1. These forums are archived and available in read-only format. No new accounts may be created and content may not be added or edited. This archive is dedicated to hoshiwara.t who tragically passed away in April of 2015. She will be forever missed.

Funerary Rites: Gustwood and Óðinn

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Tallen, Apr 26, 2015.

  1. Conrad Fiat

    Conrad Fiat New Member

    Nov 22, 2014
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    G'day sirs and ma'am's.
    We've heard about this terrible event and we wanted to pay our respects at the funeral.
    But sadly business messed up for me to come over there, and i am terribly sorry for that.
    I might be a stranger but they all deserve respect, doesn't matter if you know me or not.
    I hope their souls are resting in peace.

    -Matthew, Arriana and the whole family.
  2. Optimism

    Optimism Guest

    And who is the 'they' referred to in the last two lines?

    The Holy Fleet, the Flightless as a whole, or perhaps a wayward group of militants seeking glory through butchery? I am astounded and disturbed by the extent of their action, but denying their corpses the proper burial rites or generalizing the culprits does nothing for anybody. I would lay the bodies to rest myself to the best of my ability, if there are no fellowship members available to help with the process.

    Your actions drive me to disappointment and regret. I expect before you begin another march of divine intervention by your mortal talons that you will consider the repercussions it will have on other Flightless residents on the frontier, who already suffer enough discrimination in their attempts to craft a living. At the least, you could explain your actions. I'm sure Flightless residents will feel the consequences of your decisions soon enough if prejudice flares.

    #22 Optimism, Apr 27, 2015
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2015
  3. Felonious

    Felonious Restart Monkey

    Apr 28, 2014
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    The bodies have been dealt with. Their ashes were spread at the feet of a rabbit. A rabbit they left to condemn the Grounded whose bodies were burned within their homes. Your kind should go back where they belong, Avos.

  4. Optimism

    Optimism Guest

    Then I would be honored to collect the remains of the ashes and spread them in a proper location, or to return them to their relatives, through blood or relation. I would also know their names.

    No. I will remain and endure.

  5. Felonious

    Felonious Restart Monkey

    Apr 28, 2014
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    Your god knows their names, that is enough. Their kin should count themselves fortunate they do not know the horrors their putrid brethren spread to my kind. Filth.

  6. Tallen

    Tallen New Member

    Dec 23, 2014
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    View attachment 3722

    I extend my thanks to all who managed to attend as well as those who could not come, but still sent their well wishes and condolences for those who passed away.

    - Glauen.

    Attached Files:

    #26 Tallen, Apr 27, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 27, 2015
  7. Mazékial

    Mazékial New Member

    Apr 19, 2014
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    No. But blindly striking back will only give them more reasons to burn them. Why was the term "Grounded" given in the first place? What's driving these radicals to such lengths?

    And then there's what this guy said:
    If it is truly as you say and all Flightless are just pure evil abominations from hell who only live to mercilessly slaughter any and all who just so happen to be labeled "grounded", then they're the guilty party and everyone will see this, and eventually this radical group will run out of lies to justify their heinous acts. That is when the whole world will come crashing down on them. It's happened in a similar way to just about every organized government or faction that's gone sour here to date.

    Fighting back in rage just pours gasoline onto the fires of Propeganda; "Why do we want you to butcher the infants of Grounded in front of their families before gouging their eyes out and chopping off their limbs and leaving them to starve to death in a closet? Because they're just as evil! Look at what they did to our brothers!"

    Earth had a similar issue with one of the human religions in its distant past. A religion called "Islam" became particularly popular in one region of the planet. The more radical and extremist sect of this religion called for the execution of any who dared to oppose their god, Allah, and not conform to their religious beliefs. In fact, the only way for them to be "guaranteed" to get to Heaven (the human's happy-happy afterlife place) was if they gave their lives fighting against such "infidels." So that's what a large number of them would do: slaughter anyone who they deemed unworthy or who refused to side with their beliefs at sword point .

    Sound familiar?

    The response? A group of misguided self-proclaimed "Christians" (another popular Earth religion) decided to wage a self-righteous "Holy War" crusade of their own against every one in the region of the Islamic faith (which, might I add, conflicted with several passages of the Christian holy text. Most of the people involved in the crusade were pretty much just finding an excuse to kill foreigners). As in, not just the zealots, but their loved ones and children and villages. Spoiler alert: not only did that not go so well for either side, Christianity immediately got a big red bloodstain on its reputation called "hypocrisy." Even the Christian humans who KNEW the crusades were wrong had to put up with that taint, a taint that stuck with them for well over 1,000 years. And to top it all off, anyone who even considered the title "Christian" got a biiiiiiig red bullseye on their forehead from the radical Islamic groups, and all Islamics (even the main sect who did not agree with the radicals' philosophy) got planetary accusations of becoming terrorists. Just because they're Christian or Islamic.

    There's more details to that, yes, but my point is, I'm not saying "do nothing", I'm saying the last thing anyone needs is another damned "Holy War" that only gives people more reasons to hate all involved parties. Expose this radical Flightless group. Get people outside of yourselves to rally behind you and see the radicals for who they are. Accept that not every Flightless is the devil just like all Florans are not feral. If you just run around killing Flightless, more will show up eager to take their place to "stop the monsters who are killing faithful servants of Kluex."

    As for the immediate sense, help those Grounded villages fleeing the Flightless. Keep them away with as little violence as possible. Don't fan the flames, try to put them out. We're in a vast frontier where the Racial Factions don't really give a crap about what happens. Use that to your advantage: consider any and all ways you can END the conflict, at least in this backwater frontier. Be better than the radical Flighless, don't stoop to their level. That's easier said than done, but nothing worthwhile is ever easy. I'm willing to help on that front, if you will consider it.

