Rig-B is amazing. #1 of his fan club composing only of me. But, really, I haven't seen Cole much around. He seems kinda meh to me.
cole is fat rig-b is sexy treepuller gave me ugly brown and red clothes, but fashion 0/100 wouldnt commander shepard i do love you
A lot of these criticisms are valid for Cole. I didn't put a lot of effort into developing him over the course of his eons on the server, and he was a bit self-inserty back when I didn't properly know who to decide who he did and didn't like. He was just supposed to be someone who forced his ideals on others by any means possible. The only criticism that doesn't make sense to me is him being a mary sue. My goal with Cole was to make him a loser, actually. People who got to know him more realized that he was just a fumbly guy who hardly knew what he was doing half the time and had horrible methods of fighting. The more I played him, the more I made him kind of an IC tryhard; a loser trying his best to be a badass master of deduction and failing (Cole has never had a successful investigative case). If you've ever tried to having a sizeable conversation with him, he comes off as pretty unprofessional and scatterbrained. He spends most of his free time watching intergalactic wrestling and eating junk food. The only thing that made him a real threat was SSS backing him, and he's not much trouble to fight 1v1. As for him being a billy badass; It's kinda hard to make someone an IC tryhard without looking like an OOC tryhard, I guess. And Dschunke had an actual motive and reason to fight like he did, but only a few people actually saw the context for why he had a 300,000 pixel bounty on him. I've been told by people that saw all of the context that he was a cool character, but it feels like it's too late for me to do anything else interesting with the character at this point. I originally wanted him to be the spawn of a monster (Landstreicher) trying his best to fit in and not cause trouble. Unfortunately, the giant bounty on him made that difficult. Eventually, I took some elements from him and put them into Rig-B (a big, clumsy robot with a heart of gold and inherent killing instinct) But yeah. Gud criticism. Thx 4 coming. PS: no
I meant avoiding, just out of habit. Sorry. Though, last time I avoided him, it was in a bar on Clarice when she was a slaver so... [Shrug]