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Interstellar News Network: Florans Prepare for Violence

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Solanidae, Jul 7, 2015.

  1. Shadeykins

    Shadeykins New Member

    Jun 20, 2015
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    First off, physically psychologolgy isn't a damn thing.

    Secondly, M. D.

    And to top it off, I'm a surgeon which means I get to see first hand all the nasty sorts of things Florans are responsible for.

    When you've had to euthanize an eight year old kid on your table because half his torso missing on account of some salad wanting lunch, I'll concede that you have some degree of authority to speak on the matter.

    Until then? I don't exactly see any clear or concise evidence being provided against the innate barbarism of this species.

    Humans, Hylotl, Avian, Glitch, Nova? We all kill, sure. But at least we've got the decency to stab, shoot or burn. We don't go around literally biting chunks out of people because we get hungry, those that do are deemed to be insane - why are you making exceptions for Florans?

    If anything you willing to bend over backwards on the behalf of all the murdersalads and hand them special privileges is racism, not the actions or perceptions of people wanting to hold a species accountable for their seemingly endless stream of atrocities.
    They're known to cannibalize each other ritualistically for fucks sake.

    Pull your head out your ass and get real.

    edit: Don't you even dare bring up salads being in the USAF as evidence either. Those are soldiers, also known as /trained killers/ acting on behalf of a government. That's an example of barbarism being used as a tool, not an example of Florans being civilized.

    - HardShock
  2. Yotan

    Yotan New Member

    Feb 10, 2015
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    Tanji ~ I suppose you are correct euthanizing that eight year old child that had recieved said wound by a floran is excellent bed side manners for a doctor of your caliber to bring to this table. At least one should remind the child now a day to always eat ones vegetable or they might take a bite out of you.

    I make no exceptions for florans, it seems that others only make exceptions for other races but florans and sSpeaking of other races and their election of life ending variations to another person. Cannibalism is not inherent to just florans, though I suppose for the glitch it is more in the lines of part salvaging. As for Novakid, I personally lack knowledge if such a concept for that species is possible. Perhaps I could find a study on that topic during my relaxation time.

    Who said anything about special privileges to just florans? I stated no such thing. I agree that accountability should be held, however many are quick to point fingers, such as yourself.

    I also believe I have already mentioned florans in the USAF as evidence. Speaking on the behalf of a government, what government would that be that the USAF are on the behalf of? I curious to that question as well.

    While enjoyed this verbal discussion HardShock, you bring little more than further hatred toward this subject. I would expect a doctor to be a bit more neutral position to this subject. As I am sure that you have seen violence from walks of life than just the florans. Honestly your focus should be more toward who is selling illegal weapons, the custom shouldn't matter as the morality of those people is completely evident but question the seller of the products. Again many have over looked it; the article has done the work for the security of this sector. Now what will they do about this issue?

    But please HardShock, continue fueling the fire.
  3. Shadeykins

    Shadeykins New Member

    Jun 20, 2015
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    If you have any solutions as to how to save a patient who has perforated intestines, is missing most of their liver, has a punctured lung and is currently in shock when you've no access to any manner of cryogenics or stasis please inform me.

    I'd really love to know.

    I'm not a politician, so don't ask me who the USAF truly represents, either way they have a system of governance whether they are foreign or local, hence "government". I'd think that someone who tries so very hard to come across as intelligent would be able to come up with such a conclusion themselves without needing their hand held.

    Any governing body irrespective of where they derive their authority from is known as a "government".

    As for your next point, If I am pointing fingers it is towards the facts, Floran hostility and barbarism is well documented and understood no matter how much you desire it to not be the case.

    Also, please. Cannibalism is not inherently natural and was never a wide-spread practice in any point in any species history known to date, it is exclusively a widespread practice in Floran culture. It's only ever been documented as a niche practice in non-Floran cultures - and a dangerous one at that seeing as this is how prions are transferred.

