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Help with Starcheat!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Iridium616, May 23, 2014.

  1. Silver

    Silver Ain't no thing like me 'cept me.

    Jan 30, 2014
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    Pretty neat colony stories here. As Tarl mentioned, I feel that TF's rise was also a nice bit of serendipity and concept. It was a hideout of villainy, scum, and those wishing to not be found, which seems to be a concept which always finds its niche (the current inheritor of that, I think, is Wolves' Den) and used interesting and different block-types which challenged builders and made at least three of them gather to play and challenge themselves with the aesthetic of the colony.

    Importantly also, Dirt-Biter was always there, cackling and cajoling and giving people a visible, tangible, leadership that was one part hill-billy, another part small town. Really set the tone for the colony. I believe this might be a major hurdle for Stark if for no other reason than timezone. Living on the other side of the world can make it hard to coordinate and create that establishing tone.
  2. Twitch

    Twitch Wayward Star

    Dec 17, 2013
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    Tetanus also was about the only colony that was up most of the time in the sea of wipes, and when it went down, we built stand ins. It is really apparent that this was its greatest strength, as when it was blown up and started from scratch, people moved to other places that were complete.
  3. Silver

    Silver Ain't no thing like me 'cept me.

    Jan 30, 2014
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    I enjoyed building those temporary camps. Was great to have a concept that even allowed that.
  4. Iridium616

    Iridium616 New Member

    Feb 2, 2014
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    I bulit almost the whole thing by myself. Eh... yeah.
    Good advice there, anyways.
    Yeah, I'm a GMT+1-er.
    That would be sad. Plus, some players/characters are tied to Stark, even if it's quite empty.
    I would piss off half the community including myself if that happened.
  5. techno_spider

    techno_spider New Member

    Feb 7, 2014
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    You may have already seen it, but theres always the website, along with its guides. A lot of what StarCheat can do is hilariously undiscovered even by its own creators, thats why they are constantly updating the site.
  6. Silver

    Silver Ain't no thing like me 'cept me.

    Jan 30, 2014
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    I have noticed that you've added and changed much of what was there at the start -- including the news network tower, which is an interesting idea. A follow-up suggesting, to work off Twitch's advice and my observation of timezone troubles, is to pair up with someone from EST/prime-time who also has a colony idea or a following. Share the space so that it gets used in all timezones and can be an attraction to both EU and US players.