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Discussion in 'Archives' started by King Tickle, Apr 14, 2014.

  1. Liraxus

    Liraxus New Member

    Jan 21, 2014
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    That's why you live life to the fullest.

    -Sativa "Noah" Oran
  2. Keycross

    Keycross -Insert title here-

    Mar 31, 2014
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    When his time comes, then it will. Until then, assisting people is a must. Most doesn't even mind when it involves some limb replacement, but when it comes to age people get riled up. Just another tool, and think when it comes to the person itself, not sure if it's easy to keep friends around if they realize he will outlive them.

    Should he really has committed crimes as some state, why he's still free? Just a though.
  3. Bloodrazer

    Bloodrazer Son of Rakkis

    Dec 28, 2013
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    I am personally riled up because he is asking for help in a procedure that costs billions to do and a highly trained medical staff to even be possible much less plausible. Does he have these billions? If so where did he get them because as a former bounty hunter I can say that while it does pay it sure as hell isn't paying THAT well. If he can show me a billion pixel chit and a ledger that shows me where this money came from then I may know people who can help. Anything less than that and I know a person who makes absolutely fantastic coffins.
  4. Kuromimi

    Kuromimi New Member

    Mar 22, 2014
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    Have you ever considered some people want to live more than others? Perhaps they could just replace the brain of an individual who no longer wants to live... I'm sure that option would be easier than replacing the failing parts...
  5. Bloodrazer

    Bloodrazer Son of Rakkis

    Dec 28, 2013
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    This sounds like a great way to reduce the cost from billions to just millions. Plus, I am no doctor but from what I have seen of prosthetics and transplants there is no guarantee the body wont reject his new brain and attack it. Once again, if he can show me a chit for say, 300 million then I can help search but finding doctors that can or will perform either of these procedures is going to be nigh on impossible.
  6. DirtyGoblin

    DirtyGoblin Guest

    Hedonic Calculus

    "(Gr.hedone pleasure) a method of working out the sum total of pleasure and pain produced by an act, and thus the total value of its consequences; also called the felicific calculus; sketched by Bentham in chapter 4 of his Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation (1789). When determining what action is right in a given situation, we should consider the pleasures and pains resulting from it, in respect of their intensity, duration, certainty, propinquity, fecundity (the chance that a pleasure is followed by other ones, a pain by further pains), purity (the chance that pleasure is followed by pains and vice versa), and extent (the number of persons affected). We should next consider the alternative courses of action: ideally, this method will determine which act has the best tendency, and therefore is right. Bentham envisaged the calculus could be used for criminal law reform: given a crime of a certain kind it would be possible to work out the minimum penalty necessary for its prevention."

    The Penguin Dictionary of Philosophy ed. Thomas Mautner ISBN 0-14-051250-0

  7. King Tickle

    King Tickle I hope it rains in this tunnel.

    Feb 2, 2014
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    I come back from work and this is what I see... This petty argument over the moral values of letting a man live or not, assumptions about what he does with his life. Let me tell you something galaxy: I'm done listening to rules and regulations from others about what I or others should consider right or wrong, no more black-or-white decisions based on strict rules that people paste over everything because it's all they know, no more refusing to think about decisions and adhere to social norms and standards. Fuck your standards.

    I came from some random sector in the galaxy from some random planet under Avian rule and I just so happen to have been given the opportunity to make more of my life then some worker-boy in the temple. I took that opportunity despite the controversy, I took even more opportunities later on despite their own consequences and controversies with the "majority opinion." I did what I could to make a change in this confusing thing we all call life, and you know what? I'm still doing it. And you know what? I'm good at it, and I'm hated for it. I am the CEO of Exxon, I have the power now to make changes I never could have imagined, to change the lives of others in ways I only dreamed of, to maybe just MAYBE give back to this universe in the way I see as right and moral, in the way I see that helps others, in the way that goes with the sanctity of freedom and life and never against it, in a way that gives second chances. They say you can't help everyone all the time, and that may be true, but I have the ability to fix things now and you damn well be assured I'm going to do so.

    Call him what you want, give your meaning to his life all you want, give him a deadline if you want to. But I am not you, I am not going to sit by and let a friend die. The operation itself is simple enough with the coordination of a few doctors and scientists.

    And for you people out there that think money is everything, that can equate life to pixels in some sick, twisted way. Just because I don't think like you doesn't mean I wont go out of my way to help save a life.

    30 MILLION PIXELS to the team that can give Thorne another chance.

    -Vice desk of Captain, CEO of Exxon
  8. Iridium616

    Iridium616 New Member

    Feb 2, 2014
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    Contact me. Should be sure thorne is willing to cope with those big changes.
    -Signed, Æ-
  9. Twitch

    Twitch Wayward Star

    Dec 17, 2013
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    TL;DR Rabble rabble.
  10. LaserLlamas

    LaserLlamas Mother of the Pack

    Mar 28, 2014
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    "Interesting, to say the least. I am not one to judge people on their morals, as is my programming, however what good is a man who's only intent is to kill those with a bounty on their head? If the case being is that a team restores him to functional use, he will no doubt continue killing organic and inorganic life whether they have done wrong or not. This is not a matter of 'Everyone having the right to live', more, it's the matter of 'How many will die because he lives?'