    "Cannibalism is not inherent to just florans, though I suppose for the glitch it is more in the lines of part salvaging."

    Salvaging bodies for spare parts isn't cannibalism by the way, it'd be cannibalism if the Glitch were eating each other.

    Are you seriously going to make the argument that transplanting organs and parts amounts to cannibalism?

    I suppose we should end all life-saving operations and transplants because the Hylotl believe it's cannibalism! *gasp*

    A species who doesn't even believe in blood transfusions of all things should not try to sound authoritative on any matter regarding biology or medicine.

    I am not the gun police, nor am I in any position to halt the distribution of arms. I am however in a position to provide clarity and authority on subject matter such as this.

    Also, security?

    You're on the frontier.

    p.s. I bold-faced and underlined the important parts, to make it easier for you.

    - HardShock
  4. Tallen

    Tallen New Member

    Dec 23, 2014
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    *Logged in as [email protected]*

    A fucking Hylotl defending the Florans. What the fuck.

    Also, it is not racism. It is speciesm. And speciesm makes sense like it was stated above because the different species are all very different from each other. It is not like one glitch hating another because they were built elsewhere. It is hating on the plant fibers because 99% of them would happily eat your guts if they could get away with it.

    Also, Mattulip? It said it joined USAF because it was "a legal way to kill things". It would rather face a pack of wolves than to do something as simple as disarming herself to enter a safehouse, and actually attempted to break the barricade down by force.

    Thirdly. Fuck the Florans. If you go to a Floran homeworld they will not give you special privileges for being non-Floran. They do not deserve special privileges in non-Floran spaces.

    Lastly. Hylotl? Drop the Stockholm syndrome. What the fuck. You are a disgrace to all the Disphots and Lake Wardens who lost their lives defending their homes from the plant fibers.
  5. Wreth

    Wreth New Member

    Dec 18, 2013
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    Everything said here is lie. Floran buy weapon? Yes, everyone else buy weapon too, big deal.

    In second picture there is no security being bothered, there is no security on the Mawl, it's a lawless planet, every person there in photo belongs to the tribe, we couldn't harass security because there are no security. We were simply looking for Mispi who we thought was in trouble, and it turned out they were in trouble. She had been tortured so clearly there were dangerous people there and it was the right decision to bring weapons and armour for self defense.

    Third picture is just someone in bad costume imitation. You can even see the costume is the wrong colour compared to other pictures.

  6. Shadeykins

    Shadeykins New Member

    Jun 20, 2015
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    Funny how the only doctor present in arguably the entire sector (correct me if I'm wrong) didn't hear anything about anyone being injured or tortured.

    Even if this Mispi was injured or tortured as you claim, it pales in comparison to the atrocities your tribe is responsible for.

    There's plenty of security in The Mawl, by the way. You just need to pay for it.

    How very much like a Floran to deny all the allegations.

    Someone get this salad a crouton, it's starting to stink up the comment section.

    - HardShock
    #26 Shadeykins, Jul 8, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 8, 2015
  7. Wreth

    Wreth New Member

    Dec 18, 2013
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    Floran made a request for doctor, clearly you weren't around. Floran then found a different doctor so it wasn't necessary to contact you now was it.

    Regardless of whether the Mawl has security, we had no dealings with them. Everyone in that photo belongs to tribe so clearly it is false.

    First photo is floran buying gun, big deal.

    Second photo is a group of tribemembers looking for Mispi.

    Third photo is fake, floran has no idea what planet that even is and the costume is wrong, and floran doesn't own any guns like that.

  8. Shadeykins

    Shadeykins New Member

    Jun 20, 2015
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    Anyone remember when there was that big leak and the RSK was found to have hired all those people to spread their vitriol on StarNet?

    The above poster reeks of patsy, wonder how much the sap is getting paid to post in the INN comment feed.

    Also, I think nobody cares if that picture is or isn't "you", it's a murdersalad attacking a side of rice.

    That's all that matters.

