...Hassss you consssidered Ssspurgle? Yung hassss. Yung agree. Ssspurgle. You maybe agree too. Ssspurgle?
Ssspurgle is many fings. Mucklurk suggest go to Tallest Tree. Find root. Go to da deep down, but stay in room. Put out da light. And sit dere until know what Ssspurgle isss. Yung realize him already knowsss da Ssspurgle. Yousss got to think but not thinkss.
.....Hm. Find good deep place. Dark, moist, warm. Den try. Maybe... Good cavesss. Or... Dig hole under tree. Keep rootsss. Or ask yung Gggogblat Yung. Himss Goggblat like Mucklurk but not like Mucklurk but like Mucklurk. Much Ssspurgle.
: Audio Message Recieved : : Playing... : Jusst a headss up, Mucklurk issn't the...ssharpesst tool in the head. Pretty much everything isss Ssspurgle to him, even hiss own sshit. -Crowliss
easy way is, dig little bit like mucklurk say, then close hole, in dark, touch roots of tree with one hand, and stop thinking about spurgle, then feel and find spurgle. smooch.
Today Lilly says: I have heard that many people do not like Firedrinker. I also do not like Firedrinker but I come to Avalon and see so many stupids running around talking about burning the tree. I think this is called the Lynch and it is not a good thing. It is wasting a whole tree and village just to beat up and kill one person. I have a big reason to not like him too! He wanted to hunt me and force me to bear his saplings, but now I do not care what he does in his tree. If he did not hurt you then you should not hurt him. You would be wasting precious Sun energy and all coming together to beat up a person just makes everyone upset and mob for a long time. Lilly is not on either side in Firedrinker vs Galaxy, she is just a levelhead Floran who has advice.
I guess eating Firedrinker will not be waste of Sun energy. As shaman, I give pardon to Floran so he is allowed to eat Firedrinker. Nobody else is allowed to eat Firedrinker, though. You can eat others who try to eat.
Haha! I likes your "give no matings" attitude! You are much entertaining and enjoyable to talk to! ^_^