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General Warning To The Masses

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Terallis, Apr 4, 2014.

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  1. King Tickle

    King Tickle I hope it rains in this tunnel.

    Feb 2, 2014
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    Pathetic, don't call the soldier-boys to do anything right.

    -Vice desk of Exxon PMC
  2. Punished Tacc

    Punished Tacc New Member

    Dec 17, 2013
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    ((see Sloth's post))

    [citation needed]

    - Anonymous User (Martin Gerrings)
  3. Socky

    Socky Guest


    I whole heartedly agree with this man, or woman. You're simply making up excuses to cover up your own dirty little tracks. If you truly believe you did something good, why fight over a small little posting on the StarNet? Don't you have more important things to do? Like run a MILITARY? Yet you sit here with us "civilians" and whine on the StarNet. You only prove my point further that you are irresponsible, and refuse to take blame.

    Please, if you can't help yourself, keep posting. All you're doing is proving to /anyone/ who pokes in on this thread that you're nothing but civilian whiners.
  4. Chronicle

    Chronicle nobody knows why he's still here

    Dec 17, 2013
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    ((There seems to be some OOC conflict going on here over what exactly happened. I'd like to ask that, if you guys are going to do something like show video feed, then unless you've ICly altered it, please actually keep it neutral. Sorry, Tacc, but you've been a little awful about communicating things here in this thread. No offense. Sloth's a little better (though his description was through IC wording, and, as such, not credible as a reference to just quote and say "yeah that happened"). I appreciate Pixel trying to OOCly clarify some of the stuff that happen, and concur with his statement. If you're going to cite actual video proof or something like that, which is undoctored and meant to be neutral, please be neutral and state everything that happened. Defending your story in-character is one thing. Posting "proof" without giving all the information out-of-character, to help your case in-character, is another.

    Now that it's been clarified what was actually in it, I'm hoping that this can get back on track. Debate is fun, but seriously guys, keep it professional. If you guys still can't agree on what OOCly happened (which really should not be hard to do), then take it to a forum conversation and come back here when you've made a resolution. Either way, don't let this get out of hand.))


    This is just my personal opinion, based off of the limited information that I have and what I saw when attempting to care for the wounded after the event, but I do hope that this isn't true of the USCM. My only concern is that this is not the first time I've seen these situations with the human organisation go poorly. But that is aside the point. I hope that they learn from their mistake and show more professionalism and caution for sentient life in the future, regardless of which of the conflicting opinions here are valid. Note that these are only my opinions as an individual, and do not represent any organisation or people.

    Also of my own, singular opinion, is that it is decidedly "petty" and "unprofessional" to angrily argue on the StarNet with all capital letters and bolded text.

    - Chronicle
  5. Punished Tacc

    Punished Tacc New Member

    Dec 17, 2013
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    (( nothing about the footage was doctored...ever. Admittedly could have posted a whole bit of what happened, but really a solid chunk of the people in this thread were there. There's also little argument about what happened OOC...in fact, it's all IC, save for that footage bit that went mostly ignored IC, which makes sense considering the current climate of the IC discussion. That's also OOC commentary on IC discussion, Ashe is no politician, he isn't going to make his point eloquently.

    Additionally, Pixel's OOC explanation is riddled with opinion, which could be seen as non-neutral bias. ))

    "Don't you have something more important to do than argue on StarNet", "Hah, they don't even defend themselves on StarNet". Doomed if you do, doomed if you don't. I'm currently laid out in a hospital bed for taking a plasma bolt to the leg, so I really don't have anything better to do until I've recovered. These allegations hit me personally. At this point I'm just giving in to my frustration with these people who haven't provided any real proof of anything beyond comments and opinions.

    I'll end this off with the mission report. To make note, bolded and capitalization are used for emphasis, and are hardly considered unprofessional or petty.

    *a link to a document is posted. Names are blacked out. It outlines a timeline of events pertaining to Pidge's rescue.

    - Hostile group makes claims of hostage over unsecure channels
    - Existence of hostage confirmed
    - A marine element is assembled to recover the hostage, as well as put down the pirate group
    - A random planet is chosen, marine element sets up an ambush in a nearby crater while <redacted> takes position in open cover to receive hostage
    - Hostile element maintains distance, hostage's life in immediate danger
    - <redacted> attempts to goad the hostile element into getting close enough to A. Clear the hostage and B. Give marine element an effective range of attack
    - Situation devolves, hostile element becomes violent and severs hostage's finger
    - Hostile element approaches to just out of reach, proceeds to kick hostage in the face
    - The situation devolves farther, in the angry confusion amongst the hostile element, the order is given to attack
    - The hostage is hit by initial stray fire from hostile element
    - <redacted> stays in open cover to provide escape for the hostage
    - The hostage is cleared from the cross fire
    - 1 hostile is killed, the rest are wounded and scattered*
    #25 Punished Tacc, Apr 5, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 5, 2014
  6. Sen

    Sen Guest


  7. King Tickle

    King Tickle I hope it rains in this tunnel.

    Feb 2, 2014
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    You make more sense then USCM laws.

    -Personal desk of Captain
  8. GuardianPotato

    GuardianPotato New Member

    Feb 24, 2014
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    I think the problem here is your all biased on your view to the USCM. Its like how whites used to be racist towards blacks way back when on earth. And I'm not talking about the racism, I'm talking about the bias part. It was for no apparent reason, so when a black man or woman was thought of committing a crime, the whites didn't even let them explain. Just BAM. In jail. What your all doing can be thought to be similar, your not caring about the facts. You all just hate the USCM, and wont give us a chance to show that yeah, we fuck up, and we can't help it. So the instant we make a mistake, shit like this happens. At least Pridge is willing to admit some of us are good, the rest of you just hate us all. -Private Felgith
  9. Socky

    Socky Guest


    I agree. This is a back and forth taunt on both ends. This is going no where. Take this thread down so we can move on with our lives. I never wanted this to turn into a massive hate rant on the USCM, I simply wanted people to understand that some people /in/ the USCM didn't have the right idea.

    But regardless of what I wanted, it's not okay to put them under a blanket blame. That, is a hate crime in itself. Which.. As hurt, and upset as I was toward this topic, I am backing down from.

    So, please. TAKE. THIS. THREAD. DOWN.
  10. Terallis

    Terallis Dark Matter of Fact

    Dec 18, 2013
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    "Perhaps I did get a little hot-headed over this whole thing. Every mass has its few that are different from the rest, afterall. Perhaps not the grunts within the USCM, but the leaders that they are meant to follow. Those are the corrupt ones, and until that changes, my warning still stands. If this event is any indication of their leadership, it would be unwise to seek aid from them until the corrupt ones are dealt with.

    With that, on Pidge's request, I'm locking further responses to this. No need for further argument, as she pointed out."

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