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Invaders. ((Justice))

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Crimson Hunter, May 21, 2014.

  1. Popcorn247

    Popcorn247 New Member

    May 15, 2014
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    Our leadership is attempting to contact them about our involvement. I wanted to gauge the response we would receive from the public first. If I gave the impression that I was planning on enacting this plan immediately, I apologize. I get a little overzealous when it comes to people suffering. I can assure you that we would not infringe on the Fleet's authority. As I said, we are seeking the permission of the fleet, but have not yet received a response. I can't imagine why they would refuse, as our only goal is to prevent more deaths, and we would be turning over any suspected criminals to them, but in the end, our involvement is entirely up to them.

    #61 Popcorn247, May 23, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: May 24, 2014
  2. Avis

    Avis Halloweenie of the Serengeti

    Apr 20, 2014
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    For those of you wondering: The Fleet has denied the ICR permission to function on Liberty Mills, because of the incidents occurring there. The Florans whom Ibin wishes to treat are facing criminal charges, and as such, with good reason, the Fleet will not allow us to treat them within their borders. For the safety of the general population, I have decided that the ICR will not open its doors, or its treatment, to any person with a recent violent criminal history.

    With my best regards,
    Eitan Levy
  3. Goldsum

    Goldsum New Member

    Apr 27, 2014
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    *Thornblade downloads Video*
    The Holy Fleet was maybe being a bit... severe in this case.... however real problem at Liberty Mills is the racial discrimination at the Liberty Mills Hospital. Here are my thoughts:
    That's not exactly realistic. Now I assume the other hospital you are refering to is Doctor Jeremiah Heath health clinic. While that place is all fine and good, it wasn't really built to the scale and size of the Liberty Mills Hospital and it will not scale very well if it's going to have alot of patients that require it's services. Not to mention this is a case where you are trying to make it so there are "separate but equal" faculties that are in reality anything but. I also found your comment that "no one is keeping you on liberty mills" to be rather amusing. A you taken a look at the working class on Liberty Mills? They barely make enough get by. The working class Floran who do hard, honest work everyday for pathetic wages will not even get medical care even if they never committed a crime in their life.
    There is also the threat of a pandemic outbreak. In such a case the hospital would be refusing to heal Floran with a infectious disease, which would allow the disease to keep spreading. Worse yet... they might go to spread the disease if they have to go to another planet for treatment.
    However the problems with this medical discrimination against Floran goes even farther. In a post by Liberty Mills Hospital officials they said the following "
    A PSA.

    Pay your bloody taxes.
    It saves lives.
    Including yours, if you ever end up in the LMH (in which you will bound to one way or another).
    You bloody sodlicks."
    So basically the problem here is that Floran citizens who pay taxes are unable to use a service that they are paying taxes for. There's Liberty Mill's tax dollars hard at work its citizens!
    I think a pass system should be implemented. I mean in this day and age you can just run background checks on someone and seen if they have a history of violent crime, and with citizens of Liberty Mills it should be even easier. Overall, I think this whole situation is stupid...
  4. Keycross

    Keycross -Insert title here-

    Mar 31, 2014
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    -Doc Moses

    I yet have to see a real floran workforce around. Specially for the fact that families don't employ florans at all, any floran regarded as worker would be independent one (like they exist, heh) or working for some independent contractor... and that doesn't make a force. I treaat workers daily, tons of them. Don't even try arguing with me.

    And before I forget, bad news which I won't tolerate any joke around, meaning I'll begin placing bounties on anyone making stupid comments about and ending this fuckin' discussion forever. Only one who could properly treat them, Dwayne, is blind, so rule/lifting it doesn't matter anymore. We can't treat them.

    Find another freakin hospital for them, won't be back in work for helluva time.

    And I remind all fuckers again. I see a single comment laughing at what happened to him or what it affects, you are going to get a freakin' bounty on yer heads. Dead only. I ain't joking on this, don't even try to push it... but kowing the average florans, bounty office will have a helluva work soon... same as bounty hunters.

    Happy huntin' on those fuckers. Back with Dwayne now.

    -Doc Moses, Liberty Mills Hospital head doctor.
    #64 Keycross, May 24, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: May 24, 2014
  5. Twitch

    Twitch Wayward Star

    Dec 17, 2013
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    In the imaginary world where what you say are actual facts, you might have made a point. But sadly, this is not that world.

    - B00mb1rd
  6. Arhicath

    Arhicath New Member

    Apr 19, 2014
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    So when I say that Liberty Mills is nothing but a cesspool that should be avoided, I get ignored.

    When someone posts a video of some Floran being hit all sorts of attention is garnered. Where the fuck was the attention to all the blood and guts that were splattered around the city? Where the fuck is the attention to the people who kill and get killed? Some Floran do something they shouldn't and are punished too forcefully and the entire galaxy is up in arms. Because they're Floran. How awful.

    If anyone out there is honestly surprised by some sort of brutality or racism coming forth from the authorities of that garbage dump of a city, I wholeheartedly suggest you refrain from inhaling the fumes from your ship's fuel tank any longer. This is a sub sect of what is obviously a much bigger problem that needs to be addressed direly, a problem I am sure will be swept under the rug for a long time to come.
