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Private Inter-Office Communications

Discussion in 'Talekas QRF' started by EyesofMarch, May 9, 2016.

  1. EyesofMarch

    EyesofMarch New Member

    Feb 17, 2014
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    Recruit Veyron, please send me your application for the TQRF training program and update your equipment. You are required to abide by TQRF ROEs even as a recruit-in-training.

    - Lieutenant McKinley
  2. EyesofMarch

    EyesofMarch New Member

    Feb 17, 2014
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    Attention all staff! The TQRF's first ever Military Ball will be coming up soon! No official dates set, nor is the location, but we're looking at either having the entire event at the TQRF Headquarters (you'd need to transport your dates their yourselves in order to withhold the coordinates) or renting out the Upside dance club. The event will be in formal attire (Dress uniforms are required for male personnel), and there will be dancing, drinks, and food. If you have any questions, please contact me.

    Very Respectfully,

    Lieutenant McKinley
  3. EyesofMarch

    EyesofMarch New Member

    Feb 17, 2014
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    Attention everyone!

    Training is coming up soon. I'll be discussing the details with Sergeant Downsilk on the transport and delivery of our new trainees to Talekas Base. I'm afraid I won't be as involved in the training as last time, so I'll be asking everyone here to step up to assist in getting our new guys ready to move. I'm hoping for either THIS weekend, if you are all available to assist, or next weekend. Please notify me if you are available.

    I'm currently working on the details for our Military Ball, so I'll be sure to update everyone as soon as new information is available. Get those dates ready! Appropriate attire!

    Also be advised, several of our contractors have been wounded in action over the past several weeks, but for some reason nobody is notifying myself or others of their status; creating an issue with responding to distress signals or missions. I would like there to be some form of communication regarding everyones status so I can remain up to date. Maybe send a care package around or something, ha.

    Keep up the good work everyone. We're currently loaded with funds, so send me any ideas you may have that we could use them for. Have a good day.

    Very Respectfully,

    Lieutenant McKinley
  4. EyesofMarch

    EyesofMarch New Member

    Feb 17, 2014
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    Attention all Staff!

    I've just spoken to Ernal, the head of operations for Mud, and we are to receive a 350 pixel increase in our contract payments weekly due to a need in security increase for the colony. That means we'll be pulling extra shifts for Mud at this time. Cole, I'll need you to pull out of Nogun for the time being, seeing as they seem to be fine with security at this time, and I want at LEAST one staff member on Mud at ALL TIMES. That means taser equipped, and full combat gear, excluding a helmet due to the culture of Mud. At the time being, ROEs for Mud will include forcibly removing hostile personnel from the planet via expelling by the teleport bay. Restrict the use of your taser unless absolutely needed. No lethals are permitted at this time.

    Ensure you remain professional while on duty. No PDA, no drinks, and only curt, quick responses to civilians. "Yes sir, no sir", that sort of stuff. We're a professional military organization; not a buncha' guns for hire.

    In the mean time: Sergeant Downsilk, I'll be sending you the names of recruits who are to attend training. I want you to notify me immediately of when you will be initiating the training, and I'll personally update the Starnet page myself. No show at the travel time to the Mud Transport Bay, the location of our pickup site now, means no go for training. Once we finish the training of our new recruits, we can get to the fun stuff I.E. the Military Ball and other R&R events. You guys will LOVE the grog.

    If you have any questions, please contact me immediately.

    P.S. Private Jaycee and Mick, I want to see more patrols from you two.

    Very Respectfully,

    Lieutenant McKinley
  5. EyesofMarch

    EyesofMarch New Member

    Feb 17, 2014
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    Attention All Staff Members,

    Be on the lookout for information regarding this 'Faceless Association'. I read over some of their recruiting and service information and, frankly, they seem like bad business. Keep an eye out, stay safe, and report any information to Talekas or to any other emergency service. Thank you.

    EDIT: Some information straight from their Starnet info page:

    Their uniforms on duty include:

    "a mask that completely covers your face, with an integrated voice changer. You may add to the disguise with skin covering clothing if you have other distinguishing features, for example, a cybernetic limb"

    They apparently focus primarily in robbery, extortion, and stealth techniques. They look better equipped than most of the raiders or threats we've been dealing with recently so, again, remain careful and call for backup when tangling with a serious threat.

    Very Respectfully,

    Lieutenant McKinley
  6. Karo

    Karo New Member

    Sep 11, 2015
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    Be Advised:

    A possible Faceless encounter near the Refugee camp - The (Avian?) figure insulted and attempted to order me around.
    They did meet the organization's uniform criteria:
    • Mask w/ Voice changer
    • Concealing clothing
    Be on the lookout.

