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Floran biology

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Kazi, Mar 6, 2014.

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  1. Silver

    Silver Ain't no thing like me 'cept me.

    Jan 30, 2014
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    It's okay, this isn't GW2. No need to relive the Sylvari Nightmare.
  2. Chronicle

    Chronicle nobody knows why he's still here

    Dec 17, 2013
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    Might actually be as good as the Floran I made to make a point in my giant post that I decided to rephrase.

    Randomly generated names are great.

  3. Kazi

    Kazi New Member

    Feb 28, 2014
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    Well the way I see it is there are many species of Floran, some are male, others are female. This was probably how the tribes were originally divided up (all the male red roses here, all the female white roses there etc), however with the need to reproduce the tribes started mixing together which is why you can now have a tribe made up of a variety of males and females of all types of flowers.
  4. Izzida

    Izzida New Member

    Feb 3, 2014
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    Someone who knows a thing or two about plant anatomy-

    I agree with Kazi here, more or less, and will take the time to educate you guys on plants a bit since I've seen stuff around the forums and otherwise and thought this might help clear things up. (I also probably just like to hear myself talk)

    This is a diagram of a hermaphroditic flower. It has both female and male parts. It's also convenient for the needed purposes. Hermaphroditic flowers are a possible third variant of even normally unsex flowers though.


    Now about plant boners, that is totally a thing. One male floran may have more then one actually. It's called the 'stamen' or more the 'filament' and the 'anther' on the tip is what has the pollen which would be....y'know. For Floran the 'anther' probably only produces pollen when that's all going on. Those are the 'guy parts' of the plant collectively called the "Stamen" so that's what you'd say your guy floran has.

    The 'stigma' is what catches pollen with tiny little hair like filaments on the tip and brings it down into the 'style' and into the plant ovaries. Plants don't typically produce 'Ovule's until they are matured. Whatever that would mean for a floran. It's all essentially the 'lady bits' of the plant collectively called a 'Carpel' so that's what you lady floran out there would have.

    These aren't necessarily in the flowers some have on their heads. For simplicities sake they probably exist in the crotch region somewhere and may be shaped different. Like stigma's going in being more familiar to what we're used to. But don't forget the hair-like filaments so imagine velvet if you go the inny route. That's up to you. I don't need details on your personal headcanons about what your floran characters diddly-hoos look like despite sharing mine on the threads. ^^'

    However unisexual means they are male, or female, and the lore does say they are unisexual. Hermaphroditic variants do occur in unisexual plants sometimes though, and would be a possibility but it would not be common or normal. Unisexual can also essentially mean 'acceptable for both genders' or even 'gender blindness' which could also imply that there is no kind of sexism among florans. They do no necessarily see gender other then reproductive purposes. You live together, hunt together, and sometimes eat people together. All one big happy family.

    It's up to the player in the end gender wise. I'm just here to teach you a bit about how it would work, plant anatomy, and general personal headcanons on the subject.

    You have all now been taught more then you probably needed to know about plant reproduction.

    Have fun kiddies~

    And yes, to those of you have gone out and sniffed a flower IRL you shoved your nose right in its reproductive organs. You sick pervert.
    #44 Izzida, Mar 10, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 10, 2014
  5. Izzida

    Izzida New Member

    Feb 3, 2014
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    My only problem with this is what I stated above. Which I hope you don't mind me putting on your thread here. It got kind of long I've sensed a lot of people haven't looked into it so I made it easy. But yes.

    "However unisexual means they are male, or female, and the lore does say they are unisexual. Hermaphroditic variants do occur in unisexual plants sometimes though, and would be a possibility but it would not be common or normal. Unisexual can also essentially mean 'acceptable for both genders' or even 'gender blindness' which could also imply that there is no kind of sexism among florans. They do no necessarily see gender other then reproductive purposes. You live together, hunt together, and sometimes eat people together. All one big happy family."

    I doubt the dividing of floran by gender would occur if you go by both meanings of 'unisex'. Also floran only discovered space travel essentially by reverse engineering avian technology and separation of tribes by gender would be rather impractical in that sense as they would have been together for quiet awhile before they could travel, unless you mean on the same planet. There may be all female and all male tribes of floran on the same planet and it would make sense that way. They are still a fairly young race though, according to the lore. So who knows.

