I'm just very passionate about conveying just how much I hate people like you. Then again, I know I shouldn't focus on just your types. Everybody pulls guns on eachother just because one person said something they didn't like. Honestly, when did we become so barbaric?
That was hilarious. Your part of one of the most "flawed" races in the Universe. Know your racial history, it's merely repeating itself, just on a larger scale only. If you dont like it, go to a remote planet in some corner of the universe and hope that the critters there are friendly, or plug a bullet into your own head. Problem solved.
Oh, look at that, a little girl who doesn't know what sarcasm is when it's staring her in the face. What a surprise. (Read that out in a Mr Popo voice, and you'll enjoy yourself..Alot.)
Remember children, United Systems Territories do not condone criminal or vigilante activity. While groups like DarkStar are incapable of posing a threat within USCM space, any hostile actions woll result in detainments, arrests, or deportation to Crater's End. -Ensign Hollow, United Systems Navy
Ьфн ша цу фдд вкфтл сщвлф ьфин ершы цщгдв иу тшсу (translation) Well maby we should all have a bottle of vodka.
They are helping the war economy, yess..but they are alsso very sssmart. Gunss sssell thesse dayss. Thiss "Cult" will make many pixelss. -Crowliss
~Tien Selling weapons without a vendor's license is a year's hard labor, selling military ordnance to criminal organizations is punishable by limb depletion or three years hard labor. Should you be found doing either of these things you will be detained, and said punishment will be applied in accordance with your crimes.