A commissioned avatar of Narial's Meroko Guakian. Thanks so much for the commission! Apexes and their massive hairdos are pretty intense. Meanwhile, the situation in birdtown intensifies...
....... hmmm... cupcakes? ..... well I know what I lik- VOOOOOOOOOODDDDDDKAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!! Huh Pancakes Why don't we just give vodka for everyone and forget all this violence Drink to forget VOOOOOOOOOOOOODKAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!! or WWWWWWWWHHHHHHHHHHHHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSKKKKKKKKKKEEEEEEEEEEEEYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Awesome. I would definitely try to ask about commision for drawing Feather, if he didn't die on some other server before I joined. Really great work.
If you PM me, we can talk about the details! Thanks everybody for the feedback. I'm very flattered! Also... Meanwhile... Hawke is finally done screaming. OR IS HE?
It's that time again! Here's an avatar for Kazyyk of his kobold character by the same name. Had a lot of fun with this one! And some sketches for what's yet to come, Aiko Yori and Wingless. hoot.
Jay don't need to be talkin' to you. She's busy dealing with priorities an' finishin' up commissions. Wingless > Aiko.