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Discussion in 'Archives' started by Wreth, Apr 2, 2015.

  1. Davarpe

    Davarpe New Member

    Dec 30, 2014
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    As a watcher of the event i can offer a view of the situation, and due to my non-floran position i think most people here will accept what i say, understanding the point and what happened.

    First, Hakachi was calmed in the counter, waiting for me to deliver her some drinks, when this man on a showy suit entered the second floor, saying as follows if i remember well: "You piece of ****" I censure the word because i do not remember what exactly he told her, but it was a badword; bad start. At the begining, it was not clear who was the receptor of those words, and i get that is why she did not get angry, at first.

    Afterwards the human got near Hakachi and started to say something about losing his hand due to try to Help Hakachi, and that she needed to pay to him for another hand. The Floran answered saying that she did not remember a thing about that, that she was in a bad state, something related to burns and a very hard mental state during that passed moment. When the human heard those words he started to threaten the Floran, adding some badwords, what lead Hakachi to a lost of temper and to actually, not kicking, but punching, one single time, the human showy suit. So, yes, the Floran lost her temper after some time of badwords and menaces.

    When that happened i got over the counter and tryed to contain her, followed by the pauldrons man who stood between them two. It seems the suit was in a bad state, and was terrible soft, since that hit made him fall and break, leaving that man in a bad situation. Sadly, what happened in the clinic is not something i know, since i stayed with the floran to try to calm her down.

    Now if i may ask for some thinking, i would like you to listen to my opinion and why i do think this Floran is not much guilty. Look out, i do not agree with that aggresive tempere, but i will get to that with my reasoning.

    We all now about the volatile feelings of Florans, we know that they can become exiceted as fast as angry, even both things at a time. I have seen, and as a Hylotl, i must add, that Floran nature is not aggresive, it is espontaneos and exagerated, sayd that, if you treat a Floran the good way, and, of course, if it is a friendly floran, you will not be eaten, you will be exagerated rewarded in their way. They are loyal. But what if you start to call a Floran things? You will make that Floran angry, and you do know that, because you know how volatile they are.

    I will compare this with something. You have a big cage of unstable bombs, and you do now that if you pick them softly, with much care, they will not explode, in fact, you will even be able to deactivate them. Well, if you pick th box and start to shake it, you probabbly will end up roasted. Understood?

    So, even though i do not agree with the response that Hakachi showed, i understand it was a natural Floran response. I know she don't want to act like that, and i can guarantee that she is working on ways to restrain that anger, but, please, and this is for all, do not have aggresive behaviours towards Floran, or you will have those kinds of behaviours back as well.

    Hope i helped to clarify the issue.

  2. Ziggy

    Ziggy Sinfully Soft

    Feb 1, 2014
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    Ryoku. I appreciate that you were there and have opened your view toward florans. Race is not a bias in this situation. The fact stands that she did indeed kick the man in the chest with enough force to crack several ribs, as described by other witnesses. Katune has a law against assault. As far as I am aware, there is no law against saying mean things to other people.
  3. Davarpe

    Davarpe New Member

    Dec 30, 2014
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    I would like to insist in that she hitted, not kicked the man; A kick is always more violent. And i do insist that she was tempted with all the bad words and menaces, wich does not justify the aggressive behaviour that she showed, but it is not entirely her fault, since the man was not talking, but menacing, he was not making a deal, but imposing it. That imposition lead Hakachi to do that, she asked for clarification before hiting the man, yet the man started to speak aggresively rather than to explain his point, so she was brought into acting like that, at least that is what i felt.

  4. Wreth

    Wreth New Member

    Dec 18, 2013
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    There's a big difference between saying mean things and threatening to kill someone
  5. dukeminiman

    dukeminiman New Member

    Feb 6, 2015
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    I have no idea what happened to the man, but I can describe his injuries pretty well. I got an emergency call about an injured man who needed emergency surgery that I'm 96% certain is the man described above. Just about every rib was fractured, one of his lungs was punctured by a rib, and he had glass shards in his eyes. The surgery was a complete success so he'll live, but he might not be able to see due to the shards in his eyes. I'm pretty impartial on the matter, but I thought it might help everyone else to have a better description of what ended up happening to the man. I hope this has shed more light on the matter.
  6. CaptainBritton02

    CaptainBritton02 Man of War

    Jan 7, 2014
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    I can confirm, as I and another marine were the ones to treat initial external wounds and apply a ventilator. Damn CLS is effective.

    -Frosty ((Ethan))
  7. EyesofMarch

    EyesofMarch New Member

    Feb 17, 2014
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    USERNAME: hakachi'nija

    hakachi does not bad. hakachi threatened. hakachi insulted. hakachi defend self. human say human will kill hakachi. hakachi punch human to make sure not happen. hakachi is not punch human hard. hakachi not kick human hard. human is easy break. not hakachi's fault. stop making hakachi feel bad.
  8. CaptainBritton02

    CaptainBritton02 Man of War

    Jan 7, 2014
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    You almost -KILLED- someone because they threatened you. Not like they held a gun to your head.

    -Frosty ((Ethan))
  9. Wreth

    Wreth New Member

    Dec 18, 2013
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    Someone tells you they intend to kill you, they tell you there and then. Why give them time to make move to hurt or kill you. Why protect someone who threaten murder. Make first strike, incapacitate. Not floran fault if person who make death threat wear weak suit and have something wrong with that make weak.
  10. EyesofMarch

    EyesofMarch New Member

    Feb 17, 2014
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    USERNAME: hakachi'nija

    not Gun. human holds big needle to hakachi. stupd person shud leave hakachi alone and mind busness.