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Floran physiology(open for discussion)

Discussion in 'Unofficial Lore Discussion' started by Khaltor, Apr 19, 2016.

  1. Khaltor

    Khaltor Lore Master

    Jun 13, 2014
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    [​IMG] No nose.
  2. Awe

    Awe Gotta go fast!

    Jan 28, 2014
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    Saying that florans have noses of any kind is deluded, they clearly do not have them.
  3. Yotan

    Yotan New Member

    Feb 10, 2015
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    I understand that but it was still one of the first stuff. I get it. Okay so going off the statue. What about those lines going from above the eyes. Could those be some sort of olfactory channel? Like a grove of smelling cells perhaps? I'm not saying the inhale air through their head, just that their olfactory cells are located there.
  4. Khaltor

    Khaltor Lore Master

    Jun 13, 2014
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    their jacobson organ might be under there, yes.
  5. Yotan

    Yotan New Member

    Feb 10, 2015
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    Would be interesting.
  6. Yotan

    Yotan New Member

    Feb 10, 2015
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    I like the name change to Phloem Sap it sounds more plant-like and fits the floran better. Clarification, they still have a no nose but has a Jacobson organ on their face, but no a forked tongue?

    Sorry for the delay on this. Did not see the change to the feed back post.
    #26 Yotan, Apr 30, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 30, 2016
  7. Khaltor

    Khaltor Lore Master

    Jun 13, 2014
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    They don't have it "on their face", it's situated in their mouth, on the same height as the nasal cavity would be, when compared to humans.
    The forked tongue stays, obviously, the presensce of a jacobson organ heavily suggests a forked tongue...
    The tongue picks up scent molecules, and then retracts in to the mouth cavity, where it will position itself in the jacobson organ, which will then analyse the scent molecules and send sensory information to the brain.


    When a lizard or a snake wants to smell it's surroundings it will flick it's tongue out and gather the particles in the air. The tongue then returns to the mouth and the tips of the tongue are pushed up against the roof of the mouth where they must enter two pits in the roof. Since these pits are split apart from each other the tongue itself also has to split. This is why snakes have forked tongues.

    H is the jacobson organ. As you can see, a snake's nose is used primarily for breathing.

    Considering Florans have no nose, they would also need a forked tongue or something similar to smell. Considering there was only 1 person who didn't like the idea of a forked tongue, I decided to keep it, considering most other people thougt it made sense and was a good addition.
    It also explains the physiology behind the Floran hiss and provides a plausible reason as to why it can be surpressed.
    #27 Khaltor, Apr 30, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 30, 2016
  8. Yotan

    Yotan New Member

    Feb 10, 2015
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    Fine... One being me and no one else adding to the discussion automatically concerts this. Let the plants have their snake tongues. Awe put it in a good phrase.

  9. Awe

    Awe Gotta go fast!

    Jan 28, 2014
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    Yeah don't quote me out of context to prove your point, you prick. This isn't different for the sake of different.
  10. Yotan

    Yotan New Member

    Feb 10, 2015
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    Perhaps. However how is this not different? You have a plant with a reptile way of smelling. Plant do have a sense of smell... just not completely known. Do plants smell of other plants? This one doess, then strangles what is smells.

    I would like this not to be a simple cool factor thing. Cause what purposed we are going with is this:
    That is they have a more snake like tongue. If they have a more human-ish looking tongue then we get this:
    If this is about making floran more menacing or creepy looking well this seems more the way to go:

    Another suggestion is that perhaps the Floran breath/smell though a set of Jone tubes. Basically they are a set of tubs/channels at the corner of the eyes. While Jones tubes are for those that have either a lack of tear ducts or constantly blocked tear ducts. I can see then as an application to this as they are still use for breathing and they would/could have a direct link to olfactory sense and then back of the mouth to drain extra tears (sap?) on the eyes. Again just a thought.

    Also what about smelling through their hands using some odd chemosenory hairs like insect.

    Again just a thought.

    Sorry about the image size wish we had re-sizing capabilities or they thumbnail.
    #30 Yotan, May 3, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: May 4, 2016
  11. Khaltor

    Khaltor Lore Master

    Jun 13, 2014
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    I've seen that while researching plant senses stuff, and decided that a forked tongue and jacobson organ made more sense for a Floran.
    Florans already have some features which aren't at all common in plants.
    Forked tongues fulfill much of the Floran's needs when it comes to its sense of smell and as I stated before, it creats a convenient explanation for the Floran lisp.
    Additionally, Florans have snake pets. Perhaps they don't eat snakes because of the similarity in tongues? Perhaps Florans feel some sort of weird kinship with them because of it?
    Regardless, I don't think a Floran's senses should be 100% like a plant's, because they've evolved to be more similar to animals.
  12. Yotan

    Yotan New Member

    Feb 10, 2015
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    Just out of morbid curiosity is it possible that the Floran's nature lisp is a result of their native floran language being an accent when talking in galactic common? For a floran the lisp does not exist or they don't hear it in their native language. However when they start to speak in the galactic common language it is there. Like the glitch prefix issue. Just a thought.
  13. Khaltor

    Khaltor Lore Master

    Jun 13, 2014
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    There is no galactic common language, there's universal translators.
    The Floran language gets translated, the Agaran language only gets translated partially as it's probably similar to the Apex or Floran languages.
  14. Yotan

    Yotan New Member

    Feb 10, 2015
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    Very well. I am out of suggestions. Good luck with this.
  15. Alaystus

    Alaystus Resident Art Bum
    Staff Member

    Jul 24, 2014
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    All right, well trying to read all this was an absolute shitfest. But basically, I read through the original post, and I liked just about everything that was said. Seeing as there was apparently a huge fight over noses, I'm not sure I really wanna try arguing it, and I'm not sure it's really all that important, but I personally imagined Florans with at least small little slits for something like nostrils. But it's whatever. My only other real problem is that I'm not sure solely photosynthesis would be overly effective for a mobile race, at least not in moments of moderate to high physical exertion. Those are really my only important gripes other than Floran body types, but honestly that's not really important.

    Overall I agree, but I'd suggest some minor tweaks.

    There's a good number of us who pretty much readily accept canonically that there is a galactic common language, seeing as, well. One, it's hella convenient, and two, there is a hefty chunk of characters who wouldn't have access to translators. Either that, or everyone would need to have their personal devices out all the time at any given moment. But ah hey, like I said, completely unrelated to Floran Physiology. We can start a new discussion on translators and Common.
  16. Awe

    Awe Gotta go fast!

    Jan 28, 2014
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    the nose thing isnt really up for debate unless we're flatout saying 'fuck vanilla lore'. hylotl have nose slits visible ingame and florans do not, and in all the artwork theres no nose or nostrils or whatever. serverlore is subject to change based on what we want but as it stands in the actual game, they do not have any kind of nose to speak of
  17. Alaystus

    Alaystus Resident Art Bum
    Staff Member

    Jul 24, 2014
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    'K that's fine
    1 person likes this.
  18. Khaltor

    Khaltor Lore Master

    Jun 13, 2014
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    • In addition to their heightened sense of smell, Florans also possess a form of night vision, which allows them to hunt in the dark.
    • The Floran lifespan has been increased to a maximum of ca. 200 years old, primarily reserved for the more intelligent Florans, as most Florans die at a significantly younger age, as a result of their way of life.