    While my programming would cause me to behead such a man upon sight, I will not stand in the way of those wishing to give him life. The only thing I will say is 'I told you so', as Humans have said for centuries."

  11. King Tickle

    King Tickle I hope it rains in this tunnel.

    Feb 2, 2014
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    Your assumptions of him as a killing machine are abhorrent, your assumptions of us as a PMC being only money-hungry death-dealers is reasonable, but wrong. We may be in wolf's clothing, but I assure you we don't hunt sheep.

    -Vice Desk of Captain, CEO of Exxon
  12. Terallis

    Terallis Dark Matter of Fact

    Dec 18, 2013
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    "Throwing in my own two cents on this.

    Overall, it's not really a sense of morals for whether this man lives or dies. It's more a sense of what is natural. For starters, human beings aren't meant to live that long. Not even close. Also, I highly doubt he's even telling the truth about his age. Nanites do not work like that. They just don't. Anyone who claims they do obviously know nothing about how this sort of stuff works. Simple as that.

    Nanites, for one, are incredibly complex things to work with. Yes, I've worked with them before, for somewhat simple procedures. That's to say that anything with a nanite is even remotely 'simple'. By all standards, programming a nanite to, say, remove spores from one of the infected patients on Alioth. That is one of the simplest things you could do with a nanite and even that could take days or even /weeks/ to perfect. It's true that cybernetics exist, and have for quite some time, but there's a difference between that and using nanites to prolong a person's life almost indefinitely.

    Even to /attempt/ to program a nanite to possibly keep someone alive for a few years past their would take /years/ of work and billions, maybe even trillions of credits ((don't like using pixels as the name of a currency. Just weird.)), and that would be with an entire team of workers dedicated to working on it. The idea of extending a human life to as long as he says is just impossible to accomplish. Those of you who somehow feel they can do this are beyond naive and obviously have no clue how life or the universe itself even works.

    It is absolutely impossible that this man is as old as he says he is. It's laughable to see how many people even believe it. Even if he were by some series of supernatural flukes as old as he says, I'm sure he can just come to terms with it all and rest peacefully.

    P.S. As a small added thing on the realism of even extending life by a short time. This may be possible but the person in question would likely be bed ridden the entire time. There's a difference between extending life a bit further through some increased cellular regeneration, and some sort of fabled 'Elixer of Youth'. They would be old. They would look like their age to some degree. This is how science works. This is not some form of fantasy. Get your heads on straight. My word."

  13. Liraxus

    Liraxus New Member

    Jan 21, 2014
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    holy FUCk this threads boring

  14. Iridium616

    Iridium616 New Member

    Feb 2, 2014
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    Sir, you clearly know what you're talking, and made me think about the billions of pixels and hours spent on me.
    That is right, I'm made out of said nanites. I wish to have a meeting with you in order to break free from some cruel programation limits.
  15. Bloodrazer

    Bloodrazer Son of Rakkis

    Dec 28, 2013
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    TLDR this entire thread - this guy is either soon to be dead or lying about a few things. Like I said though, I can get you a fantastic coffin.
  16. Acaelius

    Acaelius New Member

    Mar 10, 2014
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    I'm dying as it is, what makes you think I need to lie, and yes I'm a freelancer but I've actually turned down contracts thar required me to kill an innocent I only kill those who have killed. But as I said earlier fuck all of you judgmental bastards
  17. CaptainBritton02

    CaptainBritton02 Man of War

    Jan 7, 2014
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    Seems to be a shame how heartless you people are. It's not your choice how long people live. If this man wants to live, give him the treatment. Like I said, it's not your choices so go ahead and hate.

    -Ethan Britton
  18. Sen

    Sen Guest

    (( Calmguard ))

    The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. Thousands of souls starve so that one selfish might live.
  19. Terallis

    Terallis Dark Matter of Fact

    Dec 18, 2013
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    "What? It's not about being heartless or judgmental. It's about how science works. It goes against the laws of countless things. It's just not POSSIBLE. I swear... The devolution of people is just getting worse and worse. The number of actual intelligent people in the galaxy are surprisingly few. I'm not sure whether to laugh or feel sorry for you people."

  20. Keycross

    Keycross -Insert title here-

    Mar 31, 2014
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    Aedan, you really seem to know what you are talking about, and even not being something I'm interested into, I would like to have a talk with you about those nanites, if you have some time to spare and don't mind doing some explanations.
    Contact me privately about the matter, should you agree.