    Alternatively, you can just ignore everything that I'm saying because "I'm just a stupid human on Starnet who doesn't know anything about the all-supreme complexity that is the almighty Avian race and its totally original religious problems", mount a suicide mission wherein you and buddies of the deceased barbarically hunt down and torture all Flightless in the universe to death until you are all ultimately overwhelmed by Flightless Zealots whose daddies and/or mommies you may end up killing in your bloodlust, and then I have this exact same conversation with your close friends and relatives after your funeral who plan to avenge your deaths by doing the exact same thing, and BOOM: merry-go-round of death and sadness! Bring out the ravaged families and suicides from people who are overwhelmed by all their loved ones dying. Woo. Frontier life. Yay.
    #27 Mazékial, Apr 27, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 27, 2015
  8. EyesofMarch

    EyesofMarch New Member

    Feb 17, 2014
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    USERNAME: Hakachi'Nija

    Hakachi does not now much about holy wars, humans or avian way of life. Hakachi knows many nice humans, many nice avians, and many bad humans and avians. Hakachi thinks that grounded have tryed to talk to the flightless. Hakachi thinks talking is good. But talk cannot solve all problem. Hakachi tries to talk to angry floran to try and calm floran, and floran stabs Hakachi in belly! Sometime pain must be met by pain, sometime suffer must be met by suffer. Flightless will not stop hunting. Grounded will not stop being grounded. it is like when water washes upon the rocks. the water will break down the rock until the water is gone. So the flightless will brake the grounded until the flightless are gone or until grounded is gone or unless flightless try to be good avians. But Hakachi thinks flightless will not change for long time. And grounded do not wish to run. So grounded must show flightless that grounded are strong avian. good avian! stand against badness.
  9. Raideck

    Raideck Member

    Apr 6, 2014
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    Yarrr! Truer words be spoken than anything I be seeing out of me kin!
  10. Mazékial

    Mazékial New Member

    Apr 19, 2014
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    Ignore the human. Your cause is just. The only way this will end is by blood; it will either be yours or theirs. Make damn sure it's theirs if you want to live in your perfect paradise. Peace talks have tried and failed, and they will always fail. Look at this human's other posts. Look at how much time he puts into making large, pretty paragraphs only to be met with a flood of replies in as short as one sentence that completely gloss over or shatter any point he thinks he's making. He will die at the hands of his enemies when he tries to extend an olive branch. The foolish and the weak always do.

    He is right about one thing, though: this is the frontier. No one else will care about what happens here. So care all the more; unleash your fury on your enemies, pull no punches and take no prisoners. Do ten times more to them than they have done to you. Two wrongs don't make a right, but two wrongs unto them will be more than the one wrong they did unto you. That is the only kind of life that flourishes out here. All attempts at any form of peace have failed.
  11. Tallen

    Tallen New Member

    Dec 23, 2014
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    Your entire argument is based around the wild assumption that we will indiscriminately attack any and all Flightless we see because they are "the spawn of the devil." I urge you to read what I said and point out where I claimed a desire to start a 'holy war'.

    I mentioned right at the very first post that it was the job of militant Flightless. I am no fool. There is a difference between the one who will simply ignore and look at me with derision and those willing to commit atrocities. We will not lash out indiscriminately. We will not start a war of Grounded versus Flightless. What we will do is plant our talons to the ground and say 'no more' to the extremists of both sides.

    - Glauen.
  12. Ziggy

    Ziggy Sinfully Soft

    Feb 1, 2014
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    That is enough. Take your arguments elsewhere. This was a message to honor the passing of our family. If you insist on arguing, begin a new thread. Please, for respect for the dead. Both Grounded and Flightless.
  13. Ricardo

    Ricardo ERP Champ 2016

    Aug 25, 2014
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    [sent from [email protected]]

    We aren't all monsters... I hope all flightless and grounded have been properly put to rest. Kluex judge all mercifully.

    #33 Ricardo, Apr 27, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 27, 2015
  14. Darkwhip

    Darkwhip That Russian-Canadian-Nazi

    Jan 5, 2014
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    Logged in as SweetKrystal

    Your argument is totally wrong and discriminatory against us Flightless.

    I am a Flightless, but never would I arm my self to kill Groundeds except in self defence. I even wonder if the group that attacked Katune is really the Holy Fleet, I wonder. If it's the case then I don't support such behaviour toward Groundeds, banishing them is already enough in my opinion. But I can understand their hate toward them and seek to punish them, but not that way. In the other wing, if the people that attacked Katune isn't the Holy fleet, I'll make sure to protest their behaviour if I see them.

    Concerning you and your meaningful words against my people is unacceptable, pretending we are blood thirsty being, is to be delusional.
  15. Mazékial

    Mazékial New Member

    Apr 19, 2014
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    People have already requested that we end this discussion, so I shall be brief in my response:
    And a little bit later...
    I did my best to communicate that I am talking about the "Burn Grounded Villages in Holy Fire" crowd of Flightless who killed the two this thread was made for, not the ones who actually want to live peacefully and/or are against the conflict itself. There were people like that in that Islam religion I referenced too. Ironically they were the ones who got targeted the most by all the hate towards the extremist crowd, even by their own kin. Anyways, sorry for the misconception. Now let's respect the wishes of "ZD" and continue this discussion elsewhere, if we must.