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Kryssa's ramblings [IC]

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Alias, Oct 13, 2014.

  1. Alias

    Alias New Member

    Jul 30, 2014
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    [Accessing entry_14]
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    I fell asleep a few times on Dexter's Gardens today.
    I went and checked my sleep log after that, 5 hours already today. With the 10-11 tonight...
    Still too much.
    I'm always so TIRED
    Some days I_
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    > Y
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  2. Alias

    Alias New Member

    Jul 30, 2014
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    [Accessing entry_15]
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    I saw Aruana again yesterday!
    After a long day spent cleaning, repairing, and doing all-around maintenance on three cyberlimbs, I went to the Gardens to relax and soak. She sent me a text, and after a few minutes, we sat down at the bar to play catch-up. I mentioned a few things, like being clean for a few weeks, and how Alyx and I are now legally married (for what it's worth in the frontier.)
    It seems that her research group is running out of funding. I hope she can make some progress.
    Anyway, after that, we went to Ray's... mansion, I guess. It's a very big place, and very pretty too. We spent a while splashing around in the ocean, and then I had the idea to get some water balloons.
    Best. Idea. Ever.
    We spent a VERY long time throwing water balloons, and both used some very dirty tricks. Well, the dirty tricks was mostly me...
    It was still fun. When it was all over, she invited me to stay. I felt bad about turning her down, but what can I do? Mentioning that I can't sleep alone would have been awkward at best. Worst case... I couldn't risk it. And with saying why... She still has problems from her encounter with that Bay Leaf, so I guess she'd understand, but I really just wanted to leave it alone. Maybe someday.
    > Y
    [Shutting down...]
  3. Alias

    Alias New Member

    Jul 30, 2014
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    [User: Noskov]
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    [Accessing entry_16]
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    I haven’t done anything with this in a while, so I guess I’ll just make a log of what happened today.

    Waking up was… the usual. A little worse than normal this time, I think, the nightmares are coming back. Alyx says he doesn’t mind much, but I can tell it’s starting to wear on him, calming me down every morning. I made breakfast to make up for it, omelettes; western style for him, garden for me.

    After that, I went to the workshop. I must have fallen asleep in the middle of a project, most of my tools were scattered. It took a little less than an hour to clean before I started the weekly tune-up, just the usual cleaning and fluid checks. As usual, it didn’t take long, and with a quick browse of starnet, I had nothing to do.

    I debated another colony visit, for a while, but decided against it. I didn’t feel like I could stand for that long, and I definitely wasn’t up to running. I got tired even thinking about it, and I fell asleep again, an hour this time. Alyx woke me up, and we cuddled by the fire for a bit. Not sure how long it was, but it was long enough to get sleepy again.

    We did a quick lunch after a while, leftover takeout from… Thursday? It was good, but I had to use a fork again. Neither of us felt like moving afterward, so we just went back to the couch with a blanket. I managed to get in a few chapters of a new book before my next unscheduled nap.

    I felt a lot livelier when I woke up, so I decided to try looking for a hobby. I think I can emphatically cross guitar off that list. I only spent a few minutes practicing chords and I managed to break two strings. The timing felt weird too, like my right hand was too fast. All in all, I don’t think guitar will work out, at least not cheaply.

    Aruana suggested drawing as an alternative the other day, and that went better. At least, it wasn’t a debacle. I just did some quick sketches, nothing big or pretty, or really worth showing. Still, it’s a start. It did get boring quickly though, so I did some cleaning. It’s still confusing how much dust gets on everything.

    That’s all that happened, so far. Maybe I could open commissions up again? I could definitely use the money, and the work would be welcome.

    Maybe tomorrow.
    . . . .
    > Y
    [Shutting down...]
  4. Alias

    Alias New Member

    Jul 30, 2014
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    [User: Noskov]
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    [Accessing entry_17]
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    I think I'm getting sick again.
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    i'm sick again. I can;t even stand without almpst throwing up.
    think somebody seells immune boosters, gonna ask Alyx to get some tomorrow
    Drinking water hurtd hurts. so does talking
    Alyx, can you get a blanket?
    Alyx made soup. it;s good
    ^(You fell asleep hon! Just going to log you out.)
    . . . .
    > Y
    [Shutting down...]
  5. Alias

