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Freya - Krovi Brewery

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Kumakin, May 29, 2014.

  1. Kumakin

    Kumakin New Member

    Mar 5, 2014
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    - Mixed Diplomacy. -
    Human came to the Blood Tree. Thankfully Meat-Biter kidnapped him. If he had came here alone the vines would have definitely eaten him alive. I think the vines of the Blood Tree like human meat the best they seem a lot more active whenever a human comes here. The vines lashed toward him even when I was walking with him. The unusual behavior is noted.

    The person Biter captured is a ship builder. He had an odd haircut and a weird fetish around this helmet of his. Something about 'Daddy' and how 'he's here now.' Whatevers... Was weird. Think human name is Rocco. Just Rocco. Was a little hostile at first but then he seemed to calm down when I mentioned pixels.

    Biter decided to put him in a holding cell to keep him safe from vines. I thought it was kind of intelligent.
    Biter Floran was nice enough to go get humans food. But the human was too enthralled by the blueprints I gave him. Was like a bug to a fire place the human was busy at work reading. I hope is actually a good builder would be upsetting if he didn't do a good job. Biter might just toast him over a lava pit if he fails to do his duty.

    He might do it anyways Biter is kind of a in the moment kind of Floran. Does what he likes and doesn't think of repercussions which is very Floran but he gets in a lot of trouble because of it. Well time to get some sleep today has been long.
    #21 Kumakin, Jun 12, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 12, 2014
  2. Kumakin

    Kumakin New Member

    Mar 5, 2014
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    - Growth. -
    Odd Floran cames to tree. Captain brought her for some reason. Seems like Floran but smells like robutt. Is odd really. Oh well I thinks today was suprisingly quiet. There is a odd Floran named Flora as well. I think th new pink one is Fel. they seem to dislike clothes. Maybe it was a bad decision to let them run around naked together. Oh well.
    They seemed to get along well though. Nice to see growth in the tree. It was starting to get lonely here listening to Meat-Biter florin rant about politics and how much he loves Firedrinker. Not sure how feel about Firedrinker. He never tried to contacts me... So so far not sure what to think of Firedrinker. Oh well..
    Captain's been blue recently. As in sad. Is always blue technically. I decided to give him a heart crystal I found. It syncs to your heartbeat and helps you sleep. I used it quite a bit when I first moved into the temple. It helped put Captain's mind to rest along with some dream wine concentrate. He should be okay in room until he wakes up. Vines don't seem to rather enjoy eating prey unless it will run... Oh well...
  3. Kumakin

    Kumakin New Member

    Mar 5, 2014
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    - Delusions of Grandeur. -

    Meat-Biter Floran and I were talking about what we wanted to do at the moment. People were offering to align with us Talon whatevers. Looks like outcast of holy fleet. Not likes. Some Razzlenut Arman-da decided to declare war on the Holy Fleet so we have one less thing to worry about. When talking Captain was listenings to conversation between chiefs. Had to be stern and set some ground rules. Needed to make him understand is guest in our tree and still meat in tree's eyes. Well metaphorical eyes.

    Was hard to be mean to Birdman Captain because he has been good to me. But promised him what would happen if he talked about our conversation. I'm sure he will remember that we are definitely Floran and we can't risk our whole tribe because of one individual.

    In other news...

    We used the incubators and threw avian crystals scrapped from crashed ships... Result was these big trees with spikes. They emit a small amount of energy with intermediate spikes... Is interesting but not sure what activates their energy signatures. I have been recording data of energy signatures to see if there are any changes. Hopefully we can find a use for them. Otherwise we will fire them out of cannons... Heavy enough to destroy something.