sighs-...and sure....I lost a friend....-the voice resumes its happy tone- But I have to move past that. Which brings me to my next announcement, I'm going to finally get around to getting rid of this damn shrapnel. The shards have been giving me headaches whenever I'm in cold weather, and since th-...oops, almost gave it away. -the voice chuckles- Who knows? Maybe I'll be able to afford depth perception again. Till next time.
    -the log clicks off-

    ::Budget:: 1,937 px + some old avian coins
  19. dukeminiman

    dukeminiman New Member

    Feb 6, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Entry 58
    -the log clicks to life and the voice sounds tired-
    It's uh.....it's been a while hasn't? I've been pretty busy, haven't really had the time to keep up with these entries....but uh, here we go. I suppose I should start with the biggest news, my home is gone. Katune is no more. I heard a broadcast about the Dionea Tribe locking down the colony for "salvaging" come over the radio. I was on Dexter's Gardens at the time, so I immediately got back into my ship so that I could save some of my stuff. -the voice sighs- The damn beam pad on my ship started acting up again so it was a couple of hours before I managed to get onto the colony. By the time I got there most of the place had already been turned over by the florans...even my clinic. My beautiful beautiful clinic.... -the voice sniffs for a second as it pauses- I uh, I managed to grab my terminal before I heard this huge explosion.... By the time I get the terminal packed away and ready to go a second explosion made the ground shake. I got the hell out of there. But out with the old and in with new as the saying goes, and by that I mean that I'm finally gonna make that colony that I've always talked about making. Me and Marx are gonna run the thing. -the voice's tone sounds even more tired- I'll be honest, it's a lot of work building a colony. It's also pretty expensive. Marx and I aren't exactly the richest people in Antares, but luckily we managed to loot some things from the ruins of Katune. -the voice gives its signature chuckle- One man's trash is another man's treasure. Am I right? The florans seem to like me now that I've saved a couple of their lives, so I should be able to get most of my stuff back. I'm also calling in a couple of debts, but to be honest now that my clinic is nothing but rubble it'll be a while before I get a regular paycheck again. Why did Katune have to blow up the day before payday!? -the voice sounds frustrated- I mean come on!? The only bright side to all of this is that I have some pixels that I got from Max a few days ago to do some minor repairs on the clinic.....I think I'll just go ahead and pocket that cash.... I used to wish that something big would happen to me, something to spice up the mundane things in my life. And now that that's exactly what's happened.... I think I finally appreciate those regular mundane things. You see, excitement is great, but it comes at a cost. Life's got a whole lot busier...but I've lost friends, I've lost my home, I've lost my clinic... -the voice gives a tired sigh- Well, I suppose the only thing I can do is pick myself back up and rebuild. A new home for the new Reed... -the voice gives a hollow chuckle- I like the sound of that. Till next time.
    -the log clicks off-

    To Do List:
    1) Get my paycheck from Glauen
    2) Make a to do list for the new colony
    3) Get my stuff back

    ::Budget:: 2,207 px + some old avian coins
  20. dukeminiman

    dukeminiman New Member

    Feb 6, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Entry 59

    -the log clicks on and a tired and thoughtful voice begins to speak-
    I suppose I've really gotten out of the habit of making these entries aren't I? -the voice chuckles- .....A lot's happened since the last entry....God, I suppose it's only been a little bit more than a week hasn't it? -he sighs- Well, a lot can happen in a week... -the voice perks up a bit- Let's start with the positives shall we? -the voice of an avian can be heard approaching the speaker and he quickly pauses the recording-
    -the recording picks up after an indeterminable amount of time- Let's see now, I was talking about the good things wasn't I? I've made some pretty substantial progress on the colony. We ended up moving to a new location that fit our needs better, and at the moment we're exploring an abandoned mine that should make a pretty nice home once it's cleaned up. There have been some difficulties though, which brings me into the bad things. In our initial venture, we had to clear out the original inhabitants. Mostly creatures that resemble Earth's bears but bigger.....and purple. We sustained several casualties, Kylar got hit in the head by the largest bear, Clayton received a gash on the back of his head from some sort of predatory cat, and Vern........-the voice goes quiet for several moments- Vern broke his spine....he can't walk anymore.....I suppose that does bring me to one last piece of good news though. The interruption earlier was Acacia, an avian that used to be crippled before she got new legs. She gave me her old wheelchair now that she doesn't need it anymore, and she even mentioned that she was learning to be a doctor! -the voice sounds almost giddy as he speaks about his profession- She's been receiving lesson's from Mikari, but since she hasn't been able to find her lately I offered to teach her what I know. It looks like I have a pupil! -the voice lets out a chuckle- I think I'll end this entry on a happy note, till next time.
    -the log clicks off-

    PS: It's a good thing that I held onto the profits from the yard sales instead of handing it over to Max. I've cut all ties with him.

    Budget:: 3,184 px
    Other Valuables:: Old avian coins (4 silver, 1 gold), Avian Charm ((flightless)) (gold, gold chain, emerald, in the design of Kluex), Several valuable ores received as trades for items in the yard sale