    Sorry to sound like a downer there, just sharing my thoughts on it.
    #45 Izzida, Mar 10, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 10, 2014
  6. Kazi

    Kazi New Member

    Feb 28, 2014
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    Nope, no downer for me, I was implying the same planet thing. Mostly because I am assuming that planets are actually much larger than they seem. Just like how on earth before our travel really took off there were different tribes but to keep from inbreeding son and daughters from different nearby tribes would get together. I figure something like that was the case, but again this is non-lore theory from me :D
  7. Doctor Frohman

    Doctor Frohman New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
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    Saving this for later...use.
  8. Izzida

    Izzida New Member

    Feb 3, 2014
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    Not 100% what that implies but that's your business. XD
  9. November

    November Previously Sermane
    Staff Member

    Jan 31, 2014
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    I'm no expert, but something tells me that Chucklefish didn't exactly write notes on Floran reproduction. The Floran are their "baby" in development terms. It is a fairly original concept, and they ran with it. The unisex thing most likely came from the artists asking "Do plants really have genders though?" and whoever's baby the Florans are replied "No, they're plants silly. Besides you already have the male and female template. Slap some plants on its head and call it a day."

    Unless the devs really want to clear up Floran sex (which I would wager they would rather just snicker about and do other important things), I don't see anything official coming down the line. Because of this it will be completely fannon, however you are never going to get everyone to agree with your idea. I don't mean any one poster specifically, I mean there is going to be someone who is going to disagree just because and throw a wrench into your "Universal server lore" concepts.

    The general rule it when something comes up the lore didn't cover well (Bone dragon, torches in a vacuum, Avian kissing, etc) you just make shit up. You say what it is and it's real, rule zero. If you and another person in a scene have a conflicting rule zero, then compromise. Easier than it sounds, and then we won't have people fun policing someone's Floran sexuality with talk of rubbing butts.
  10. Biscuit

    Biscuit New Member

    Feb 10, 2014
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    I like this dood. This dood is on mah breh list ;)
  11. Izzida

    Izzida New Member

    Feb 3, 2014
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    I agree there entirely.The conversation was going on so I was just sharing what I know about plant biology to clear up a little confusion I was feeling in this thread. Like general 'yes, plants have genders' and general what not. But I don't think anyone wants to rain on anyone elses butt rubbing parade. Or heard about it for that matter. X3
  12. Biscuit

    Biscuit New Member

    Feb 10, 2014
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    Bu-but-but... I love the butt-rubbing theory... So much elegance in a complex reproduction process...
  13. DirtyGoblin

    DirtyGoblin Guest

    You think that, then Mucklurk starts twerking. Still think it's cute ? <_<
  14. November

    November Previously Sermane
    Staff Member

    Jan 31, 2014
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    I totally got that, though I have to say I was disappointed when you didn't go into fruit bearing plant comparisons. I'm not saying I would eat a Floran fruit baby...(but I would totally eat a Floran fruit baby).
  15. Izzida

    Izzida New Member

    Feb 3, 2014
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    Oh that's be a cool concept to get into though, I didn't think about that. Though I did consider dabbling in trees as well. Like female and male holly trees and what not I didn't think about fruit...I just imagine a floran growing a fruit/pod off of their belly or other areas(laying it like an egg?) or something? I was more thinking flowers since it's what I know more about. With their sap blood floran are a lot like flowering fruit trees too...hmm...
  16. DirtyGoblin

    DirtyGoblin Guest

    would Florans taste like veggies?

    Like if someone steamed or boiled a floran woyld it be like steamed broccoli or boiled ochra? Or like carrots after theyve been in a crockpit all day? Or seasoned and grilled esparagus?
  17. Izzida

    Izzida New Member

    Feb 3, 2014
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    Your making me hungry. Also would vegetarians still be able to eat them? Does that count?

    I imagine with their sap blood and stuff they might be more tree like? Maybe with the right recipe they could be edible.
  18. Biscuit

    Biscuit New Member

    Feb 10, 2014
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    Bake 'em, roast 'em, stick 'em in a stew? I'd imagine Floran fruit to taste like strawberries, and their skin tastes like cabbage. Their sap is similar to maple syrup, sweet and gooey. Oh yeah, and the petals are like artichoke leaves. The ripest ones cover their chest, considered a delicacy amongst most Crystal-fin Hylotls.
  19. November

    November Previously Sermane
    Staff Member

    Jan 31, 2014
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    Maple syrup blood...Florans are Canadians. That is all.
  20. Biscuit

    Biscuit New Member

    Feb 10, 2014
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    It scares me how much sense this makes to me...
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