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Idea - A Floran tribe to rival Taranis and the Desert Florans?

Discussion in 'Roleplay Planning' started by Destroyer713, May 19, 2014.


Yay? Nay?

  1. I like the concept, even without the details!

  2. I'd like to see more details before I form an opinion on this.

  3. Not worth it to further this. There's too many Floran tribes already and/or this is bound to fail.

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  1. Aleiksei

    Aleiksei New Member

    Jan 3, 2014
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    Thank you so much because I keep arguing that on every thread that talk about evil/lawful.

    It's pretty clear Florans should generally be suffering from their amorality: they have no idea what's the basis/standard of the universe reguarding laws, being sheltered in tribes. I don't think, even if you compare to our culture, they're particulary evil at this stage of their culture. Not to mention, they're somewhat on a good path, someone mentioned the prisons as something evil, which I completely disagree with. Sure, their prisons are as raw, tribal, perhaps violent, as their villages, but having and exploiting the concept of prison shows care for others, culturally. Rather than killing off the criminals, they put them aside from their working society. That's pretty conscious and social, to me. Meanwhile, glitches have guillotines in their village, god knows what happens to Apex that rebels and don't flee... In fact, there's a term in philosophy to qualify that kind of good-hearted tribal people, "noble savage". Philosophers have argued that, before they get "corrupted" by civilization, other cultures and societies, tribe people are amoral or good-hearted. To them, a tribe cannot survive if it's purely evil. The group of individuals is too restricted, creating bonds between the tribe people too easily done for anyone to have a evil intent that goes beyond committing that one crime once within the tribe, such as stealing food or hitting someone. Supposedly, a tribe relies on love, family, honor, and values enforced by metaphysical/religious views rather than anything we'd consider evil: bloodthirst, war, power. With all that, there's the idea that tribe people are isolated: if you don't know there are territories to be conquered, then you won't thirst for power. Instead, you'll be curious, because you'll think the situation through as land to be explored and discovered. If you ignore that there's a neighbor that possess another god or more belongings than you, nobody's going to come up with the idea of religious wars with absolutely no opponent.

    Florans are pretty much the definition of that, their ignorance, naivety, childish-like approach (curiousness) to everything don't make them really evil to me. People look down on Florans for eating human meat, but that Floran has been eating all kind of meat since he was born, he wouldn't get what's wrong with that.

    They're obviously on their first stage of adaptation to the rest of the universe, which is why I think personally it'd be interesting to have "conservative" florans, as in, florans who get what's happening to their fellow florans and refuse to submit to that. They wouldn't think they have to adapt to the rest of the oppressive universe, and they'd wear their actual present culture on their sleeve with pride. I don't know if this is what Sen is, as a Floran, but they'd pretty much act like him, as a whole. And that wouldn't make them evil either, it's a pretty normal reaction that you can observe culturally everywhere on earth at any time. People pridefully display their roots (no pun intended) when they feel like another culture is trying to destroy/tone down/sweep their culture away. With all these Florans embracing human/hylotl culture, there has to be some Florans feeling upset about this, surely. I'm really supporting the idea of a conservative/really tribal (herp) tribe.
  2. Destroyer713

    Destroyer713 New Member

    Mar 6, 2014
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    It has come to my attention that there are several other Floran tribes now in existence or there are solid plans to make several more tribes. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to be around much OOCly, and the only detail I've been able to settle on for certain is the core value of "Being able to fend for yourself".

    Honestly, I'm starting to question whether it would be worth it to continue pursuing this idea. I personally feel it could have potential, but the emergence of all these other tribes is starting to make the concept of making a tribe to rival the others rather moot. That, and I haven't been able to talk with others much and get some other details down at all.

    Anyone happen to have any thoughts at all?
  3. Animator

    Animator New Member

    May 9, 2014
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    As Badstar said, A.I.s have no lore. I'd say the reason that they're more acceptable isn't because of the lack of lore, but rather because artificial intelligence as a concept within the game exists, not only with the Glitch themselves, but even with recent news updates making this a reality.

    In theory, it /is/ possible to roleplay an Agaran. They have a culture; they have houses, clothing, weapons, they have stories based around them, they have actual dialouge that isn't actually pure gibberish, there are different kinds of Agarans, each even with their own facial expressions (re: Napoleon Shroomaparte, they angry blue-capped Agaran), so there is not only lore, but also feasibility: I've tried to figure out the Agaran dialouge before with mixed results. Hell, all you really have to do is just find their mushroom cap mask, their armor (which is a racial armor in the game, I forget which one), and the weapon they specifically use with the correct color and you're set.