    Alias New Member

    Jul 30, 2014
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    [User: Noskov]
    [Password: *****]
    [User: Noskov]
    [Password: ******]
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    [Accessing entry_18]
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    I haven't sletp ihn days.
    it's sgcary, ugoing from sleeping fifteen or sixoteen hours a day vand thwen to none at aall.i
    s there sometginh wrong?
    I wasn't huingry today. hi just di'ndet eat anything.
    i wacnt to sleep again. nowrhee was open, i couldn't get anything to help.
    [Last edited: 0539]
    can'r sleep
    sleeping means dreaming
    Never dreiamng that aganin
    No sleep.
    can't sleep
    . . . .
    > T
    [Invalid input!]
    > Y
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  6. Alias

    Alias New Member

    Jul 30, 2014
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    [User: Noskov]
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    [User: Noskov]
    [Password: *******]
    [User: Noskov]
    [Password: ******]
    [User: Noskov]
    [Password: ******]
    [User: Noskov]
    [Password: *******]
    [User: Noskov]
    [Password: ******]
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    [Accessing entry_19]
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    Its' boeen over a fweek since I slept last.
    reaflly hard ato stajy aawek now. I"cve been takniag some stims--saef ones-- AND DRIniknyg a glot odf coffee.
    . . . .
    I nodded ohff, and tshe drefam happenegd again
    i hatve to stay awake
    Have to
    it's getting hard to see things, stfufs' lburry, scrwwn hruts my eyyes.
    this isin't heatl,hy i need tho sleep, btu
    U...im afraid.
    i need to sleep, but ei can't drevam. last time it happened ei hurt Alyx, really huryt him. hfe achted likke it was nothnaig, but ohe was bleeding.
    i dkon't know hxow much longer yi can sbtay awake
    I need helbp.
    > Y
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  7. Alias

    Alias New Member

    Jul 30, 2014
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    [User: Kryssa]
    [Password: ******]
    [User: Werfer]
    [Password: ******]
    [User: Noskov]
    [Password: . . . .]
    [Password: ******]
    [Accessing note_1]
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    Hmm, your password isn't that hard to guess, but it's sweet~. Still, for security, you should change it. Once you wake up.
    I might not be here when you do, so I decided to leave you a note so you don't panic. You collapsed a few days ago and you've been sleeping since then. I did a few scans with your equipment, and you're fine, just exhausted. Another thing, "not sleeping well" is NOT the same as not sleeping. Don't even say anything, I've seen the starnet timestamps. We're going to have to change your little habit of understatements. Anyway, when you get up, DO NOT LEAVE THE HOUSE. You've been asleep who knows how many hours and awake several times that; it's not safe for you to fly a ship on autopilot, much less go out like this. Please, Krys. If you're hungry, I restocked the fridge, and if you're sleepy, get back to bed. I should be home in a few hours.
    . . . .
    > N
    > Y
  8. Alias

    Alias New Member

    Jul 30, 2014
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    [User: Noskov]
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    [Accessing entry_20]
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    Again. I can't do this again.
    Two days ago I went to Smokestack's new shop, looking for work. Today, I went into a pile of rubble and ash, looking for survivors.
    I didn't see anything.
    I hope they're okay. Even Matt.
    . . . .
    Why do people keep dying?
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    > Y
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  9. Alias

    Alias New Member

    Jul 30, 2014
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    [Accessing entry_21]
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    I've no idea where to even start.
    It's been two months since I wrote dan entry,
    In that time the most evnetful thing to happen is that I got stabbed. Thankfukly it wasn't serious.
    ha. that's what la "doctor" told mfe. IU had tlo actually gyo and find someone to stop me from bleeding out internally, while bleeding inearltnly. O mealn, I might be lyming about my medical degree, but so are some other peoplec. nothing excxuses this mistake.
    Ii shouldn't keep on about this, I"ll get sterssed.
    . . . .
    [Shutdown in 1 HOUR]
    otter than that, i've put on slome wetih;g a whole two kxilos! my clothfes aroe fitting betvter now. i'm still recovering, but i hope i can go back to traininng again soon.
    I tried rock gardenn.gi iwt's na lot harader taehn iqt works, but i have something that looks nice to me.
    that's ti. gtwo motnhs and that's it. wait, no, oa new arb opedne oon Tebrra: the quay. someyone thought tehy wjere funny.
    Oh rfthig, qi'm rdinking azgain tio.
    > Y
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  10. Alias

    Alias New Member

    Jul 30, 2014
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    [User: Noskov]
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    [Accessing entry_22]
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    I'm having nightmares again. They're not so bad now, more tame. Less blood.
    Made cookies the other day. It was a little hard with one arm though, Alyx had to help.
    Speaking of, my cyberarm isn't working. It's slightly broken at the moment. Fortunately I've almost got the new model finished, just waiting for parts.

    I haven't made one of these in a while. Been meaning to, just never felt like it.
    Still don't
    > Y
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