    - Recruit Veyron
    #26 Karo, Jun 18, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 18, 2016
  7. EyesofMarch

    EyesofMarch New Member

    Feb 17, 2014
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    Thank you Recruit Veyron,

    Were you wearing your uniform? If so, fall back immediately and call for backup. If not, don't give them any reason to believe you are TQRF. We have to assume the worst with these individuals. At some point, I'd like to grab one of their operatives for interrogation. For an organization attempting to be stealthy, they're doing a very poor job.

    Lieutenant McKinley
  8. Karo

    Karo New Member

    Sep 11, 2015
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    Yes Ma'am, I was indeed in uniform. They left before me. They may have recorded my name from my jacket.

    I'll be switching to combat gear and moving to Mud for now. ((server is ded atm RIP
    #28 Karo, Jun 18, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 18, 2016
  9. EyesofMarch

    EyesofMarch New Member

    Feb 17, 2014
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    Attention All Staff Members,

    Due to the recent incident with Recruit Veyron, I want people in PAIRS from now on. If you see anyone wearing a voice changer, mask, and concealing clothing, or any combination of that and they seem to be questioning or attempting to harass you; either leave the area immediately or attempt to restrain them. Do not bring them to any TQRF installation, and do not leave yourself alone with them. Do not answer any of their questions, and resist the temptation to track them down if they manage to escape. If they appear to be recording information, you have the right to restrain them at will. Do so with backup, however; it never hurts to be careful.

    If you can restrain an individual that appears to be a member of this 'Faceless' Organization, bring them either to Mud or Upside so we can perform an interrogation off the books. We may be dealing with an organized hostile force that is targeting members of our organization.

    I'll contact our friends in the Marines and try to get some assistance in this matter.

    Very Respectfully,

    Lieutenant McKinley
  10. Cole Ombre

    Cole Ombre Lurking Admin

    Feb 11, 2014
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    I used to be part of the Marines, and have close ties with the leading ranks. I can provide any assistance in the matter you may need, Lieutenant. I would also like to advise wearing a face cover of some sort while on patrol, might stop these 'Faceless' from remembering individuals off duty.

    -Pvt Ombre
  11. EyesofMarch

    EyesofMarch New Member

    Feb 17, 2014
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    Quick note.

    What the fuck is wrong with half of you and your tactical awarness? That's THREE MEMBERS OF THE TQRF HAVING GONE MIA IN THE LAST. FUCKING. WEEK. If you are incapable of handling yourself, then find a new fucking job. If you can't protect yourself, then I cannot trust you to protect other. Fucking. People. Good day.

    Lieutenant McKinley
  12. Karo

    Karo New Member

    Sep 11, 2015
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    ((Well damn, that's a bit rough
  13. EyesofMarch

    EyesofMarch New Member

    Feb 17, 2014
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    (( she mad as fuck yo xD ))
  14. Ziggy

    Ziggy Sinfully Soft

    Feb 1, 2014
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    I'm going to put in a request for something that might help out. A distress beacon that's small and concealable, standard issue.

    -Sgt. Downsilk
  15. Ziggy

    Ziggy Sinfully Soft

    Feb 1, 2014
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    I've received an anonymous tip from a -naturally untrackable- number that insists that Karo is being held on a ship at the following coordinates:
    73 148 I

    Even if this is just a trap, maybe we can still find answers. I'm not going alone, and would like to have a squad put together to handle it. We need a plan, so anyone who's available please respond.

    -Sgt Downsilk
  16. Ziggy

    Ziggy Sinfully Soft

    Feb 1, 2014
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    It has also come to my attention that Corporal Jaycee also has a bounty on her head for some reason. Someone is offering 5000 pixels for her live capture. I recommend an operation wherein we set up an ambush and pose as a bounty hunter attempting to turn her in. When the poster comes to collect her, we take them down.

    -Sgt Downsilk
  17. EyesofMarch

    EyesofMarch New Member

    Feb 17, 2014
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    Keep an eye on Corporal Jaycee; I want at least ONE other TQRF member with her at all times. If this is not possible, she needs to remain in open areas around Mud security. We will also act on those coordinates ASAP.

    - Lieutenant McKinley
  18. Cole Ombre

    Cole Ombre Lurking Admin

    Feb 11, 2014
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    I've kept my hands on a few blocks of C-4A explosives from my demolitions days in the marines. I can put it to good use in a rescue, if necessary. Just give me a target, I want to get our soldiers back.
    -Private Ombre
  19. EyesofMarch

    EyesofMarch New Member

    Feb 17, 2014
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    Be advised, the organization that captured Recruit Veyron appears to be these 'Faceless' fucks we discussed earlier. Be on the lookout at all times; cover your six. Don't be afraid to wave a weapon around if you believe yourself to be in danger. Don't excuse your safety in the name of 'public relations'.

    - Lieutenant McKinley