    - HardShock
  9. Doctor Frohman

    Doctor Frohman New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
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    Or maybe a K. I could've been one of those weird fucks who spell their name odd. Either way, im sure you know who I am.

    Also to keep this post on topic, that Hylotl must've been kicked in the head as a baby. Or its one of those retarded "I raise by Florans lol" types.
    - "Unity"
  10. Yotan

    Yotan New Member

    Feb 10, 2015
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    @HardShock - No I don't know the medical procedure for solving those issues, nor know the exactly procedure to processing Liquid Erchius in a finer product. So there is not needs to reiterate you career choice, it is very counterproductive to this discussion.

    Perhaps you are correct on the topic of government, however my question was referring to who, and not the definition of the word. However I am sure you already realized that.

    As far as hostility and barbarism most races have a well-documented history of the topic, pointing out that it is just florans is simply a minor foot note and frankly does knowing. You are incorrect on the cannibalism, while true that wide spread use of it. There are moments in time that a species or a group within a species has elected to such practices. Also many points in time has a small group resorted to cannibalism during stressful situation on a survival bases. Again I assume you know this already.

    I never stated transplanting organs or parts is Cannibalism. Please reframe from further assumptions. What I was speaking about refers to what I mentioned earlier above. That at time cannibalism becomes (while morally wrong) an option in certain situations in the mind of those that require physical needs to survive.

    @binarydomain12 - Yes you are correct it is not racism is it specism. The reason for Mattulip signing up for the USAF is known of my business. I agree I would not set foot upon the home world of the floran as I have little reason to do so.

    @Unity - I was never raised by florans, nor was I kicked in the head when I was younger. Frankly, after stating that you are on a substance and currently lack complete control of any high brain function to bring anything to this discussion due to what is now within your system. It is advisable that you simply get some rest.

    @All - I wish to make this clear I am not defending the florans in the article, nor am I against them. Yes I have a hesitation to trusting florans as many hylotl's do due to the historical interactions between our races. Do I agree with the florans why of life, of course not. However this does not mean that their race cannot change for the better. Florans like Oak and Greenfinger are making strides to enlighten their races. It takes steps, no matter the size. All races have done this, or are still doing this.

    As to the topic relating to the article, it is clear by the floran that was there, Nurora. That there are certain facts the INN article left out, to create animosity toward the floran race as a whole. I personally look for more truth then this simple hate mongering campaign that has been going on recently. Which I point out is obviously not the case with many others, who simply would rather jump to conclusions that actually take the time to found out more.

    In this case, it is clear what security is on a lawless or lack luster colony of Mawl was not bother by this issue. The group of florans was looking for a fellow floran with glitch accompaniment. A floran did set foot in to a weapons shop. Frankly as I see it the only thing that the INN reporter got right was the colony the floran's were one.

    However I expect many of the more primitive additional comments toward this article to remain with their previous specism bias conclusions, agree with this article and more on, or lastly add nothing worthy of topic discussion in this comment. Either way it is late and I shall retire for the night.
    #30 Yotan, Jul 8, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 8, 2015
  11. Shadeykins

    Shadeykins New Member

    Jun 20, 2015
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    "I never stated transplanting organs or parts is cannabis."


    I think I figured out why this guy is incoherent.

    And yes, you did actually. That's exactly what you implied when referencing Glitch part-salvaging as cannibalism.

    First point. You were trying to mock me for my decision, it's very relevant to point out you have no clue what you're talking about in this scenario.

    Second point. Do the math then. USAF governs the USAF.

    Third point. Not to such a great and widespread extent.

    Fourth point. Cannibalism is the rule in Floran culture, not the exception.

    Get real.

    - HardShock
  12. Yotan

    Yotan New Member

    Feb 10, 2015
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    Tanji ~ Ahh hell I have time for one more banter.

    This was a minor mispelling and has been correct. This only shows how nitpicking you have become friend.