    The problem with roleplaying an Agaran is actually because of the lore presented: They're a problematic species, regarded by the Universe as a pest and regarded as a kill-on-site specimen by everyone down to even the Hylotl, who had the madness to try and even speak to it. Their language, as mentioned before, is night indecipherable; you can only pick up vague hints of what they say through their tone and the context of what they could be referring to. It's impossible to do correctly unless you are literally the person writing the lore itself, working in Chucklefish, privy to knowledge absolutely, positively no one knows except for you. To play one that speaks perfect English already steps on enough lore established to counter canon; to have them peacefully walk up to someone and expect said person to be peaceful to them, when they are considered a cancerous life-form hellbent on consuming, converting, and turning folks into copies of themselves pretty much breaks canon pretty hard.

    In other words: You're better off keeping the Agarans as an NPC entity for now until canon advances enough in the game to where their intentions can fully be deciphered, and their dialouge having a proper translation, as well as having a better reputation than Florans.
    If there are other Floran tribes planned, and what you have in mind doesn't bring anything new to the table or just exists simply as a rival against the established Floran tribe in Taranis and nothing more, then I would advise against it until you can think up some more substance for the idea. Otherwise, as much good intention as you may have, having something exist simply for the sake of opposition and opposition alone without any details behind it will simply result on the idea imploding on itself, and people getting bored very quickly.
  4. DirtyGoblin

    DirtyGoblin Guest

    The Spurgle Florans are just kinda.. Regrouping/re-emerging, fter a very painful eviction a few months ago XD
  5. Diabloshadow

    Diabloshadow Retired Admin

    Dec 16, 2013
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    this is indeed the question. though having another tribe isnt all bad, but you need the end goal or reason for such. personally, the whole idea of florans who can fend for themselves, not be fully murderous or anything, but a group of stereotypical strong florans, isnt a bad idea. as a lack of said florans are not abundant minus a few. Sharptooth is an example of a stereotypical floran....minus the fact shes with a glitch. that would of course been seen as weak or something along those lines...PS: i need to read floran lore more *cough*apex*cough*. ANYWAY, but yes, the tribe as a whole could be a whole legitimate tribal faction, take a few tips from past tribes such as indians, or mayans, etc etc. strong florans, that have a sense of all being one family and needs to protect their own is fine. just dont make it a "kill taranis" tribe. im personally for the idea....if done right. im not a leader, so thats why i dont think of things *cough*advisor4areason*cough*. though if possible, try to get another tribe to join yours, or merge them together. you can do it if you really want to destroyer, and you have GREAT RP reasons for making said tribe. but remember, ICly & OOCly, it takes time, and dedication. maybe the spurgles and such can all join in...unless they "r 2 crazy 4 u". heh, yea i dont make it funny. though still, think about it, i recall meat-biter and sen are kinda out there, not with a tribe or anything but can fend for themselves. get your goal, get your ideas, get your followers. one thing at a time and all will be fine.

    PS: A: i like sharp, ANI doesnt, heh. B: i dont know floran lore, so sue me. C: im not funny. D: sen and meat MIGHT be in a tribe, i dont know. All in all, just work it like you want. get an actual "TRIBE" going if you think it will work.
  6. Animator

    Animator New Member

    May 9, 2014
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    I agree with most of what you said, except for this. The Florans are on very good terms with the Glitch in the lore (they're the only race they're on good terms with, for very obvious reasons), and their NPCs in villages have even been known to flirt with them, i.e. asking them questions on how their foliage looks and if they can join them in space. A Glitch/Floran relationship is very plausible, to the point where there are easter egg buildings that are basically a Glitch and Floran merchant working together to make clothing. The store's name? Stabercrombie and Glitch.

    On the other side of the coin, though, there may be some Florans that resent others having relationships with Glitch, whether it's because of disloyalty to the tribe, the fact that they can't even reproduce, or just out of plain jealousy that they don't have a shiny tin person in their arms.

    In this case, the anger against Sharptooth's relationship is less of it being socially acceptable and more because of the actions she has shown, as well as the reaction her lover (John) has taken to what she's done and how he's dealing with it, which people aren't liking in the slightest ICly.

    In summation, bitches be throwing shade all over the place. Just wanted to clear that up.
  7. Diabloshadow

    Diabloshadow Retired Admin

    Dec 16, 2013
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    that amuses me for some reason... but yes, as i said, i am not much on floran lore, and thank you for letting me know about the floran/glitch relationships. but yes,
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