    Let clarify this further shall we. You believe that it is justified for a gltich (let say A) to take parts from another living (Mean a non-inert) glitch B by force who still has use and needs of parts in order to live. If that is not cannibalism then please explain to me further what you are referring too, because I fail to see who you could justify that. I don’t, to me that is cannibalism to the definition and that is what I was talking about, not anything to deal with transplanting. As transplanting is widely accepted for of medical procedure.

    That is of course your option and also irrelevant to the topic.

    Point made.

    I highly doubt that cannibalism is a rule within the floran culture. Unless you also possess a degree in cultural anthropology, especially on floran culture you would have the right to make a statement. However if not this means you also lack much on any cultural knowledge regarding florans, as I do. Perhaps a floran could explain the floran culture, though I believe that to be difficult as florans are a tribal society. With an educated guess would mean that that the floran culture varies from tribe to tribe.
  13. Tallen

    Tallen New Member

    Dec 23, 2014
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    *Logged in as [email protected]*

    Here. You can ask the Glitch himself.

    Glitch do not normally take parts of another living Glitch for themselves. That would be a horrendously evil act much akin to knocking some meatbag out and extracting his arm to be used for himself. When a Glitch dies, however, and this is the common practise even in the hivemind, he or she is dismantled so the spare parts can be used on fellow Glitch. It is a survival instinct. Taking a piece by force from a non-inert Glitch is not a standard fare, whereas Floran cannibalism is commonly reported.

    You don't need to be a cultural fucking anthropologist to read about Floran prisons harboring captive Florans and their cannibalistic rituals to eat the strength of their fallen foe to use it for themselves. Much like you don't have to be a theologist to know avians like to jump off towers to please Kluex.

    Maker damnit this is depressing.
  14. Wreth

    Wreth New Member

    Dec 18, 2013
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    Floran eat floran at funeral. Is seen as respectful in floran culture. Floran gain strengths of the dead when floran eat dead. If floran eat brain of smart floran, floran get smarter.

    Cannibalism normal for plants.

    Soil is dead things including plants. When you plant a tree, it gains nutrients from soil which is made from rotted trees. When tree shed leaves in winter, leaves rot and become soil, tree get nutrients from soil.

    All plants is cannibalistic, floran no different.

    When floran die, parts that not eaten is buried, then we plant another plant on grave. If floran plant floran seed on grave, nutrients from corpse feed the growing cocoon and the sapling inside.

    From death comes new life.

    For record, floran want to say Grandma was tasty.

  15. Shadeykins

    Shadeykins New Member

    Jun 20, 2015
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    Even the salad agrees with me.

    They're cannibals.

    I rest my case.

    edit: harvesting organs and parts still isn't cannibalism, that'd only be the case if you were eating them.

    Glitch aren't eating each other.

    - HardShock
  16. Wreth

    Wreth New Member

    Dec 18, 2013
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    Is true that different tribes have different customs though. Many tribe have different rituals. Some not have ritual cannibalism.

  17. Shadeykins

    Shadeykins New Member

    Jun 20, 2015
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    Just normal cannibalism.

    Got it.

    - HardShock
  18. Wreth

    Wreth New Member

    Dec 18, 2013
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    Floran eat each other, Glitch use the parts of their dead for repairs, Avians stab their kin for their god. Is big galaxy, with many races with their own culture and custom.

    Floran not know what you is but should learn that entire galaxy not revolve around how your specific species does things.

    Floran sure floran could find something bad your race does that we floran don't do.

  19. Doctor Frohman

    Doctor Frohman New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
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    Wear pants. The universe would be a better place if everyone was running around with their dingalings flapping though the air.
    - "Unity"
    You shouldn't. Wear a loincloth instead you filthy modernizer.
    Also, your username looks like Floran WHore to me, might just be letters scrambling.
    - "Unity"
  20. Wreth

    Wreth New Member

    Dec 18, 2013
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    Traditional floran clothing includess trousers, sstupid.